Tag Archives: AK News

Alaska News June 13, 2018

By Leroy Polk: Biker killed on Sterling Highway after losing control, sliding off the road
By Marc Lester: Yawning and wandering: Black bear family spotted in Northeast Anchorage
By Tegan Hanlon: On a sunny afternoon, a cinnamon-colored black bear sprinted through downtown Anchorage
By Devin Kelly: Anchorage Assembly OKs deal to purchase former LIO building
By Zaz Hollander: Troopers helicopter crew rescues teens from sandbar as area rivers rise
By Associated Press: Alaska emergency officials blame third-party vendor for errant tsunami alert
By Don thompson: Thefts rise after California reduces criminal penalties
By Laurel Andrews: Anchorage considers increasing marijuana sales tax as consumers clamor for cannabis
By Associated Press: Homer gay pride recognition leads to canceled city meeting
By Kalinda Kindle: Hillside residents oppose city rezoning proposal
Application information
By Liz Raines: First campaign launched for vacant assembly seat
By Steve Quinn: Celebrating cultural reclamation through dance, song and art
By Derek Minemyer: Canary Islands man runs 180 miles in Alaska to raise awareness for Leukemia
By Rebecca Palsha: Despite rising river levels, Sutton couple refuses to abandon home: “We built this house to die here. It is probably what we will do.”
By Mike Ross: RoadTrippin on the Petersville Road
By Tracy Sinclare: Dandelion hunting in Alaska; the secret, useful nature of an unruly weed
By Emily Gilbert: All-female crew prepares for Race to Alaska to challenge themselves and encourage more women to pursue sailing

The Alaska Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC): 7 arrested in Operation Broken Heart; 39 investigations launched June 12, 2018

The Alaska Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) task force participated in the Department of Justice’s Operation Broken Heart. A federal program that operated from March through May of this year and focused on technology-facilitated crimes against children.

The mission of the operation was two-fold:

Community Outreach

The 39 investigations launched during this operation included possession, manufacturing and distribution of child pornography, online enticement of children for sexual purposes, child sex trafficking and child sex tourism. Seven suspects were arrested and more are expected as the investigations continue. The 20 community outreach events included the Inaugural Alaska ICAC First Responder Course in Sitka, Alaska. A five-day course focused on identifying investigative leads in cyber tips, locating suspects and conducting searches for digital evidence.

The suspects have been identified as:

Jeremy Strunk (39-years-old). He faces multiple charges including Sex Abuse Minor 1. APD Case: 18-17528
Michael Clark, Jr. (28-years-old). He faces a charge of Possession of Child Pornography. Alaska State Troopers Case: AK17075059
Vance Peronto (57-years-old). He faces multiple charges including Sex Abuse Minor 2. Alaska State Troopers Case: AK18027772
Cory Lockhart (28-years-old). He faces multiple charges including Possession of Child Pornography. Juneau Police Department Case: 180227-011
Byran Oftedahl (35-years-old). He faces multiple charges including Possession of Child Pornography. Ketchikan Police Department Case: 18-464
Dale Willis (43-years-old). He faces multiple charges including Possession of Child Pornography. Ketchikan Police Department 17-4225
Brandon Cockburn (39-years-old). He faces multiple charges including Distribution of Child Pornography. APD Case: 17-8688

The Alaska ICAC Task Force is led by the Anchorage Police Department’s Cyber Crimes Unit. It’s a multi-agency task force consisting of 30 federal, state and local partners.

For more information about Operation Broken Heart, click this link:

Anchorage Police Department
4501 Elmore Road
Anchorage, AK 99507

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 907-786-8900

Alaska News June 12, 2018

Fresh snow on the mountains!

By Leroy Polk: It’s June, but one Alaska community just got half a foot of snow
By Zaz Hollander: Two dead in plane crash near Sitka
By CBS News: The warning signs of suicide – and how to get help
By Liz Thomas: Spenard ‘vehicle prowler’ nabbed by APD
By Laurel Andrews: Police: Anchorage woman arrested after stolen mail found in stolen car
By Zaz Hollander: ‘They didn’t even stop’: Man describes Mat-Su boating collision that killed his wife
One of the six people with Martz on his boat told troopers “they were all drinking, partying and having a good time,” the document states. They came around a corner, saw Horazdovsky’s boat, and the tube went right under their boat as they turned one way and he turned the other.
By Associated Press: Supreme Court declines Alaska militia leader’s appeal
By Derek Minemyer: Moose Mamas founder faces charges for bear shooting death
By Associated Press: Judge in Palin case allows media into courtroom without cameras
By Leroy Polk: Report: Why AK marijuana testing facilities have a hard time measuring potency
By Devin Kelly: Anchorage wants to declare ‘cleanup zones’ for homeless camps
ICYMI: Sen. Sullivan on Singapore Summit, missile defense
By Rhonda McBride: Naknek governor’s debate tests rural knowledge
By Nathaniel Herz: Frank Murkowski seriously considered running for Alaska governor again
By Associated Press: Officials back proposal to name peaks after historic Seward mountaineers
By Rebecca Palsha: Looking for an Alaska grown menu? There’s an app for that
By Lauen Maxwell: Salvation Army stores temporarily suspend donations
By Laurel Downing Bill: Story Time with Aunt Phil: The Alaska flag
By David Holthouse, curator of Public Engagement: Brave Souls, Broken Axles and Welcoming Roadhouses Marked the Early Days of the Alaska Highway
Rasmuson Foundation: 10 questions for Dennis McMillian

Alaska News June 11, 2018

By Michelle Theriault Boots: Driver survives ‘crazy’ wreck at Alaska racetrack

By Mary Simton: Troopers investigate sudden death aboard Alaska Railroad train
By Daniella Rivera: Suspected repeat car thieves arrested on new charges
By Derek Minemyer: Operation Reborn connects homeless Alaskans to job opportunities
Michael Grimm, winner of America’s Got Talent 2010, is performing at Anchorage Town Square on Friday, June 22nd to raise awareness for Operation Reborn.


By Daniella Rivera: ‘There’s no such thing as Transgenders’: Man disrupts pride event
By Associated Press: Scientists to resume testing for fecal bacteria off Kenai
By Sean Maguire: Mush with P.R.I.D.E. now mandatory for Iditarod mushers
By Zaz Hollander: Voracious spruce bark beetles are back in force in Southcentral Alaska
Office of Governor Bill Walker: One Alaska Update June 11, 2018
By Janice Tower: Pedaling to Girdwood on the Bird to Gird Trail
By Ileneinakayak – 7-Day Glacier Island-Columbia Bay-Valdez Itinerary Map of Itinerary Jack, Sarah, Miki, and I proudly sporting our Anadyr Adventures hats! The ..
Moms Every Day Family Features: Salami-babs

Alaska News June 10, 2018

By Tegan Hanlon: Anchorage man charged with manslaughter in fatal Mat-Su boating collision
By Beth Bragg: Rosie Brennan and Anna Dalton dueled for the Run for Women victory and took down the course record along the way
By Tegan Hanlon: Black bear injures hunter near bait station off Parks Highway
By Charles Wohlforth: From wilderness to an urban ER, a doctor’s journey through Alaska’s best and worst
By Ned Rozell: What it’s like to run circles for 24 hours around the land of no night
Iditarod musher’s camp offers vets camaraderie
Volunteers work to spruce up Chester Creek Trail
Moms Everyday Alaska: How to check yourself for skin cancer

Alaska News June 09, 2018

By James Brooks: Advocate, historian and longtime Juneauite Marie Darlin dies at age 93
By Kyle Hopkins: From criminal to cop, and back again, in Alaska’s most vulnerable villages
By Kyle Hopkins: A broken system of oversight for Alaska’s village police officers
By Leroy Polk: Alaska man takes plea deal for murdering his girlfriend last year
By Rachel D’Oro / The Associated Press: U.S. won’t prosecute Alaskans for gray whale kill
Gray whales are off limits to Alaska hunters, including Alaska Natives.
By Scott Gross: Chance encounter keeps Kids Kitchen dishing out hot meals
By Lauren Maxwell: UAA researchers pioneer new techniques to treat cancer
By Heather Hintze: New app for navigating Mat-Su trails
By Anchorage Daily News: Colorado hunting guide accused of wasting meat fined $35,000
By Erica Martinson: Meet Don Young’s conservative primary challenger
By Tegan Hanlon: The Iditarod just made some big changes to the rules. Among them: A musher may be out of the race if a dog dies.
By Frank Chythlook & John Sallee: As Heard on Morning Line: the Alaska Women Veterans Listening Session
Todays guests on Morning Line featured Katie St. John, the Director of Programs and Grants at the Alaska Community Foundation and Vanessa Meade, a Clinical Asistant Professor at the University of Alaska, Anchorage School of Social Work. They spoke with Morning Line host Frank Chythlook about the Alaska Women Veterans Listening Session.

Alaska News June 08, 2018

By Laurel Andrews: Hazmat team investigates white powder left near Anchorage homeless shelter
By Nathaniel Herz: Court filings expose power struggle over sex harassment charges at Alaska Native corporation Calista


By Laurel Andrews: Alaska man charged with wasting walrus kill

By Daniella Rivera: Murder suspects: An escapee, a parolee, & a defendant on bail
By Daniel Kirby: Former Alaska lawmaker Zach Fansler to be arraigned on June 21 in Juneau
By Beth Bragg: Warrior moms will help the Alaska Run for Women continue the fight against breast cancer
By Beth Verge: Family, friends reflect on life of Anchorage hit-and-run victim Paul Winter
By Rebecca Palsha: Police look at clearing up ‘grids’ of illegal camps instead of individual campers
By Tegan Hanlon: Anchorage School Board pushes back decision on school start times to August
By Scott Gross: Inside the Gates: Veterans Portrait Project
By Heather Hintze: Teens graduate from APD Youth Academy
By Lauren Maxwell: More officers to patrol Anchorage trails
By Lauren Maxwell: Group wants help cutting brush from bike trails
By Steve Quinn: Walker signs foster care reform bill into law
By Patrick Enslow: From UAA to the NHL, the Seawolf who took the Stanley Cup
By Jackie Purcell: Nap time for mother moose and twins
Moms Everyday Alaska Family Features: Tomato and tortellini soup

Alaska News June 07, 2018

By Laurel Andrews: APD: Man killed by SUV was rollerblading on sidewalk
By Beth Verge: Armed with defense dogs, Providence Alaska Medical Center reports decrease in violence
By Emily Carlson: Motorists illegally corral moose calf on Minnesota
Congratulations Jodie Hettrick!
By Leroy Polk: First female fire chief announced at Anchorage Fire Department
By Devin Kelly: Spenard sinkhole signals a looming crisis over Anchorage’s aging drainpipes
By Erica Martinson: Sullivan gets his wish for canceled Senate recess while Murkowski fumes
By Tegan Hanlon: The Anchorage School District wants parents to know about the show ‘13 Reasons Why’ and how it could affect their children
By Erica Martinson: Alaskan Tara Sweeney’s Interior Department nomination cruises through committee
By Dave Leval: Wasilla baseball team honors fallen service members
Congratulations Jessica Michelle Singleton!
By Daybreak Staff: Jessica Michelle Singleton performs for one night only in Anchorage
By Chris Klint: Wave of summer Anchorage concerts starts Thursday
By Liz Thomas: Brown Bag shutters its doors for good
By Kari Bustamante: Zoe Hickel brings program for young female athletes to Alaska
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Alaskan makes the cut on ‘American Ninja Warrior’ Wednesday
By Annie Zak: Cruise company Carnival will buy Southeast Alaska’s historic White Pass railroad
By Allie Harvey: For this one-time wanderer, grow roots first, then plant a garden
Edible Alaska Recipe: California Roll Bowl

Alaska News June 06, 2018

By Mary Simton: Driver leads troopers on wild chase through Valley
By Zaz Hollander: Widespread lightning strikes trigger Alaska wildfires
By Leroy Polk & Associated Press: UPDATE: Anchorage pedestrian struck, killed in crash on 9th Avenue, police questioning suspect
By Associated Press: Arson fire destroys vehicles, damages Kodiak building
By Marc Lester: Weeks after her wedding day, a Polish climber survives a 1,000-foot fall on Denali
By Melinda Bolton: 3 men sentenced for ‘winter crime spree’ in 2017
By Megan Mazurek: Race aims to raise money for breast cancer research
By Devin Kelly: ‘Downright infuriating:’ Worker sues state over transgender surgery
By Laurel Andrews: When a moose crashes your birthday pool party
By Scott Gross: On Hawaii’s big island, evacuate or be arrested

Connecting rural Alaskan communities to future nurses

VIDEO: Days after return from Afghanistan, 4-25 soldiers summit newly-named Gold Star Peak

Alaska News June 05, 2018

By Alex DeMarban: John Active dies; he was a Yup’ik storyteller and ‘the voice of the Y-K Delta’
By Associated Press: Court denies appeal of man who struck joggers with car
By Mary Simton: Spike strip ends 100-mph chase near Sutton
By Liz Thomas: Troopers investigating Big Susitna River death
By Devin Kelly: Anchorage Police Department wants to move headquarters downtown
By Laurel Andrews: Police find stolen mail from across Anchorage after victim follows suspects
By Zaz Hollander: ‘Suspicious’ fire damages Anchorage school playground
By Zaz Hollander: Wasilla Christian school loses 3 buses in fire linked to fuel theft
By Stephanie Rhoades: No plan for ‘homesteaders’ in Anchorage greenbelts is a bad plan for everyone
By Bill Roth: Meet the new Star, 7th in a line of reindeer living in downtown Anchorage
By KTVA Web Staff: Wildlife officials sedate moose shot with target arrow
By Emily Carlson: GOP targets ‘turncoats’ in primary election
By Laurel Downing Bill: Story Time with Aunt Phil: Zachariah Loussac
By Steve Quinn: Rep. Gara announces retirement from Legislature
By Sean Maguire: Student dons a Confederate flag on her mortar board at Palmer High graduation
By Laurel Andrews: Watch black bear cubs frolic at an Anchorage golf course
Moms Everyday Alaska 719woman.com: Meal under $10: Fish with Mexican corn salad