All posts by Deborah

Alaska News November 16, 2017

By Ariane Aramburo and Leroy Polk: APD shoots, kills man in exchange of parking lot gunfire
By Associated Press: Former state trooper dies in Alaska prison
Tanner pleaded guilty in 2015 to two counts of felony second-degree sexual abuse of a minor.
By Kalinda Kindle: Proposed ordinance to fine nonprofits with excessive 911 calls
The ordinance will be introduced during the Anchorage Assembly meeting on Tuesday, November 21st, 2017.
By Beh Verge: Questions swirl after community meeting on illegal campsite abatement
By Associated Press: Alaska board reaffirms ban on using planes to hunt sheep
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Anchorage Daily News returns as Dispatch re-brands
By Chris Klint: State calls for mumps shots amid Anchorage outbreak

Alaska News November 15, 2017

By Cameron Mackintosh: Marijuana Control Board to discuss onsite consumption at Wednesday meeting
By Sidney Sullivan: VIDEO: Shismaref road erodes away in storm
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: GCI employees’ information compromised
GCI says it is working with The Siegfried Group, a forensic investigation firm and law enforcement to better understand what happened. The company is offering free credit monitoring and identity theft protection to its employees through March 31, 2020.

Employees can ask for additional support through the human resources department.
By Leroy Polk: WATCH: Sen. Lisa Murkowski faces opposition with new ANWR legislation
By Kyle Hopkins: Small hotels say their businesses are at stake as state reviews liquor licenses
By Rebecca Palsha: “I shouldn’t be here I should be dead”– meth addiction quadruples in Alaska
The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center program is only for men, but Swazer said there is bed space available. For more information he can be reached at
By Heather Hintze: Alaska National Guardsmen return from Puerto Rico
By Daybreak Staff: Examining healthcare costs with Alaska Common Ground
They will be hosting a series of discussions on the subject starting Wednesday, November 15 and going through January. It’s being held at 49th State Brewing Company at 7 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $10.

Alaska News November 14, 2017

By Kalinda Kindle: Alaska National Guard mission hits close to home for one solider
By Associated Press: Kodiak City Council raises sales tax cap by 300 percent
By Sidney Sullivan: VIDEO: APD escorts moose to safety
By Samantha Angaiak: Parks and Recreation cautions Alaskans to be wary of thin ice
By Sidney Sullivan: Black Angus Inn shooting suspect facing federal firearm charges
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Vietnam gas line deal announced on Presidential trip

By Lauren Maxwell: Anchorage searching for homeless beds
By Megan Mazurek: Teacher of the Week: Robin Wold

Chelsey Qaġġun Zibell: Keeping the Inupiaq language alive, through a website

It’s now possible to learn basic Inupiaq online, thanks to a graduate student at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Chelsey Qaġġun Zibell is a master’s candidate and adjunct faculty at UAF’s School of Education. As part of a graduate fellowship this summer, she created a free website that teaches users the beginning grammar and vocabulary of the Native Alaskan language.

By Gabe Colombo, KNOM – Nome: Keeping the Inupiaq language alive, through a website

Alaska News November 13, 2017

By Associated Press: Control board to clarify ‘fun’ events at Alaska distilleries
By Beth Verge: ‘A tough couple of months’: Iditarod mushers, board gather for closed-door meeting
By Victoria Taylor: ‘Operation Wedding Gown’ connects brides with free wedding dresses

By KTUU News Team: City Planners discuss the future of Alaskan communities
By Sean Maguire: Gov. Walker lowers flags for Rep. Dr. Joshua Wright

By Associated Press: Alaska tourism businesses ask Congress to increase funding
The businesses say the U.S. Forest Service’s funding for recreation on the Tongass and Chugach national forests declined 46 percent from 2004-2014. They say that’s hurting businesses who depend on U.S. Forest Service staff to issue permits and maintain cabins and trails in the Tongass.