Alaska News February 08-09, 2024

KTUU: 1 critically injured in Midtown Anchorage park as police look for suspect; New map allows trail users to track trapping locations and more ->


KTOO: An Anchorage woman is working to offer water cremation and other natural death care options in Alaska; Juneau’s new police chief talks accountability, hiring woes and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Homicide at Russian Mission; New bike path named for deceased cyclist; Nenana Ice Classic ticket sales begin and more ->

KINY: Public safety commissioner seeks change in Alaska’s missing and murdered Indigenous people response; Rep. Peltola announces her 2024 Military Service Academy Nominations and more ->


Alaska Native News: Bison Company’s cold weather training triumphs in Bethel; The rusting of northern Alaska streams; 2024 First Lady Volunteer Awards Nomination Period Now Open; This Day in Alaska History-February 8th, 1939; This Day in Alaska History-February 9th, 1907 and more ->

KFSK: Pianist and teacher Tony Lu visits Petersburg and more ->

KRBD: $1.7 million of meth and fentanyl seized in Ketchikan, Alaska National Guard briefs community and more ->

KUCB: Unalaska Head Start expands, offers relief for parents and more ->
Delta Wind: Castner Glacier plan aims to crack down on unpermitted users and more ->

KMXT: Alaska Fisheries Report 08 February 2024 and more ->
JD Supra: Alaska Is First State to Adopt the NAIC ‎AI Model Bulletin by Issuing Bulletin B 24-01 ‎Governing ‎Licensed Insurers’ Use of AI

Book Trib: Teaching in the Dark by Genét Simone
In a remote Alaskan village, a young teacher relies on her courage, resilience and wit while enduring freezing temperatures, power outages, loneliness, and first-year teacher anxieties and missteps, but eventually realizes that those challenges pale in comparison to the life lessons she learns about the heart of teaching.

Craig Medred: The vulnerable
As a result, people like Carlton Higgins, an elderly Anchorage dentist die, are rundown and die because there is no reason for motorists to be concerned about running over them. Higgins was in a crosswalk theoretically intended to protect pedestrians when he was killed.