Category Archives: AK News

Alaska News March 09, 2024

KTUU: JBER airman skis Iditarod Trail through challenging invitational; 11th Airborne Division celebrates International Women’s Day with a female-led operation and more ->
Dave Allgood: Lucy & Audrey Rogers. Mom and daughter, moments, and the importance fast feet & time together.

KTOO: Juneau photographer Cam Byrnes celebrates 35 years of capturing performing arts with gallery show; Juneau School Board to reconsider school closure plan on Tuesday and more ->


Alaska Native News: This Day in Alaskan History-March 9th, 1911 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: AK Supreme Court to Troopers: Warrants first, aerial photographs second; Sustainable Living Expo to cap off Waste Reduction Week in Fairbanks and more ->

LINY: Joshua Butcher pleads guilty to murder and felony assault for 2021 Fairbanks Safeway shooting; Alaska whaling village teen pleads not guilty to 16 felony counts in shooting that left 2 dead; Alaska dinosaur tracks reveal a lush, wet environment and more ->

Delta Wind: Local boy to donate hair


KMXT: What’s in a name? Not Baranof, as regional group calls for name of Kodiak Park and Recreation Center to be changed and more ->

Find out more about the history of the Homestead Act, and also Stories of Alaska Women Homesteading.


Alaska News March 07-08, 2024

KTUU: Dimond High School employee placed on administrative leave, district says; Woman hit and killed in Dimond Walmart parking lot was already lying on ground, police say and more ->

KTOO: What are the original Lingít names for Juneauʼs mountains? And more ->


KYUK: Pamyua’s Phillip Blanchett on his role in ‘True Detective: Night Country’; Rape and domestic violence victims are getting shortchanged in Alaska budget, representative says; I love my area, I love my tribe’: Hear from fans at the Coastal Conference basketball finals and more ->

Alaska Native News: Despite being Strangled K9 Blitz takes down his Man in Wasilla; Why is Denali so tall?; This Day in Alaskan History-March 7th, 1988; This Day in Alaskan History-March 8th, 1916 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Nenana elderly fraud case headed back to courts for retrial; Prosecution shows video of Wainwright soldier pointing gun at friend in kidnapping case; Military Report: Arctic training in the Alaska Range at the Northern Warfare Training Center and more ->

KINY: Alaska State Troopers arrest man for violating conditions of release after sexual abuse charges; Alaska State Troopers deploy SWAT team for disturbance; John Mark Hammonds sentenced to 86 years for multiple counts of sexual abuse of a minor and enticement and more ->

KFSK: Petersburg’s Public Health Nurse: How to avoid measles when it’s on the rise nationwide and more ->

KUCB: Feds investigate ‘large balloon’ found by fishermen near Alaska’s Aleutian chain and more ->


Delta Wind: Council again holds executive session
KMXT: Operation Arctic Care to return to Kodiak’s villages and more ->


By John Renfrow, Golden Transciprt: ‘Alaskan Nets’ sports doc holds an untold Colorado connection

By Anna Louise Mar, Nature World News: Sea Ice Reductions In Arctic Help White Spruce Trees Move North, Up Mountainsides


Alaska News March 03-06, 2024

APD Missing Juvenile Locate: 13-year-old Thomas Tomaganuk. Click link for photo and details.

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Fatal sledding accident in Fairbanks; ATV theft in North Pole; Contested control of lands around the Fortymile River head to trial and more ->
KTUU: Convicted Anchorage fraudster enters federal prison; 2024 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race Live Blog and more ->
KTUU: Allgood News: Honky-Tonk Guitar Dreams: The Boniface Rounder! From the Ozarks to the streets of Anchorage!

KYUK: Pioneer of Western Alaska journalism Rosemary ‘Rosie’ Porter dies at 85 and more ->

KTOO: University of Alaska students in Juneau raise alarm over campus response to sexual assault; Alaska domestic violence and sexual assault victims services face $4M funding gap and more ->

Alaska Native News: Wet overflow a winter hazard in Alaska; This Day in Alaska History-March 4th, 1914; This Day in Alaskan History-March 5th, 1959; This Day in Alaskan History-March 6th, 1973 and more ->


The Arctic Sounder: Ice measuring in Kotzebue can help snowmachiners and scientists alike; Federal grant to bring heat pumps to households, solar energy to villages in Northwest Arctic and more ->


KINY: Attorney General Treg Taylor joins 25 states in letter demanding Instagram stop monetizing child exploitation and more ->

KSTK: An audio postcard from Elizabeth Peratrovich Day in Wrangell; What caused Wrangell’s landslides in November? State geologists published the report and more ->

KFSK: Chrystine Lynn is honored with inaugural Petersburg Young Leader award and more ->

KRBD: A new Ketchikan addiction treatment clinic is in the works and more ->

KUCB: Unalaska elementary school to house fifth grade class starting next year and more ->

KMXT: Kodiak City Council and Borough working on new agreement to share costs of emergency services dispatch center on island and more ->
Craig Medred: Taking responsibility
Craig Medred: Iditarod collision
Craig Medred: It begins
VFW: ‘Extremely Grateful’ for Women Vets Expo
A VFW Post in North Pole, Alaska, is readying for its second annual event specifically designed for female veterans
March 04, 2024

For several years, Candy Kuck has co-chaired the Veterans Stand Down in Fairbanks, Alaska. A Life member of VFW Post 10029 Auxiliary in North Pole, about 20 minutes from Fairbanks, Kuck had the idea to host an event specifically for female vets.
Learn more ->


Mike Dunleavy – State of Alaska: Women in Construction Week


Alaska News February 29, March 01-02, 2024

KTUU: ‘Healing and remembering’: Victim’s family responds to 56-year prison sentence for 2019 murder and more ->


KTOO: The 2024 Iditarod starts Saturday. Here’s what to know..; Legislation to address Alaska’s child care crisis moves to Senate after House approval and more ->

Alaska Native News: Anchorage Woman, Marque, Sentenced to 50 Years for Murder of Her 5-Year-Old Son; Officer Shoots Suspect Armed with Knife in Wasilla Wednesday; Navigability Fight Over Fortymile River Heads to Trial; Galena river energy project receives $9.5 million; This Day In Alaska History February 29th, 1916; This Day in Alaska History-March 1st, 1879; This Day in Alaska History-March 2nd, 1915 and more ->


Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Jury acquits 38-year-old of felony sex crimes and more ->

KINY: Empowering Generations: 2024 SEARHC’s ROAR Women’s Conference Unites Women Across Ages, Cultures and Industries and more ->

KFSK: L’xeis Diane Benson on acting and her work in True Detective and more ->

KUCB: End of geothermal project blamed on funding troubles, extended timelines and more ->
Delta Wind: ACADECA team brings home accolades and more ->


KMXT: Kodiak’s only resident veterinarian will leave, but a new vet arrives in June and more ->


Craig Medred: Pink problems
Craig Medred: Paper heroes

Book Trib: Life at the Edge of the World: 5 Unforgettable Alaskan Memoirs
By far the largest state in the US, yet the most sparsely populated. A land of rich natural resources and unforgiving conditions, at the extremity of North America and extending into the Arctic Circle. As beautiful as it is deadly, Alaska has become a destination for countless thrill-seekers, adventurers and nature lovers to test their mettle, and for others to simply call home. James Powell, USA Today: ‘Invest in your own people’: Lily Tuzroyluke is Alaska’s Women of Year honoree


By Emilie Springer, Homer News: Archaeologist gives author’s talk on recently released book on Aleutians

The Nome Static, March 2024 (Print Layout)


Alaska News February 26-28, 2024

KTUU: Kalskag man acquitted on murder charges after igniting 2022 house fire, officials say; Mother of sexually abused minor voices her opposition to plea deal for former Dimond High employee and more ->
Allgood News: Soul Expressions: Artist Shannon Auld is all about the splatter and why it matters so much.

KTOO: Haines visitor center turns to social media influencers. Will it pay off?; LISTEN: Southeast Alaska’s Nude & Rude Revue is back on the road with their ‘Deep Dive’ tour and more ->

KYUK: Bristol Bay is getting a drug investigator; Hooper Bay man sentenced to 7 years in prison for manslaughter connected to residential fire and more ->

Alaska Native News: Alaska hot springs, far and wide; This Day in Alaska History-February 25th, 1997; This Day in Alaska History-February 26th, 1917; This Day in Alaska History-February 28th, 1967 and more ->
Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Animal cruelty charges filed after dog shot in the hip, mouth taped shut; City of Fairbanks shakes up car towing authority and more ->


The Arctic Sounder: Shooting in Point Hope leaves 2 dead, 2 seriously injured and more ->


KINY: Alaska Maritime Education Consortium is a 2024 Center of Excellence for domestic maritime workforce training, education and more ->


KMXT: KIBSD to lose teachers and other staff despite potential increase to BSA and more ->


Craig Medred: Same old story
Craig Medred: Burke out, again
Craig Medred: Iditarod disaster
By Craig Medred: Iditarod cuts Sass
Craig Medred: Bailouts

Alaska News February 21-25, 2024

KTUU: 1 suffers life-threatening injuries in downtown bar stabbing; Fur Rondy has largest parade in decades; Multiple-vehicle wreck closes stretch of Glenn Highway; Ravn Alaska cuts 130 employees, CEO says and more ->

KTOO: Jury makes quick decision in Brian Smith murder trial, convicting him in deaths of two Native women and more ->

KYUK: Search and rescue crews locate body of missing man near Akiachak; ‘We have to get prepared’: Akiak Elder takes a seat on FEMA’s National Advisory Council and more ->


Alaska Native News: Kodiak man sentenced to 17 years for drug, firearm crimes; Steve Ginnis to Retire as Head of the Fairbanks Native Association; This Day in Alaska History-February 21st, 1924; This Day in Alaska History-February 22nd, 1919; This Day in Alaska History-February 23rd, 1916; This Day in Alaska History-February 24th, 1917 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Missing in the North: Jonathon Michael Henry; UAF study investigates cognitive decline in senior dogs; New animal shelter draws most attention as assembly considers capital roadmap and more ->

The Arctic Sounder: Two Iñupiaq women work to become village-based lactation counselors to better support mothers in Northwest Alaska; Free home internet for Northwest Arctic student households ends this month and more ->

KINY: Jimmy Dale Cates sentenced to 312 years for murder, sexual assault, and arson; Henry Sam Jr. sentenced for sexual abuse of a minor; Photographer Ben Huff featured at Alaska State Museum during March First Friday and more ->


KSTK: The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Pike sailed with donated goods for BRAVE Wrangell; Wrangell Johnson-O’Malley Kaats’litaan Dancers and Elders dance for Elizabeth Peratrovich and more ->

Resurrection Bay Historical Society
The next Thursdays: Our History program on March 21 will feature Colleen Kelly, RBHS member, talking about The Seward Highway and its History. The presentation will include details about the homesite of Andy and Eva Lowell Simons, the “Missing Link”, the covered bridges and the 1977 landslide. The program will start at 7 pm at the Seward Community Library & Museum.


KFSK: Blind Slough’s freshwater king fishery won’t open this summer and more ->

Delta Wind: Micro-grants for food security now available

KMXT: Midday Report – February 23, 2024

Alaska’s News Source: Moose gives free car wash in Wasilla


Alaska News February 20, 2024

KTUU: State decides not to prosecute former APD officer charged with driving impaired off-duty and more ->

KTOO: Closing Juneau schools’ budget gap likely will mean eliminating dozens of jobs; Tongass Voices: Miko Montoya and Grayson Rebustes on building Juneau’s rap scene and more ->


Alaska Native News: Anchorage woman sentenced to prison for Social Security fraud; The defendant used the money to facilitate purchasing a new home and pay employees of a marijuana dispensary.; This Day in Alaska History-February 20th, 1916 and more ->


Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: North Pole structure fire results in death investigation and more ->

KINY: U.S. Attorney’s Office announces priority to prosecute white-collar, financial crimes in Alaska and more ->

KFSK: Teacher contract negotiations are complicated by tight budgets, limited education funding and more ->

KUCB: Unalaska Library launches Filipino Story Time and more ->
KMXT: U.S. Fish & Wildlife considering Trident’s request to replace bunkhouse dock, possibly disturb hundreds of sea otters in Kodiak and more ->

By Megan McDonald, Only In Your State Alaska: I Live In Alaska Year-Round And This Is What It’s Really Like

Michael R Dougherty, Anchorage Memories: Anchorage Pioneer Jane Mears Did you know that when Anchorage began in 1915, our featured pioneer pushed to create the first children’s school? Meet Jane Mears in this edition.
Michael R Dougherty: Anchorage Firsts Do you know which newspaper was the first in Anchorage? Who hosted the first women’s TV show on channel 2? All of this and more in this edition.

Simple Living Alaska: 50 Below, We Still Go! | Felling Frozen Trees + Snowshoe Hare Pot Pie
Simple Living Alaska: Mouth-Watering Moose Recipes | Cooking at the Cabin

Alaska News February 18-19, 2024

KTUU: Thousands of dollars raised to help pay utility bills during Walk for Warmth; History made: Alaska’s Gus Schumacher claims World Cup title for rare U.S. men’s victory; Teams 19 and 40 scratch in McGrath as the 2024 Iron Dog wraps up second day and more ->

KTOO: Dr. Anne Zink to leave position as Alaska chief medical officer and more ->


Alaska Native News: This Day in Alaska History-February 18th, 1907; This Day in Alaska History-February 19th, 1902 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Nuisance properties in the Golden Heart City: What qualifies, what can be done? Missing in the North: Marion Gonangnan and more ->


KINY: State Troopers responded to three incidents in Ketchikan and more ->

By Katie Lawrence, Only In Your State: The Blueberry Loop Trail Might Be One Of The Most Beautiful Short-And-Sweet Hikes To Take In Alaska

Alaska News February 11-17, 2024

KYUK/KNBA: Nellie Moore leaves behind a huge footprint in Native Journalism
KINY: Governor Dunleavy and First Lady mourn the passing of Former Alaska Representative Tom Anderson
KTUU: Brehmer sentenced to 99 years for 2019 murder near Thunderbird Falls

KTUU: Contract worker killed on the job of Twentymile River Bridge project; Avalanche officials issue report on deadly slide, saying high winds are creating elevated risks; Video shows Anchorage woman shooing moose from grocery cart and more ->


KTOO: A Juneau advocate now holds a seat on the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking and more ->

Alaska Native News: Scientists, others to discuss impact of beaver movement into Arctic; Ice fog not often a part of northern life; This Day in Alaska History-February 12th, 1908; This Day in Alaska History-February 13th, 1947; This Day in Alaska History-February 14th, 1909; This Day in Alaska History-February 15th, 1919; This Day in Alaska History-February 16th, 1851; This Day in Alaska History-February 17th, 1914 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: KTVF celebrates 69th anniversary and more ->
KSTK: Forest Service makes way for new Tongass cabins planned for 2025 and more ->

KFSK: Electronic monitoring bill unpopular with fishermen at first hearing and more ->

KRBD: Ketchikan high school students recognized for kindness; Red Lantern adult boutique opens in Ketchikan with a unique twist and more ->

KUCB: M/V Genius Star XI departs Unalaska after month-and-a-half stay and more ->

Delta Wind: Donations sought to fund End of Alaska Highway sign

KMXT: Kodiak High School students resume regular schedule after Kodiak Police respond to threat and more ->

Allgood News 2-16-24 Title Wave Books. Angela Libal loved her job so much, she bought the business!

Craig Medred: The vulnerable (II)
Craig Medred: Reckless deaths

By Mark Thiessen, The Associated Press: Minnesota company and employee cited for reckless driving in Alaska crash that killed 3 sled dogs ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Both a Minnesota man testing a snowmobile for his employer in the Alaska backcountry and the company have been cited for reckless driving after the machine slammed into a sled dog team on a training run in December, killing three dogs. Wahkiakum County Eagle: Writer’s Guild hosts three regional authors at upcoming reading

Must Read Alaska: World’s toughest snowmobile race: Iron Dog set for 40th year of squeezing the throttle to Nome


Jim Elliott, Yukon News: Yukon author’s novel offers gritty take on future climate fights

Alaska Native News: Arizona man sentenced for role in international drug trafficking ring; This Day in Alaska History-February 12th, 1908; This Day in Alaska History-February 13th, 1947 and more ->


Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Wainwright soldier indicted on kidnapping charge decides to self-represent and more ->
The Arctic Sounder: Iñupiaq author wins national honors for her debut novel celebrating unity and beauty in Indigenous cultures and more ->


KINY: Former Kodiak High School Football Player Convicted of Sexual Assault in the First Degree, Coercion, and Furnishing Alcohol; laska DOT&PF and Alaska Railroad announce pioneer avalanche mitigation efforts and more ->


KUCB: St. Paul mother hopes sentencing her daughter’s attacker will bring her family peace; Unalaska woman ‘breaks the internet’ with eagles TikTok video; Alaska tribes, green group take aim at planned bottom-trawling study in northern Bering Sea and more ->

Delta Wind: Motor vehicle collision results in local man’s death and more ->

KMXT: Kodiak History Museum publishes database showcasing its entire object archive and more ->

Wendy Battino

The Howling.
I’ve been so busy between getting home and staying warm and skijoring and doctor’s appointments…I forgot to tell you the story of our journey home.
Well, our original flight was to be early February but the Alaska Airlines flight with the blown door changed everything. Flights were canceled and then the weather came in and more flights were canceled and then there was so much backup that Alaska Air would not fly the dogs for fear of delayed flights and the dogs getting stuck somewhere. I do appreciate that Alaska Air keeps a good eye out for the animals on their flights.
So, I had three canceled flights and was getting to have more adventures in California, however, I was anxious to get home.
Finally, we were cleared to fly. I did all the things, vet checks, and a long hike the day before to balance the stress for Artie & Moon. All seemed well as I checked in and made my way to my gate. I watched the dog kennels loaded onto the plane through the tall plate glass windows as I waited to board. My habit is to board the plane last because I want to be cramped on a plane as little as possible. Finally it was time to take my seat, everyone had boarded. I walked through First class and I heard, unmistakably, Moon, howling her Siberian head off in the hold right beneath me. A few moments later Artie joined her chorus, “AWWWWOOOOOOOO, AWWWWWOOOOOOO!!” Passengers in first class could clearly hear them too. I stopped. I believed they were shouting their connection howl, sounding out to find out where I was. I really had no choice, so I got down on my knees and prepared to answer their call, I knew they would hear me. Just then a flight attendant came up behind me and asked if I had dropped something. I turned and told her what was happening, and I asked her if it would be ok for me to howl down to my family in the hold. She did not bat an eye, so quick was she to measure the situation. She said, “Wait one moment, people are really on edge and I do not want them to get disturbed, I will make an announcement and then you can howl. I was very impressed. She got on the microphone and told the plane that they might hear 2 dogs howling in the hold and that in a moment, their owner was going to howl to them so could we all be quiet one moment so that these dogs could get their message?”. Wow, now I had to perform and everyone was straining to watch. Moon let out another pitiful and long howl and then I turned toward her and Artie down below, and ignored where I was, imagining I was calling to them from the boreal forest back home. I knelt down, cupped my mouth, and let out my best and loudest howl….And, Moon and Artie went silent, and the plane laughed. Then, the flight attendant got back on the microphone and said, “Would anyone else like to join in one more howl to let these dogs in the hold know that we care?”. And I swear, most of that plane load of fabulous people, HOWLED.
After that, it was a pretty upbeat flight with lots of chatter and visiting and we all made it back to Alaska to pick up our lives and reunite with loved ones, and remember to communicate our love.


Alaska News February 10, 2024

KTUU: Mat-Su students learn about side of healthcare often overlooked, especially here in Alaska; Winter Bike Fest: How Anchorage celebrates cycling in the snow and more ->
KYUK: 6,000 gallons of diesel spill in Kwigillingok after storage tank overflows and more ->

Alaska Native News: Indigenous Entrepreneurs Win $75,000 to Grow Their Small Businesses; District awards contract for Kenai coastal erosion project; This Day in Alaska History-February 10th, 1905 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 13: Missing for nearly 50 years: Digging up cold cases in Interior Alaska; Two Fairbanks schools faced threats of a shooting; Filming fights in Iraq and more ->

KINY: First fatal case of Alaskapox, a newly identified viral disease, claims Kenai Peninsula man; Murkowski, Cantwell introduce legislation to reauthorize the National Landslide Preparedness Act and more ->


KMXT: City plans to allocate more of sales tax revenue to ports, harbors and road improvements and more ->

Juneau Empire: Neighbors: SHI publishes book on slavery in Alaska that endured after federal abolishment Book explores Haida man’s quest for freedom that ended slavery in Alaska

Fairbanks Author Taffy Arlen: ‘Bleacher Blues’