All posts by Deborah

Alaska News January 25, 2018

A World War II veteran, ski racer, surfer and sailor, Miller produced more than 500 films on a variety of outdoor activities. However it was his ski films for which he was most known. His annual movies served as informal kickoffs for the ski season for more than 60 years.
By National Press: Beloved outdoor filmmaker Warren Miller dies at age 93
By Joe Vigil: Man wanted for violating DV restraining order
By Laurel Andrews: How a computer virus led to the discovery of $750K in forged checks at an Anchorage business
By Scott Gross: Anchorage searching for solutions to fight alcohol epidemic
By Nathaniel Hertz: Gov. Walker picks Kotzebue man to represent northern Alaska in state House
JUNEAU — Alaska Gov. Bill Walker has selected John Lincoln, an executive at the Kotzebue-based NANA Regional Corp., to replace Dean Westlake, the former state House member who resigned last month amid allegations of unwanted sexual advances.
By Mike Ross: Mat-Su homeless get a helping hand
By Mike Ross: Mat-Su homeless get a helping hand
The Mat-Su Coalition on Housing and Homelessness provided assistance to 2,387 people in 2017. The largest age group for assistance included children, ages 17 and younger. 38-percent, or approximately 800 children, received aid.
By Liz Thomas: Colony HS Band receives another prestigious invite
By Jack Carney: Book business fluctuating, but not flunking
But you don’t need to have cash currency to pick up a book. In fact you can use sites like Little Free Library, which allows you to go in, enter your zip code, and shows you a map of multiple free library book exchanges near your area. So even though we live in a digital age, if you’re stuck without cash, a smartphone, tablet, or just want to unplug and feel paper pages in your fingers, there’s still the demand and access to books if you feel the need to read.
By Sidney Sullivan: New tools for tracking natural wonders in Fairbanks

To access the free Aurora and Midnight Sun Tracker, follow this LINK.
Workforce Wednesday: The best jobs in America
KTVA: Wood Turning Symposium
By Family Features: Barbecue chicken nachos

Alaska News January 24, 2018

By KTVA Web Staff: Rural AK man sentenced in online child sex case
Barr was sentenced to serve 10 years in federal prison, followed by a 20-year term of supervised release.
By KTVA Web Staff: 20+ cars involved in Fairbanks pileup
By Tegan Hanlon: How waiting for a tsunami that didn’t come turned a small-town Alaska man into an internet hero
By Marc Lester: Video: Seward residents describe early morning tsunami threat
By Samantha Angaiak: Alaska sees highest number of gonorrhea cases since 1980s, state says
By Kalinda Kindle: Anchorage Assembly approves billion dollar deal to be on the ballot to sell ML&P

By Richard Mauer: Will lawmakers end their session on time?
By Richard Mauer: Salmon bill could replace initiative before November
By Lauren Maxwell: Anchorage students take on the Great Kindness Challenge

The Great Kindess Challenge
By Beth Bragg: Alaska snowboarders Stassel, Mancari make Olympic team
by Laurel Andrews: No mixed drinks allowed at Alaska distilleries, state alcohol board rules

Alaska News January 23, 2018

By Beth Verge & Leroy Polk: Locals across the state share experiences during Gulf of Alaska quake
By Liz Raines: Assembly considers APD drone use
By Cameron Mackintosh: New allegations surface in murder of David Grunwald
By KTVA Web Staff: APD: Escapee found, charged with new crime
By Egan Millard: Costco to open first Fairbanks store at former Sam’s Club location
By Julia O’Malley: Woman sentenced for embezzling $300,000 from Skagway tribe
Delia Commander, 64, who lives in Oregon, was ordered to serve 18 months in prison, along with three years of supervised release. She was also ordered to pay $297,731 in restitution, the release said.
By Mike Ross: Musher Paul Gebhardt begins cancer treatment in Seattle
By Lauren Maxwell: PFD donations drop leaves nonprofits doing more with less
Presented by BP: For this Juneau math teacher, every day is homecoming

Alaska News January 22, 2018

By Associated Press: Public records show Alaska fails to publicly report wiretaps
By Daniella Rivera: Where do the guns go? Inside 2018’s first APD gun auction
By Liz Raines: Downtown assemblyman talks safety for Anchorage women
By Liz Raines: Sullivan says he’s donating salary during shutdown
By Jacob Mann: Project Homeless Connect returns to Menard Center this Wednesday
WASILLA — It’s that time of year again. Over 50 agencies and 150 volunteers are expected to come together for the eighth annual Mat-Su Valley Homeless Connect at the Menard Sports Center this Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This will be a day with free, hot lunches, childcare, clothing, food items, “goodie bags” and access to vital resources in an effort to get the homeless homed and the less fortunate more fortune.
By Associated Press: Salmon fishermen barred from using aircraft in SE Alaska
By James Gaddis: Teacher of the Week: Alex Troll
Moms Everyday Alaska: How to help seniors embrace technology

Alaska News January 21, 2018

By Zaz Hollander: Only Grunwald defendant not charged with murder takes plea deal. His brother did the same in another killing.
PALMER – Devin Peterson bounced his knees as he sat in a Palmer courtroom Friday and agreed to prison time for his role in the death of David Grunwald.

Peterson, the only teen involved in the high-profile Valley murder not actually charged with killing Grunwald, made state and federal plea deals that promise six and three years in prison for a total of nine years flat time.
By Cameron Mackintosh: Federal employees furloughed as government shutdown continues
By Liz Raines: Alaska economist discusses government shutdown effects
By Kyle Hopkins: Ramp agents charged with massive theft of computers headed for Alaska schools
By Victoria Taylor: Akiak man faces charges for alleged death threats toward Troopers
By Sean Maguire: 12 sled dogs pack into a Prius for the start of a race
By Devin Kelly: Rebecca Logan files for Anchorage mayor, challenging Berkowitz
By Liz Raines: State sells ferry Taku for $171,000
By Victoria Taylor: A day of remembrance and celebration at the Alaska Zoo
By Daybreak Staff: Mic Check in the Morning: The Moxie Strings
By Daybreak Staff: Mic Check in the Morning: The Anchorage Folk Festival
By Kalinda Kindle: Mission Complete: young Alaskans test their inventions

Alaska News January 19, 2018

By Zaz Hollander: David Grunwald’s father is suing 2 teens he says swapped his son’s murder weapon for drugs. He’s suing their parents, too.
By Leroy Polk: UPDATE: 1 arrested, 1 still on the loose in Eagle River home invasion
By Daniella Rivera: APD arrested 10 people in 24 hours: Where are they now?
By KTVA Web Staff: Spring Creek prison in lockdown after 43-inmate riot
By Anchorage Daily News: Video and transcript: Alaska Gov. Bill Walker delivers 2018 State of the State address
By Victoria Taylor: New project aims to ease midtown congestion
An open house for the project is scheduled for January 30, from 3pm – 7pm at the Loussac Library.
By Samantha Angaiak: Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council passes resolution on tanker transit training
The resolution said, “Escort vessel crews deserve and must receive training and experience escorting tankers and practicing disabled
tanker towing saves throughout PWS over the full range of operating conditions in which they are expected to perform escort and disabled tanker towing services. Controlled training opportunities, including in adverse weather, can and should be stopped at any time that the risk to crews and/or vessels becomes unacceptably high.”
By Charles Wohlforth: How Saturday morning coffees in Anchorage translate into lives saved overseas
“You can use our democracy here in the United States to make use of the wealth and power we get by the luck of our birth,” Hudson said. “The table’s all set for us, all we have to do is work the levers of government and we can help our fellow humans all over the planet. It seems like a no-brainer.”
By John Tracy: The day an Alaskan held the White House accountable
Buzz Briefs: Bestselling authors visit Patrick Beaver Memorial Library

The book is the second in the popular “Heart of Alaska” series, which centers on the Curry Hotel located at the foot of Mt. Denali in 1920s Alaska.

Alaska News January 18, 2018

By Leroy Polk: 2 armed suspects identified in Eagle River home invasion
By Leroy Polk: ‘Person of interest’ in homicide calls KTUU before being taken into custody
ANCHORAGE (KTUU) – “I’m calling because I want to set the record straight, to give my side of it,” said Carl Tarkington, a man police wished to speak with after a man was shot and killed on Jan 13.

Tarkington, one of the two men police sought as “persons of interest” in the weekend death, reached out to the media with his version of events on the night of the shooting. Hours later, he would be in police custody.
By Rebecca Palsha: Husband arraigned for wife’s New Year’s morning homicide
By Kalinda Kindle: Cannabis cultivator goes to social media to help catch thief
By KTOO / 360 North: WATCH: Governor’s 2018 State of the State Address
JUNEAU, Alaska (KTOO / 360 North) – KTOO and 360 North will provide a live Gavel Alaska broadcast of Governor Bill Walker’s 2018 State of the State Address, on Jan. 18 at 7 p.m.

By Chris Klint: Ethics committee seeks to remove Eastman
By Beth Verge: Namesake Navy ship USS Anchorage departs for NASA mission
By Lisa Demer: Alaska commercial fisherman who robbed creeks of spawning salmon forfeits boat and gear
An Alaska commercial fisherman who prosecutors say robbed creeks of salmon heading to spawning grounds has lost his fishing vessel, nets, skiff and other gear, under a sentence imposed last week in Prince of Wales District Court.
By Devin Kelly, Marc Lester: Neighborhood chaos drives a new approach at an Anchorage social services hub
By KTVA Web Staff: SeaLife Center rescues first animal of 2018
By DAVE KIFFER: E.B. White sailed to Alaska in 1923 Famed writer visited Ketchikan as a ‘callow’ youth.
Alaska Public Media
By Maya Wilson: Juneau gin allows for an orange twist on a classic cocktail
I had just gotten a bottle of Juneauper Gin from Amalga Distillery in Juneau. It’s a robust gin, both in alcohol content and in flavor. It’s made with local botanicals like spruce tips, devil’s club, rhubarb and herbs.

Alaska News January 17, 2018

By Mike Ross: Homicide ‘person of interest’ in custody
Additionally, APD said previously that both Settje and Tarkington have existing “unrelated felony warrants.”

Anyone with information about Settje’s whereabouts is asked to contact Anchorage Police at (907) 786-8900 or Crime Stoppers at (907) 561-STOP.
By Lauren Maxwell: Coffee stand buying more guns after armed robbery
By Heather Hintze: Judge to decide on evidence before Grunwald murder suspect’s trial
By Nathaniel Hertz: Alaska Gov. Walker’s administration wants a new felony charge for drug dealers
State lawmakers have spent the past several months scrutinizing the state’s criminal justice system amid that epidemic and a public outcry over a 2016 law, Senate Bill 91.

That legislation cut sentences for nonviolent criminals, with supporters citing research that showed those steps could save money and reduce the number of people who cycle in and out of prison.

[Read the ADN’s explainer on Senate Bill 91]

The Walker administration’s new proposal would be the latest reversal of SB 91’s provisions, which lawmakers already scaled back sharply in a special session in November. SB 91 eliminated an existing Class A felony charge that applied to dealing any amount of opioids like heroin, replacing it with a system based on weights.


By Joe Vigil: 4 injured in O’Malley Road crash

By Emily Carlson: Alaska lawmaker refuses sexual harassment training
Rep. Tammie Wilson (R-North Pole) says she won’t to go to mandatory sexual harassment training until a separate group looks into what happened when a legislative staffer accused then-Rep. Dean Westlake of sexual harassment.

“I guess my question would be, do you have to have training to know not to put an allegation in a drawer for months and months and do nothing,” Wilson said. “Training doesn’t do that but it also has to be the correct training.”
By Devin Kelly: Ballot proposal trades fire protection for taxes on the outskirts of Anchorage
By Richard Mauer: Good and bad news as Legislature opens
By Mary Kate Burgess: Service hockey holds 5th annual superhero game
So will it be sold to Alaskan folks or just “appropriated”?~~
By Jack Carney: Should Alaska finally tap its $63 billion Permanent Fund?

“So the idea of using the earnings from the permanent fund, to balance the budget – it seems to me is not something that is a big issue for those people in Juneau,” said Townsend. “What is an issue is how you sell it to the people of Alaska.”
By Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post: Nearly all members of National Park Service advisory panel resign in frustration
By Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media: AK Attorney General asks Congress to open banking for pot businesses
Alaska Attorney General Jahna Lindemuth and 18 other attorneys general sent a letter to congressional leaders asking for legislation that would establish a “safe harbor” for the billions of dollars being generated from recreational and medical cannabis sales each year.
Alaska News from APRN
By Eli Rosenberg, The Washington Post: In the coldest village on Earth, eyelashes freeze, dinner is frozen and temperatures sink to minus 88
Red Cross volunteers install smoke detectors

Alaska News January 16, 2018

By Zaz Hollander: Wasilla woman sues prosecutors and troopers, claiming they caused her kidnap and rape
By Kalinda Kindle: 19-year-old shooting victim dies
The Anchorage Police Department asks anyone with information about this case to call (907) 786-8900 and press 0 or to remain anonymous call Crime Stoppers at (907) 561-STOP.

APD said this case is being investigated as a homicide. Police department spokesperson Nora Morse said Juanita Lolesio’s death is considered as part of the 2017 homicide count.
By Scott Gross: Fire crews save three people trapped in Parsons Avenue blaze
By Steve Quinn: Report substantiates Westlake sexual harassment allegations
Native American women speak out about sexual violence
By John Schandelmeier: Sustainability of natural resources matters to outdoorsmen and women
Presented by BP – Eric Rush: Inside the data-driven classroom, where every student is an individual
By Marc Lester: Watch: Skating party celebrates new East Anchorage park
By Megan Mazurek: Teacher of the Week: Shawn Campbell
Suzanne Downing Heads and tails: Babies, whiners and women marchers edition