Warning, extremely horrific!

Sharing from Lost and Found Pets Alaska on Facebook:
“Regarding Jack – the missing Rottweiler – there is an update and a request. It is a distressing situation, and if you are better off not seeing negative news, stop reading now.
Attached is a summation of the chain of events as we understand them to be per personal interactions with the people in question plus charges filed by the State of Alaska.
The 2nd week of August: Jack’s owner had to go out of town and left him at her home with the understanding that a sitter who had known Jack since he was a puppy would be stopping in on a regular basis to take care of him.
Monday, August 14: Jack’s owner returned home but Jack was not there.
The sitter told Jack’s owner that he had been lost on Sunday, August 13th, at 10am at Connor’s Bog, even going so far as to provide details about a moose encounter and scuffle that apparently ensued which, she said caused her to lose sight of Jack. This person never filed a lost report with Animal Control nor posted on any lost and found social media pages, nor did she tell the owner that she had lost Jack until the owner was almost back to Anchorage while driving from Fairbanks.
August 15-31: Every usual effort was made to locate Jack: posters, social media posts, more posters, game cams, searching the bog with hip waders, more posters, visiting homeless camps, finding people who were at the Bog that Sunday to see if they remembered seeing anyone matching the description of the sitter with Jack, more posters, checking video from businesses along Raspberry Rd in the area where the sitter said she lost sight of Jack, etc.
Repeated consultations and ultimately pleas, were made to the person who lost Jack to provide more details as there was not one shred of corroborating evidence that he was lost the way it was communicated. The people looking for Jack had nothing else to go on except this story; they kept at it without letting the inconsistencies undo the belief that he was still alive, waiting to be found, if only they had a real idea of where to look.
August 31: Kathy Rae Mcarthur (the same person who was entrusted with his care while the owner was out of town) was arrested for a Class C Felony related to the disappearance of Jack and taken to Hiland Correctional Center where she spent the night.
September 1: Ms. Mcarthur was arraigned and released on her own recognizance. She was ordered to not have any contact with pets nor to own any pets. The next hearing is set for September 7.
As it stands now, Ms. Mcarthur confessed to various people, including law enforcement, that Jack was taken “across the inlet” and killed. She communicated that she enlisted what is understood to be a plane-owning friend or relative to ensure that he was taken somewhere he would never be found and shot to make sure he never came back. To this day, it is not known who flew the plane nor what sort of arrangement was made to ensure this plan happened. It is not known where his body is. Ms. Mcarthur has indicated that she has no plans to reveal this information.
As it stands now, technically Ms. Mcarthur is facing a maximum of 5 years in prison and a $50,000 fine. It is understood that in the interest of expediting this case, the punishment will most likely be much less than the maximum.
As you are so inclined, please reach out to the Prosecutor’s office today and early tomorrow to communicate that anything less than the maximum sentence is not something our community can abide, especially since Ms. Mcarthur has not confessed to all of the elements of this crime much less implicated the person who literally pulled the trigger if it was not her. Had that person not been enlisted and agreed to participate, there’s a good chance Jack would still be alive. Please communicate that the case is not resolved to the best of the State’s ability given there is an obviously guilty party still out there who will take the State’s disinterest as a thumbs up that kidnapping and killing a family pet will go unnoticed and unpunished. The owner of Jack still does not know where his body is. She desperately wants and deserves to know. No plea should be entered until all that information is shared with the State.
Should any facts of the case that are still in question here be known to you, please communicate those details to the Prosecutor’s office as well as message the admins of Lost and Found Pets Alaska on Facebook so that they are privy to the same info, lest someone in a position to do so not act on it.
State of Alaska Prosecutor’s Office:
Phone: 907-269-6300
Email: lawanchoragedao@alaska.gov
Case #3AN-23-06516CR
Jack’s owner and the lost and found pet community would like to thank all the people that put up posters and made an effort to find him. It meant so much that people still asked about him and kept the faith. Together, let’s do this one last push and represent Jack’s owner. We would do it for you. Let’s do it for them. #JusticeForJack
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Greetings, Dear Community!
September brings the freshness of fall, the promise of new beginnings, and an essential reminder for us all: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
September Health Fairs
September is a bustling month for AHF with numerous opportunities to participate in health education and affordable blood screenings. We invite you to join us at these events across various communities. Please note that you can schedule your appointment online and see the most current schedule on our front page, www.alaskahealthfair.org. Walk-ins are welcome at all health fairs.
Learn more ->
ANC Master Plan Public Meeting:
The Anchorage Airport is hosting a Master Plan Update Public Meeting on Thursday, September 14, 2023, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Coast Inn at Lake Hood in the McKinley Ballroom. You are invited to learn about the aviation forecast and facility requirements. For those unable to make the meeting, there will be an Online Public Meeting from September 14–28 at www.ancmpuonline.com. To receive future project updates, please sign up for emails on our website: www.ancmpu.com
Common Ground Alaska: FREE HOMESTEAD SUMMIT!