By Sean Maguire: Prominent Alaskan businessman Barney Gottstein dead at 92
By Mary Simton: Married man accused of sexual relationship with teen charged
By Associated Press: Road rage driver avoids jail time for pointing BB gun
The second driver videotaped the encounter. The video showed Holder standing outside her vehicle holding what appeared to be a black semi-automatic handgun and pointing at the camera.
The second driver’s daughters told troopers they thought they were going to be shot.
By Associated Press: Military convoys plan return trips to Alaska bases
By Kalinda Kindle: With early voting starting Monday, local groups seek to increase voter turnout numbers
By Steve Quinn: Juneau voters to put 3 freshmen into Legislature
Office of Governor Bill Walker One Alaska Update October 22, 2018
By Isabelle Ross: Through digital storytelling, Bristol Bay students uncover the NN Cannery’s history