Partial updates April 08-22, 2024

Associated Press: Air National Guard changes in Alaska could affect national security, civilian rescues, staffers say
Eielson AFB: Eielson hosts Women’s Panel Lunch and Learn event
Ketchikan Daily News: Mary Louise (Giraudo) Beck
Alaska Native News: New radar analysis method can improve winter river safety
KTOO: Alaska Women’s Cancer Care expands service to Juneau
By Theresa Bird, AUTHENTIC ALASKAN WOMEN (Part 4): Sherrie Laurie brings Christ’s love to Alaska’s most vulnerable, abused women

Editor’s note: As modern global elites champion powerful and defiant women, this series features Alaskan women who leavening the world with that particular love unique to the “genius of women.”

Sherrie Laurie was a FedEx pilot for 20 years before she felt called by God to face her fears and embark on a journey that would ultimately lead her to encounter, and love, some of the most vulnerable, neglected and abused women in Anchorage.
ADN: ‘Looking inside my brain’: 40 years of Ray Troll’s inspiration and imagination captured in new book
Craig Medred: Bad messaging
Craig Medred: The ‘accident’
Craig Medred: Alaska delusions
Craig Medred: The bonanza
Craig Medred: Alaska idyll
Craig Medred: Dirty bottoms
Craig Medred: Accepting reality