Alaska News October 23, 2018

By Cassie Schirm: Paris Cafe vandalized after being called out on Facebook
Patterson says this could have been worse. He and his brother open the cafe every day and the cut gas line could have seriously injured them.

“I’m an Iraq war vet and my brother is an Afghan war vet that we can survive deployments and then we go to open the door to our work and a spark ignited and we could have been injured or killed because a miscommunication led to an escalation through Facebook, and then people took it upon themselves to commit an act of violence is stupid,” Patterson.

Patterson says the issue hits home for him.

“My son is Alaska Native and if anyone treated my son like this my mom and my family we would be the first people to stand up and say something. So to be called racist almost on a daily basis you know for a variety of reasons because people don’t like service it hurts.”
By Daniella Rivera: Chevy TrailBlazer wanted in homicide investigation goes up in flames
By Jill Burke: Trial delay for Kotzebue girl’s accused killer in federal court
Because the case is complex, and because there is a great deal of evidentiary material to go through, U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess has vacated the November trial date Wilson would have had, and instead rescheduled it for April 2019.
By Mary Simton: Mayor Berkowitz discusses crime, homelessness and Anchorage future
By Associated Press: Kodiak rancher says bears have claimed 30 of his cows
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Already cast your absentee ballot for governor? What’s a voter to do?
Cancer survivor creates ‘chemo comfort’ bags
By John Thompson: Head of the Class: Heidi Tsukada