Tag Archives: AK News

Alaska News November 18, 2017

By Associated Press: Prosecutor sees workaround for crime bill concerns
By Sidney Sullivan: DATA VIZ: DoD Sexual Assault Report (Fiscal Year 2013 – 2016)
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Gas line could employ 12,000 at peak, 1,000 long-term
By Ned Rozell: Beavers slapping tails on far-north waters
By Caslon Hatch: Aviation industry sees higher demand for pilots amidst shortage

By Beth Verge: Missed the last day of ‘Tire Hotel’ tire pickup? It’s not too late
Friday was the last day of pickup after a week of open hours at the property, located at 3330 Denali St. in Anchorage, though Bender said her team would still be trying to reach out to those whose tires are identified at the shop.

“We’ll be reaching out to folks through the phone if we can locate a name,” she said.

People looking for their tires can also call (907) 269-5208 for more information.
By Victoria Taylor: APD looks at drones to add eyes to the sky in certain investigations
Ryan Marlow with Alaska Aerial Media says the state has a solid set of laws in place to honor privacy.

“Alaska has amazing privacy guidelines. So with that we have House Bill 255,which basically stops the use of systems unless it’s required by criminal activity or a warrant or any of the other items that fall under hot pursuit and that’s the state law,” he said.

The Anchorage Assembly is developing a subcommittee to focus on developing municipal ordinances to address drone use.
By Peggy McCormack: Dept. of Interior searching for whereabouts of 17,000 Native Americans
Alaska Natives who wonder if they might be on the list can visit this website.

Class Members or the heirs of Class Members should provide documentation immediately to the GCG by calling 1-800-961-6109, by emailing Info@IndianTrust.com, or by U.S. mail to Indian Trust Settlement, P.O. Box 9577, Dublin, OH 43017-4877. Class members can also search OST’s Whereabouts Unknown database. If you have any questions about the OST Whereabouts Unknown Cobell list, call the Indian Trust Beneficiary Call Center at 1-888-678-6836.

Congratulations Natalie Hanson!
By Sean Maguire: Bethel woman breaks world powerlifting record
By Liz Raines: Mat-Su gets green light on first detox beds
By Lauren Maxwell: Subaru donates cars to Meals on Wheels on the Kenai
The cars were among 50 that were given away to organizations that deliver Meals on Wheels in a nationwide contest by Subaru of America. The company is celebrating its fiftieth year in business.

Alaska News November 17, 2017

By John Tracy: Reality Check: Are teens ready to learn at 7:30 a.m.?
By Mike Ross & Leroy Polk: UPDATE: Anchorage police resolve barricaded person situation in Spenard
By Leroy Polk: 3 Alaskans charged with smuggling heroin into correctional center
“The law provides for a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a fine of $1 million or both for the charges alleged in the indictment,” prosecutors wrote in the news release.
By Associated Press: Fairbanks man accused of shooting neighbor in back has charges dropped
Seward Hwy near vehicle collision with APD
By Caslon Hatch: Tax break for property owners proposed by Anchorage Mayor
The proposed ordinance will be introduced to the Anchorage Assembly at its November 21 meeting. They’re expected to vote on it at the December 5 meeting.
By Patrick Enslow: Anchorage MMA fighter uses cage to spread positive message
“One of the hardest decisions I ever had to make was to tell my mother, because my father wasn’t around that I didn’t want to go home,” said Meriweather.

At just 11 years old, Meriweather says he chose to join a new family through adoption, and that’s why now, the 26-year-old works with youth programs to spread his success story.

“There is nothing anybody in that cage can do to me that’s more painful than what I went through as a child,” said Meriweather.
By Victoria Taylor: New APD unit sought wanted felon for a week before deadly shooting

By Leroy Polk: Northrim Bank gives owners two more days to pick up their tires
To help, the organization is once again sending bank employees to Johnson’s Tires on Nov. 16 and Nov. 17 from 12 – 2 p.m. and 4 – 6 p.m. There, employees will help to reunite owners with their wayward tires.
By Laurel Downing Bill: Story Time with Aunt Phil: Totem Poles
Colony High School Band to perform Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Day

Alaska News November 16, 2017

By Ariane Aramburo and Leroy Polk: APD shoots, kills man in exchange of parking lot gunfire
By Associated Press: Former state trooper dies in Alaska prison
Tanner pleaded guilty in 2015 to two counts of felony second-degree sexual abuse of a minor.
By Kalinda Kindle: Proposed ordinance to fine nonprofits with excessive 911 calls
The ordinance will be introduced during the Anchorage Assembly meeting on Tuesday, November 21st, 2017.
By Beh Verge: Questions swirl after community meeting on illegal campsite abatement
By Associated Press: Alaska board reaffirms ban on using planes to hunt sheep
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Anchorage Daily News returns as Dispatch re-brands
By Chris Klint: State calls for mumps shots amid Anchorage outbreak

Alaska News November 15, 2017

By Cameron Mackintosh: Marijuana Control Board to discuss onsite consumption at Wednesday meeting
By Sidney Sullivan: VIDEO: Shismaref road erodes away in storm
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: GCI employees’ information compromised
GCI says it is working with The Siegfried Group, a forensic investigation firm and law enforcement to better understand what happened. The company is offering free credit monitoring and identity theft protection to its employees through March 31, 2020.

Employees can ask for additional support through the human resources department.
By Leroy Polk: WATCH: Sen. Lisa Murkowski faces opposition with new ANWR legislation
By Kyle Hopkins: Small hotels say their businesses are at stake as state reviews liquor licenses
By Rebecca Palsha: “I shouldn’t be here I should be dead”– meth addiction quadruples in Alaska
The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center program is only for men, but Swazer said there is bed space available. For more information he can be reached at ken.swazer@usw.salvationarmy.org.
By Heather Hintze: Alaska National Guardsmen return from Puerto Rico
By Daybreak Staff: Examining healthcare costs with Alaska Common Ground
They will be hosting a series of discussions on the subject starting Wednesday, November 15 and going through January. It’s being held at 49th State Brewing Company at 7 p.m. There is a suggested donation of $10.

Alaska News November 14, 2017

By Kalinda Kindle: Alaska National Guard mission hits close to home for one solider
By Associated Press: Kodiak City Council raises sales tax cap by 300 percent
By Sidney Sullivan: VIDEO: APD escorts moose to safety
By Samantha Angaiak: Parks and Recreation cautions Alaskans to be wary of thin ice
By Sidney Sullivan: Black Angus Inn shooting suspect facing federal firearm charges
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Vietnam gas line deal announced on Presidential trip

By Lauren Maxwell: Anchorage searching for homeless beds
By Megan Mazurek: Teacher of the Week: Robin Wold

Alaska News November 13, 2017

By Associated Press: Control board to clarify ‘fun’ events at Alaska distilleries
By Beth Verge: ‘A tough couple of months’: Iditarod mushers, board gather for closed-door meeting
By Victoria Taylor: ‘Operation Wedding Gown’ connects brides with free wedding dresses

By KTUU News Team: City Planners discuss the future of Alaskan communities
By Sean Maguire: Gov. Walker lowers flags for Rep. Dr. Joshua Wright

By Associated Press: Alaska tourism businesses ask Congress to increase funding
The businesses say the U.S. Forest Service’s funding for recreation on the Tongass and Chugach national forests declined 46 percent from 2004-2014. They say that’s hurting businesses who depend on U.S. Forest Service staff to issue permits and maintain cabins and trails in the Tongass.

Alaska News November 11, 2017

By Victoria Taylor: Anchorage police investigate downtown shooting
Anyone with information is asked to call APD at 786-8900.
By Caslon Hatch: Alaskan soldier killed in Afghanistan honored at Mat-Su Veterans Day Ceremony
By KTVA Web Staff: First lady Melania Trump greets soldiers, families at JBER
By Scott Gross: Bean’s Café honors Alaskan veterans
By Mike Ross: AK Cowboys: Junior rodeo riders head to national competition
Thank you Captain Jeff Bayless and Claire Sundgren
By Samantha Angaiak: Alaskans to be honored on Donate Life float at 2018 Rose Parade
By Austin Baird: Alaska Senate adjourns session after passing crime bill
By KTVA Web Staff: Bank releasing tires held at Johnson Tire Service

Alaska News November 10, 2017

By KTUU Staff: First Lady Melania Trump schedules stop to visit JBER
By Michelle Theriault Boots: This Filipino-American WWII veteran lived to 104 in Anchorage. He’s finally been recognized for his service.
By Liz Raines: House calls for action on alleged harassment by Sen. David Wilson

By Scott Gross: Empowering woman veterans, celebrating the ‘sheroes’
By Heather Hintze: More crimes involving weapons, drugs, stolen cars going to federal court
By Dave Goldman: The Dome’s reopening delayed
Many frustrated members also had trouble getting information about their memberships. Then on September 1, the Dome’s fortunes rose again when John Rubini, chair of JL Properties, stepped forward to ensure its rebuild.

The overall project was to cost between $6 million and $6.5 million and would be paid for through investments and donations. Rubini pledged between $1 million and $1.5 million to help see it through.

By Patrick Moussignac: Non-opioid alternatives for pain relief

By Beth Verge: Community gathers for vigil honoring Keith Aumavae, who remains missing
By Leroy Polk: Alaska fisherman medevaced after being hit in the head by a 37 lb block of frozen fish
By Mike Ross: Drugs in prison: former inmates give their perspective on the problem
By Sidney Sullivan: Eskimo Ninja Warrior teaches Sen. Murkowski the ‘seal hop’

By Patrick Enslow: Homer hockey players help injured homeless man
By John Tracy: Reality Check: When the math doesn’t add up for Alaska
By Samantha Angaiak: University of Alaska Board of Regents approves operating budget
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) – The University of Alaska Board of Regents met Thursday and approved an operating budget proposal of $341 million for the coming year.

UA president Jim Johnsen said the plan is down from $378 million four years ago and up from $317 million in the current fiscal year.

The plan will go to Gov. Bill Walker and the Legislature for consideration.

The board also approved a tuition increase of 5 percent.
By Emily Fehrenbacher: On ‘Edge of Alaska,’ a bunch of everyday Alaskans making questionable decisions

Alaska News November 09, 2017

WATCH: Airman laid to rest 65 years after Globemaster crash
RENTON, Wash. (KARE) – WWII veteran John Ponikvar was buried on his 95th birthday. A military bugler played Taps. An Air Force honor guard fired a 21-gun salute.
Forgotten Battlefield, Part 2: Explore the hidden caves, sunken ships of World War II
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Firefighting chemicals found in well water near FAI airport
By Associated Press: Alaska company introduces Yupik translation app at stores
By Samantha Angaiak: Anchorage police and city officials investigate possible illegal marijuana sales
By Victoria Taylor: Higher costs considered for some rural residents for fire services
Residents living within fire service areas pay for fire services through property taxes. “It’s about $2.8 million so, it’s roughly $850 on about a $350,000 home,” LeBlanc said. Those living outside the boundaries do not pay.

Municipal code requires property owners outside the service areas to pay a $500 fee for the first hour of response for fire services. An additional $100 is then added per hour for each piece of equipment being used.
By Leroy Polk: Anchorage authorities recover 16 lbs of meth from stuffed animals
Victor Somsy was contacted by police, as the packages were addressed to his home on Wildrose Court in Anchorage. Police say he admitted involvement during initial questioning, but said that he was working for another man, Cheng Saechao, who had previously been arrested for a similar crime in town.

In a report filed by Joe Miner, a task force officer with the Drug Enforcement Administration in Anchorage, Miner states that law enforcement intercepted two parcels, one on Aug. 24, and one on Oct. 19, both of which tested positive for meth.
By Mike Ross: Musher Paul Gebhardt talks about cancer diagnosis
By Beth Verge: Tips from police: missing persons reports do’s and don’ts
For example, your loved one doesn’t have to have been missing for 24 hours in order for you to report the case. In fact, sooner is usually better than later.

If someone has seemingly gone missing, you should take the time to call jails, hospitals, friends, and family, and check their residence and workplace, too. However, Oistad said, if there could be foul play – for example, if the person is in an abusive relationship or has special medical needs – you should call APD immediately.

Current photos and details about the person can help authorities as well. And no matter the situation, you can take some comfort in the fact that missing people across Alaska are listed in a statewide database, which means anyone in law enforcement is alerted to the missing, no matter the location.
By Emily Carlson: Alaska, China sign development agreement to advance AKLNG
By Emily Carlson: New Pebble advisory board member joins to ‘protect the nest’
By Daniella Rivera: Northrim Bank works on plan to return tires to Johnson’s Tire Service customers
The sign posted on the front door of the closed shop Sunday that read, “Closed for business permanently”, was replaced with a more promising note from Northrim Bank on Wednesday.

The bank took possession of the property Tuesday, and now a spokesperson says they’re working on a plan to return tires to customers at no cost as soon as possible.

By Daybreak Staff: Workforce Wednesday: The Ahtna Corporation