Little House Big Alaska October 10, 2017

Little House Big Alaska: Fresh Summit 2017
Congratulations Little House Big Alaska!
This is my second time attending Fresh Summit as part of #TeamFreshSummut but I’ve never been to New Orleans before so that’s ALL new to me. Do you have any recommendations on what to do or see in the cirt? Leave me a comment OR drop me an email. And if you have ANY questions about the expo or products in particular please feel free to ask away and I will do my best to get you an answer.

Project Harmony – Child Abuse Detection

By Brian Mastre: New tool used to detect child abuse

Project Harmony

Project Harmony grew out of the vision of several Omaha community professionals and advocates to create a better system of protection for abused and neglected children. The vision was to not only create an integrated response system but also to develop a single child friendly location where all the professionals would come together to serve each child. They wanted the child to have to tell his or her story only once. They envisioned a system with joint accountability where no child would fall through the cracks. Project Harmony opened its doors in 1996.

Alaska News October 13, 2017

What options do you use to stay safe?
By Lauren Maxwell: Police offer tips to help homeowners stay safe


By Sean Maguire: The State Central Committee of the Alaska Republican Party withdraws support for SB-91

John Tracy: Reality Check: SB 91 puts budget cuts before public safety
As legitimate as the goals of SB 91 were, there’s little doubt that many in Juneau also saw it as a good way to cut the budget. In a sideways nod to Chilkoot Charlie, they took the savings and passed the bill on to us. And now communities are paying the price.
Why are children playing on/in the street?
By Rebecca Palsha: Residents call for safety improvements on Silver Fox Lane
“There are kids everywhere on that street – they’re in the parking areas,” Price said. “They spill out onto the road year round, so it’s a scary problem. I think about that all the time, especially now that I’m a parent. There’s no safe place for kids to play outside on our street.”
By Leroy Polk: One shot, another held at gunpoint following failed car theft attempt
By Naomi Klouda: Elders & Youth speakers provide from one century to next
By Victoria Taylor: Anchorage Assemblyman backs initiative to get stolen bikes back to owners
By Mike Ross: Pride & patriotism: Service H.S. JROTC cadets give back to community
Congratulations Ben Walker!
By Sidney Sullivan: State announces 2018 Alaska Teacher of the Year recipient
By KTVA Web Staff: Alaska Run for Women awards over $231,000 in grants
The 11 organizations awarded include:

YWCA Encore Plus — $65,000
American Cancer Society (ACS) — $4,500
Breast Cancer Center for Detection — $20,000
Norton Sound Health Corporation — $22,625
Let Every Women Know — $4,000
Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) — $19,500
Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic (KBFPC) — $30,000
Affinityfilms — $6,250
Anchorage Young Cancer Coalition (AYCC) — $2,250
UAA Clinical Research — $15,000
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) — $42,000

At least 70 percent of the grants stay in Alaska.

By Bonney Bowman: Free flu shot clinics as season starts to pick up
Friday, Oct. 20
ASD Education Center from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 25
Clark Middle School from 12:15 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Fairview Elementary School from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Service High School from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sand Lake Elementary School from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 26
Clark Middle School from 12:15 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Fairview Elementary School from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sand Lake Elementary School from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
By Laurel Downing Bill: Story Time with Aunt Phil: The Alaska conspiracy myth

A Taste of Alaska: Tired

A Taste of Alaska: Tired

This is a long post, but I’ve been gone for about 6 months and want to explain…
I have been tired. Like hard to get out of bed, brain fog, making stupid mistakes, zoning in front of the t.v. even when the t.v. is off, kind of tired.
My husband tells me it is because we have never been this old. I struggled to get up in the morning and make it to work close to on-time, I wasn’t doing my share of the work around the house. I have never been an overly energetic person. Anyone who knows me I am in bed by 8:30-9:00 every night, but I used to open my eyes at 5:00 am, be rested and bounce out of bed and be cheerful and ready for the day. Not now.
So, I was looking for something to help me. I had noticed that I was getting a lot of stomach aches and heartburn. I cut out milk, I cut out eggs, I cut out wheat – BINGO! That really helped so I cut out all grains for three months and would add them back to see if I reacted to them. I also came across the Ketogenic diet and decided to try that for 6 weeks to see how I felt. I did start to feel more energetic so I purchased a couple cook books and made the switch. (Now, I am not advocating this for everyone, we all have our own opinions on what is healthy, what works for us, and our bodies are all different. This is just working for me right now. And, I still bake for my family and my across the street neighbors so no hating when you see a variety of things coming out of my kitchen).
I was feeling a bit better, I was up in the morning and ready to head back to 5:00 bootcamp (I never went back consistently after my hip surgery in 2015 and I miss it). So, it’s spring time and after travel season is when I take care of things like my yearly dr. appt., the dentist, the eye doctor. Well, my dr. asked when I had my last mammogram.

Mat-Su Borough contaminated property public meeting August 21, 2017

The Mat-Su Borough is looking for public input on developing and prioritizing a list of contaminated or potentially contaminated properties that may be eligible for EPA assessment funding. They are holding a public meeting on Aug. 21 to present the current inventory of properties, develop a prioritization process for using assessment funding, and taking recommendations on properties ripe for redevelopment that may not be on the list.

Brownfields funding is used to determine the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant that may be inhibiting reuse or redevelopment at a site. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties protects the environment, reduces blight, and takes development pressures off greenspaces and working lands. For more information on the meeting see the attached public invitation.

The Mat-Su Borough point of contact is Christopher Cole at the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Brownfield point of contact is Lisa Griswold at

You can also learn more at the project website: Mat-Su Borough: Brownfield

Information about how Alaska Women Rock