Tag Archives: AK News

Alaska News December 11,2017

By Leroy Polk: Weekend homicide suspect arrested after Anchorage police deploys SWAT
By Liz Raines: Harassment in Alaska’s capitol building: HR perspective
One Alaska Update A Note From Gov. Walker…

Coming This Week: Walker-Mallott Budget for FY 2019

This week, the Walker-Mallott Administration will unveil the budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2019. Budgets are moral documents, as they reflect the values and priorities we have for our state. Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Mallott envision a Safer, Smarter, and Stronger Alaska that is thriving for future generations. We can only get there if we get our fiscal house in order.


Alaska News December 10, 2017

By Sean Maguire: The Mendeltna Creek Lodge near Glennallen is on fire
The lodge’s owners, Mabel and Russ Wimmer, are both fine but their pets, a cat and two mastiffs, both perished in the fire.
By AP: Weather Service cuts balloon launches amid staffing issue
The loss of any input data affects weather models, but the degree it hurts the accuracy of forecasts isn’t easy to quantify.

Weather Service Alaska Region Director Carven Scott says the Weather Service supplements data from weather balloons with data from satellites.
By Cameron Mackintosh: Snowmachiners practice for the worst with simulated crash course

On Saturday, a group of 25 snowmachiners put their search and rescue skills to the test, in a hands-on crash simulation organized by Learn to Return, a business that provides survival and first aid training.

Learn to Return director Brian Horner says he usually offers the course to employees in the construction industry or other similar fields. But Saturday’s class was comprised of people who work for events like the Iditarod, Iditasport and Iron Dog, as well as members of search and rescue groups and the Anchorage snowmachine club.
Another view: Wilderness Medical Training
By Scott Gross: New Anchorage course offers wilderness medical training

Alaska News December 09, 2017

By Sean Maguire: AST: Suspect tried to run over State Trooper during high speed chase on Glenn Hwy
By Kyle Hopkins: ‘He should resign. It’s that simple.’ Woman who says she was groped by Alaska lawmaker says apology is not enough
By Leroy Polk: With theft on the rise, Fred Meyer’s grocery store looks to police for help
By Sean Maguire: Red Cross Alaska deploys 7 volunteers to assist with the California wildfires
By Heather Hintze: DOT buys properties, boards up buildings for Glenn Hwy expansion
By KTVA: Appeal denied for mom convicted in son’s death
By Scott Gross: Struggling Veterans gain some ‘peace of mind’ during holidays
By Sean Maguire: VIDEO: Alaska SeaLife Center seal released into the wild

Alaska News December 08, 2017

By Leroy Polk: Anchorage woman shot inside home by someone outside her window
By Leroy Polk: Alaska man chases 4-wheeler thieves on his snowmachine, kicks one off
By Associated Press: Alaska suffers resurgence of beetle that causes tree deaths
By Sean Maguire: Western Alaskan village placed on lockdown for 5 hours
Johnson is set to be remanded at the Yukon Kuskowkim Correctional Center. “Bail is set at $5,000 cash plus a court approved third party custodian,” say Troopers.
By Beth Verge: DOC, Salvation Army unveil new $2.2M plan to help end substance abuse
By Laurel Downing Bill: Story Time with Aunt Phil: Eskimo Scouts emerge after Pearl Harbor
By Beth Verge: Salute to Gold Star families: Alaska mountain peak naming proposal heads to D.C.

Alaska News December 07, 2017

By Leroy Polk & Cameron Mackintosh: UPDATE: Father allowed to plan son’s funeral outside of jail while facing charges
A U.S. magistrate judge has agreed to release Anthony Johnson from jail for a few days while his family plans the funeral of Johnson’s 5-year-old son.

Johnson is charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm, after his son found and fatally shot himself with a gun in the family’s master bedroom.
By Caslon Hatch: ‘Bathroom Bill’ enforcement, vehicle thefts discussed at Assembly public safety meeting
ANCHORAGE (KTUU) – At an Anchorage Assembly public safety committee meeting Wednesday, Anchorage Police Chief Justin Doll said it would be extremely difficult to enforce Proposition 1 if passed during the April Municipal election.
APD investigating armed robbery on Debarr Rd.
By Kalinda Kindle: Opponents of Pebble Mine plan speak out at town hall meeting
By Jack Carney: Age of Alaska’s fishermen on the rise
According to a study by the University of Fairbanks, the average age of an Alaska commercial fisherman is now 50 years old.

Paula Cullenburg, Director of Alaska’s Sea Grant Program at UAF, says that’s bad news for sustaining the state’s economy, especially for those in coastal communities.

By Lauren Maxwell: Property owners near Brother Francis Shelter say they’re staying put in the neighborhood
Moms Everyday Alaska: Chocolate popcorn reindeer

Alaska News December 06, 2017

By Leroy Polk: Richardson Highway closed following avalanche and extreme snow
By KTUU Staff: UPDATE: Man identified in Tuesday night shooting incident According to police, the suspect is Jeffery Cosgrove, 35.

Women In Safe Homes Receives $5,000 Basic Needs Grant
By Associated Press: Alaska edible pot maker suspended amid product testing probe
By Becky Bohrer: Alaska lawmaker takes fight over conflicts to the voters
Rep. Jason Grenn of Anchorage is helping lead a bipartisan effort to put a proposal on the 2018 ballot. It would provide greater scrutiny and limits on lawmakers’ conflicts of interest, travel and pay.
By KTVA Web Staff: Young named to key tax-bill role, takes prominent House title
By Kyle Hopkins: What this cash-filled fish box says about the Alaska drug trade
The shipper, who is not being named here because he has not been charged with a crime, can fight the complaint and argue that the money is not subject to forfeiture. If the U.S. Attorney’s office succeeds, the city of Kodiak would be eligible to apply for up to 80 percent of the seized money for local government use.
By Rebecca Palsha: Voters may decide if Whittier Police can write parking tickets in Girdwood
By Kyle Hopkins: In some stolen cars, Anchorage laboratory finds invisible meth residue

By Kalinda Kindle: Anchorage Assembly passes quicker clean-up time for homeless camps

Looking Back — Nov. 29, 2017
Moms Everyday Alaska: Holiday wreath popcorn treats

Alaska News December 05, 2017

On 12/05/17 12:24 a.m., Dispatch received a report of child death in the 5700 block of Rocky Mountain Court.

The preliminary investigation found the child died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The child found the gun inside the drawer of a bedroom nightstand.

The victim has been identified as Christian Johnnson (5-years-old).

This is a death investigation. The case will be referred to the Anchorage District Attorney’s office for possible charges.

This is a tragic reminder about gun safety and children. Don’t leave guns unattended and easily accessible, use a gun lock or secure guns in a safe.

APD Case: 17-49834
By Leroy Polk: Earthquake wakes Anchorage, Mat-Su residents early Tuesday
By Daniella Rivera: New details released in ‘chilling’ Mat-Su murder
Palmer Superior Court Judge Vanessa White referenced a case she presided over that recently gained media attention.

“It so happens, I just finished a trial for a young man who was charged with some assaults and slipped his very well-intentioned third parties in the middle of the night and went out and kidnapped and assaulted the same victim again, so, I’m sort of hyper-vigilant at this point, perhaps more hyper-vigilant than I’ve been in the past,” said White, while considering the arguments of both parties.

Jordan King awaits sentencing after re-victimizing the woman he originally assaulted after running away from his parents, who were serving as his third-party custodians.

By KTVA Web Staff: Stolen delivery truck crashes into Church of Love
By Chris Klint: Troopers investigating Anchorage man’s Jim Creek death
An online dispatch identified the man found Saturday as 36-year-old Weston Gladney
By Kalinda Kindle: A neighbor says she is worried about the crime in her community
By Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media: University of Alaska’s first Rhodes Scholar: A voracious reader with deep King Cove roots
By Beth Verge: Lawmakers, AGDC discuss latest in AKLNG developments
By Associated Press: Premera to reimburse Alaska state insurance program $25M
Nurse-Family partnership program
By Melissa Frey: Icy start for Anchorage as rain turns to evening snow
By Heather Hintze: ACS to lay off 30 people
Congratulations Natalia Sears!
By Megan Mazurek: Teacher of the Week: Natalia Sears
Natalia Sears sees math as a universal language that’s applicable in real-world situations.

“There’s no reason to be scared of math,” said Sears, a high school math teacher at Dimond. “I just want them to build the confidence in math, rather than just memorize formulas.”

Alaska News December 04, 2017

Christmas tree fundraiser brings awareness to human trafficking
By Blake Essig: UAF holds its first ever drone races
By Cameron Mackintosh: Iditarod developing new kennel management program
By Sean Maguire: Alaska Communications set to lay off 5 percent of its workforce
By Associated Press: Community meets to address broadband need in Fairbanks

In rare move, Alaska GOP jumps into Anchorage race for mayor
Moms Everyday Alaska: Festive popcorn trees

Alaska News December 03, 2017

Man dead in late-night Muldoon shooting
By Victoria Taylor: Bethel Police investigating death of woman discovered lying in snow
Alaska GOP moves to block rogue lawmakers from party primary
By Cameron Mackintosh: Two moose calves likely die after eating poisonous ornamental plants

“Some plants have cyanide in them like Japanese Yew and Chokecherry and other things that we plant to make our houses look good but unfortunately it poisons moose pretty quickly,” Dyer said.

Chokecherry trees are a common culprit in moose poisonings. According to horticulturist Steph Daniels, Chokecherry is sold at some Anchorage nurseries, and is a common feature in many lawns across town.
By Sean Maguire: Snow tubing opens for the season at Arctic Valley
Congratulations Sadie Bjornsen, Rosie Brennan, Erik Bjornsen and Scott Patterson!
By Patrick Enslow: Another podium performance for Bjornsen at the World Cup
By Sean Maguire: Mumps outbreak spreads with 71 confirmed cases in Anchorage
Alyeska to open skiing season on December 9

Alaska News December 02, 2017

Anchorage woman sentenced to one year for assaulting toddler
Kevin said Chase suffered multiple skull fractures and will have lasting affects from the trauma.
Dog recovering after fall from overpass onto Glenn Highway
Police, firefighters clear 5-car Tudor Road pile-up
Drug dog finds methamphetamine welded in heavy equipment
By Associated Press & Sean Maguire: UPDATE: Alaska Senators applaud the passage of the Senate tax bill 51-49
By Victoria Taylor: Marijuana Control Board develops working group to address testing
While not established yet, the group is expected to be made of members from multiple platforms including cultivators, scientists and even government employees.
By Peggy McCormack: Proposed Hatcher Pass ski area seeks name
Submissions will be taken until December 17, with a decision for the winning name to be made in late January.

You can send your ideas to skihatcherpass@gmail.com. You can also visit https://www.skihatcherpass.org/skiareaname or https://www.facebook.com/skihatcherpass or mail to P.O. Box 924, Palmer, AK 99645.
By Mike Ross: Making play things for wild things
By Sidney Sullivan: New high speed internet infrastructure launches services in Arctic Alaska
By 49 Writers: Literary Roundup | November 24-December 7, 2017
By Craig Medred: Own history
By Suzanne Downing: Scandal: Former Alaska Democratic Party staffer alleges sexual assault
By Suzanne Downing: Risky business: Anchorage channels its inner Detroit

By Naomi Klouda, AJC: Rogoff hires additional legal help to fight financial probe
The Alaska Philosophaster: Alaskan Spark
Some things have changed since 1992, when I worked in it with the BLM Alaska Fire Service. But not a lot. Aircraft and safety standards have improved, fire shelters and retardant chemicals have changed.

By Barbara Hunt Frontiersman.com: Pope’s astronomer comes to Palmer
Steller Watch December 1st: ~92
The Sea Lion of the Month for December was nominated by a dedicated Steller Watch Citizen Scientist: ~92! This sea lion is a male that was born on Gillon Point on Agattu Island (this island is assigned the ~ symbol). When we captured him June 24, 2013 to he weighed just over 60 Ibs (27.4 kg) and was over 3.5 ft long (111 cm) and almost 3 ft (83 cm) around his torso (measured just below the front flippers). not the heaviest pup we have seen but quite long!
Last Child in the Woods to First Child in the Garden