Category Archives: AK News

Alaska News February 08-09, 2024

KTUU: 1 critically injured in Midtown Anchorage park as police look for suspect; New map allows trail users to track trapping locations and more ->


KTOO: An Anchorage woman is working to offer water cremation and other natural death care options in Alaska; Juneau’s new police chief talks accountability, hiring woes and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Homicide at Russian Mission; New bike path named for deceased cyclist; Nenana Ice Classic ticket sales begin and more ->

KINY: Public safety commissioner seeks change in Alaska’s missing and murdered Indigenous people response; Rep. Peltola announces her 2024 Military Service Academy Nominations and more ->


Alaska Native News: Bison Company’s cold weather training triumphs in Bethel; The rusting of northern Alaska streams; 2024 First Lady Volunteer Awards Nomination Period Now Open; This Day in Alaska History-February 8th, 1939; This Day in Alaska History-February 9th, 1907 and more ->

KFSK: Pianist and teacher Tony Lu visits Petersburg and more ->

KRBD: $1.7 million of meth and fentanyl seized in Ketchikan, Alaska National Guard briefs community and more ->

KUCB: Unalaska Head Start expands, offers relief for parents and more ->
Delta Wind: Castner Glacier plan aims to crack down on unpermitted users and more ->

KMXT: Alaska Fisheries Report 08 February 2024 and more ->
JD Supra: Alaska Is First State to Adopt the NAIC ‎AI Model Bulletin by Issuing Bulletin B 24-01 ‎Governing ‎Licensed Insurers’ Use of AI

Book Trib: Teaching in the Dark by Genét Simone
In a remote Alaskan village, a young teacher relies on her courage, resilience and wit while enduring freezing temperatures, power outages, loneliness, and first-year teacher anxieties and missteps, but eventually realizes that those challenges pale in comparison to the life lessons she learns about the heart of teaching.

Craig Medred: The vulnerable
As a result, people like Carlton Higgins, an elderly Anchorage dentist die, are rundown and die because there is no reason for motorists to be concerned about running over them. Higgins was in a crosswalk theoretically intended to protect pedestrians when he was killed.

Alaska News February 06-07, 2024

KTUU: House and Senate lawmakers talk natural gas crisis ahead of joint meeting; Fairbanks man killed in Elliott Highway crash; No one hurt after Government Hill building suffers latest roof collapse in Anchorage and more ->
KTOO: Tongass Voices — Marilyn Lumba and more ->

Alaska Native News: Kashatok, of Kipnuk, Convicted for Possession of Child Pornography; This Day in Alaska History-February 6th, 1919; This Day in Alaska History-February 7th, 1893 and more ->

KINY: Alaska State Troopers investigate homicide in Russian Mission; Microplastics found in body tissues of walruses harvested by Alaska hunters; SEARHC and KTBC Agree to a Process for Establishing an Outpatient Substance Use Disorders Clinic to Support the Ketchikan Community and more ->

KSTK: In hopes to relieve local housing pressure, Alder Top lots will be sold under two methods later this year and more ->
KFSK: Petersburg Borough Assembly to send letter of support for airport upgrades and more ->
KRBD: Ketchikan grocery store collaborates with artist and culture bearers to cut down on plastic and more ->

KUCB: Pair of bills makes electronic monitoring of state-regulated fisheries a possibility and more ->

Delta Wind: Walk of Lights – hottest evening of outdoor fun
KMXT: Talk of the Rock: Juvenile Justice in Kodiak and more ->

By Jody Kerzman, KFYR: North Dakotans living in Alaska say snow and cold remind them of home
Apologies for the ADN paywall.
By Chris Bieri, ADN: ‘This is a step’: Meet the Alaska Native creators who played big roles in ‘True Detective’ Although it was shot in Iceland, the production included more than a dozen Alaska creators who took on a wide variety of duties.


The Alaska Frontier: 7 Best Things About A Tour Of Matanuska Glacier In Winter
The Alaska Frontier: 11 Of The Best Places To See The Aurora In Anchorage

Alaska News February 04-05, 2024

KTUU: Mountain View shooting leaves woman hospitalized, suspect in police custody; Divers pull out hundreds of pounds of trash from Whittier Harbor and more ->

KTOO: In Bristol Bay, shock and concern follow move to nix management council for nation’s largest state park; An appraiser told Anchorage its property was worth $3M. The city sold it to the former mayor for $2M and more ->

KYUK: LKSD’s 2024 Spelling Queen Bee; Federal regulators approve long-term plan for cleaning site of Alaska mercury mine and more ->


Alaska Native News: This Day in Alaska History-February 4th, 1941; This Day in Alaska History-February 5th, 1910 and more ->

KINY: Stagnant funding results in Alaska pre-K school closure, instability for vulnerable children and more ->

KFSK: Petersburg Borough Assembly to look at changing rules to buy Borough property and more ->

Delta Wind: BLM seeks input for new Castner Glacier Recreation Area Management Plan

KMXT: Midday Report – February 05, 2024

By Megan McDonald, Only In Your State: There’s A Deadly Plant Growing In Alaska Yards That Looks Like A Harmless Weed


Craig Medred: No-farm farm

By Ammon Swenson, Alaska Public Media Alaska author’s newest novel examines wild spaces, unlikely alliances and the healing power of the state
Author Kim Heacox is a former ranger with the National Park Service who has written multiple award-winning books and contributes to The Guardian, writing opinion pieces about the environment and public lands. He lives in Gustavus and his most recent novel is called “On Heaven’s Hill.” It follows the rumblings in a coastal Alaska town where plans for a controversial bridge and road bring together some unlikely allies. The three primary characters are a former trapper trying to make the best for his family, a young girl newly arrived to Alaska coping with her father’s wartime injuries and young wolf who lives on the outside of town.

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Riley Woodford, Alaska Department of Fish & Game: Black Bears and What Wolves Eat
Wolves mostly eat deer on Prince of Wales Island, but researchers using a new method of determining a predator’s diet have learned there’s a surprising assortment of other prey on the menu as well.

Prince William Sound is prime black bear habitat, and the area is popular with hunters and wildlife enthusiasts. Changes may be in store for bear hunters this spring.

And speaking of bears, Alaska’s McNeil River Sanctuary provides outstanding bear viewing opportunities. Molly McCarthy-Cunfer shares her experience in Alaska Fish and Wildlife News.
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Alaska News February 02-03, 2024

KTUU: ‘Why can’t I be an astronaut?’: First Native American to go to space speaks to Alaska Native students; Maria Downey honored by Anchorage Assembly and more ->
Dave Allgood News: Picking and grinning at the Anchorage Folk Festival & the 13th Annual Banjo Contest
Dave Allgood News: Comedic American opera ‘Scalia/Ginsburg’ to play PAC
Dave Allgood News: Orchestrating to obsolescence. The Anchorage music teacher who demands excellence & gives kindness.
KTOO: New condos built with Juneau Affordable Housing Fund loan are being sold at market rate; Alaska Senate passes new pension program for state employees, but final approval is in question; Amalga Distillery named James Beard semifinalist and more ->
KYUK: Kuskokwim Ice Road open from tundra villages all the way to Aniak and more ->
Alaska Native News: Attorney General Taylor Announces Settlement with Multinational Marketing Firm Publicis for Role in Opioid Epidemic; Apply today for new oyster hatchery training; This Day in Alaska History-January 28th, 1908; This Day in Alaska History-January 29th, 1908; This Day in Alaska History-January 30th, 1901; This Day in Alaska History-January 31st, 1956; This Day in Alaska History-February 1st, 1918; This Day in Alaska History-February 2nd, 1931 and more ->
Faribanks News Webcenter 11: State publishes quarterly report on missing Indigenous persons; Filmmaker visits Fairbanks, presents documentary on soldiers; Braving the bitter cold in bikinis and more ->
KINY: Alaska & Hawaii Delegations Seek Medicare Reimbursement Flexibility for Rural Hospitals; Governor Dunleavy legislation aims to increase competition and reduce energy costs for ratepayers and more ->


KSTK: Dunleavy honored Wrangell’s Mayor Patty Gilbert at the State of the State and more ->

Resurrection Bay Historical Society
The next Thursdays: Our History program on Feb. 15 will feature Dorothy Gray, secretary-treasurer of the Russian Orthodox Church in Kenai, talking about The History of Russian Orthodoxy in Alaska and the Kenai Peninsula. Dorothy is also chair of Russian Orthodox Sacred Sites in Alaska whose mission is to preserve and restore the state’s historic Russian Orthodox churches. The program will start at 7 pm at the Seward Community Library & Museum.

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KFSK: Petersburg Police Department annual report points to crime drop-off in 2023; Petersburg actor L’xeis Diane Benson is in HBO’s True Detective: Night Country and more ->


KRBD: Alaska National Guard headed to Ketchikan to talk fentanyl and more ->

KUCB: M/V Genius Star XI moors in Dutch Harbor and more ->
Delta Wind: Caring Hearts marks one year and more ->

IMXT: Kodiak bear cubs caught on video thousands of miles away from home after escaping from a Florida “bear trainer” and more ->

28th Anniversary Alaska Ski for Women Sunday, February 4, 2024
Craig Medred: Near death
Craig Medred: Backyard fish
Craig Medred: Fall of the kings

Craig Medred: Why, just why?
Craig Medred: Gone processing

Craig Medred: For sale
Craig Medred: Winning

Craig Medred: New Ice Age
Simple Living Alaska: Burbot or Bust | Set Lines on the Frozen River
Simple Living Alaska: Workin’ Hard & Eating Good | Cold Winter Days

Simple Living Alaska: Making + Drying Fresh Pasta | Tortellini and Lemon Magic Cake

Alaska News January 24-31, February 01, 2024

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) recognizes Maria Downey as “Alaskan of the Week” – January 25, 2024


By Kyle Hopkins, Anchorage Daily News, Pro Publica: Police Say They Won’t Reopen Case of Alaska Woman Found Dead on Mayor’s Property


By Rachel Cassandra, Alaska Public Media – Anchorage: Alaska organization trains salon and beauty professionals to recognize domestic abuse signs


By Claire Stremple, Alaska Beacon: Advocates say human trafficking is a growing problem in Alaska, as lawmakers push for solutions Victim service providers say traffickers are targeting younger, more vulnerable populations

JD Supra: Alaska Adopts New Out-of-State Pharmacy Requirements

By Rod Boyce, UAF Geophysical Institute: Local items boost students’ connection to science


By Ned Rozell, UAF Geophysical Institute, Delta Wind: On the ancient trail of a woolly mammoth


Lat 65 Events: Fairbanks Writers: First Friday Pop-up Bookstore

By James Brooks, Alaska Beacon: Government & Politics Health Some skepticism as Gov. Mike Dunleavy proposes biggest use of executive power in decades As the legislative session began, the governor issued 12 executive orders affecting boards, commissions and agencies

KNOM Radio Transmission: The Nome Static, Transmission 720: February 2024


FCC Alert – People Mover Holiday Schedule & December PTAB Meeting

Alaska News January 16-23, 2024

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) at an Armed Services Committee hearing – January 23, 2024

KTUU Dave Allgood: Anchorage woman celebrates her 107th birthday! Meet Phoibe Nyirabashali! and more ->
KTOO: On Kake Day, Alaska Quakers to apologize for forced assimilation and donate funds for healing center and more ->

KYUK: Bethel mother pleads guilty to murdering her adopted daughter ; New YKHC customer lodge opens more than 100 rooms for medical travelers and more ->

Alaska Native News: Johnny Johnson Sentenced to 99 years for 2022 murder of Alan Wagers; One Fatality in Parks Highway Pickup/Semi Head-On Collision; Governor Dunleavy Introduces Legislation to Help Increase Land Available to Alaskans; On the ancient trail of a woolly mammoth; Russian war on Ukraine hampers Arctic change predictions; This Day in Alaska History-January 16th, 1920; This Day in Alaska History-January 17th, 1913; This Day in Alaska History-January 18th, 1909; This Day in Alaska History-January 19th, 1900; This Day in Alaska History-January 20th, 1913; This Day in Alaska History-January 21st, 1905; This Day in Alaska History-January 22nd, 1902; This Day in Alaska History-January 23rd, 1969 and more ->
Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Man arrested after returning to rob witness of previous burglary; Fairbanks man tased, arrested while driving stolen vehicle and more ->

The Arctic Sounder: Longtime North Slope educator honored for putting Inupiaq at the center of learning; and more ->

KSTK: Remembering how several communities came together post Wrangell’s landslide; The Wrangell Sentinel’s reporter and photographer, Mark Robinson, opens up about his life before, and in, Southeast Alaska and more ->
KFSK: Petersburg Medical Center to review new details on hospital replacement project; Land swap means Petersburg pump station upgrade can move forward and more ->


KRBD: Ketchikan resident charged with arson in apartment fire; Saxman man remains missing and more ->
KUCB: Tustumena to make five Aleutian chain runs this summer; Almost five years after a fatal car crash in Unalaska, families still await a trial and more ->

KMXT: Midday Report – January 23, 2024 and more ->
By Jeff Lowenfels, Jonathan White: ‘Teaming With Microbes’ podcast: Is plastic pollution killing your soil?

Sciences Advances: A female woolly mammoth’s lifetime movements end in an ancient Alaskan hunter-gatherer camp
Sorry for the ADN paywall
The story Elsa tells represents much of the Alaska homesteading experience for women; it was a lonely time of being confined to the homestead and …


By Alice Gibb, Newsweek: Jaws Drop as Woman Greeted With Flock of Bald Eagles
By Ava White, KNOM: HBO’s ‘True Detective’ collaborates with Iñupiaq for Alaska accuracy
By Anne Easton, Forbes: ‘True Detective: Night Country’ Star Jodie Foster Says Alaskan Traditions Contribute To Eeriness Of The Series


Alaska News January 14-15, 2024

KTUU: Man suffers life-threatening injuries in downtown assault; No injuries in Dillingham hospital shooting and more ->

KTOO: Veteran Anchorage TV reporter and anchor Maria Downey announces retirement after decades of Alaska journalism; Beloved Juneau basketball coach honored in memorial on the court and more ->


Alaska Native News: This Day in Alaska History-January 14th, 1869; This Day in Alaska History-January 15th, 1959 and more ->

KINY: Alaska State Troopers respond to disturbance in Craig; In an era of climate change, Alaska’s predators fall prey to politics; Alaska legislators start 2024 session with pay raises and a busy docket and more ->

By David James: Book review: Stan Jones, a master of the northern mystery, takes the genre to California with a co-written detective novel

January is a good month to get out of Alaska and go someplace warm. Plenty of Alaskans are doing just that, but if you’re unable to get Outside right now, let longtime Alaskan writer Stan Jones take you on a vicarious trip someplace warm. Or in this case, some place a little too warm. Palm Springs in summer. It might make you appreciate winter.

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Alaska News January 09-13, 2024

KUCB: Memory Eternal: Jacob Martin Stepetin

Jacob Martin Stepetin, aged 71, of Akutan, Alaska, passed away Dec. 18, 2023. Jacob was born Nov. 5, 1952, to Mattie and Art Stepetin in Akutan, Alaska. Jacob was an innovative Unangax̂ leader who left a long legacy of progressive change. He inspired everyone who knew him, and he is remembered as a beloved Elder, Unangax̂ leader, and culture keeper of Akutan.

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KTUU: Anchorage police seek information on 2023 homicides 22 homicides were recorded within the municipality last year, per APD data; Wasilla woman, boyfriend face charges in alleged abuse of her 2-year-old son; Wasilla woman, boyfriend face charges in alleged abuse of her 2-year-old son ER personnel alerted authorities after Wagoner brought her child in to be treated for an alleged dog bite; Anchorage Fire Department responds to partial building collapse in Taku/Campbell neighborhood; Tlingit artist designs featured on new series of Starbucks cups and more ->

KTOO: Alaska beekeepers kill their colonies every fall, but an Anchorage man has another way; Accusers say long delays in former Juneau chiropractor’s sexual assault case prolong their suffering and more ->


KYUK: Reopened case into the 2021 death of Bethel woman leaves ‘more questions than answers’; Akiachak father and two sons indicted on alleged assault charges; Napakiak woman charged with theft and fraud for allegedly cashing her mother’s checks and more ->

Alaska Native News: Senator Dunbar Prefiles Legislation to Establish Alaska Psychedelic Medicine Task Force; State of Alaska Boosts Digital Security and Efficiency Through Cloud Technology; January museum programs focus on rodents; ‘Snakeworm’ mystery yields species new to science; This Day in Alaska History-January 9th, 1797; This Day in Alaska History-January 10th, 1882;
This Day in Alaska History-January 11th, 1923; This Day in Alaska History-January 12th, 1916; This Day in Alaska History-January 13th, 1946 and more ->


Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Senator Murkowski expresses anger over lack of “arctic pay”; Police combat human trafficking; Anne Wien renovation gets assembly green light and more ->

KINY: Winter storm warning issued for Juneau; Eagle River man arrested on child pornography, enticement charges; Juneau Police Department attempts to locate Corey B. Coleman; Coast Guard concludes search for overturned vessel, releases survivor names and more ->
KSTK: Port Commission votes yes to increase moorage fees if boats don’t have insurance; Borough Assembly will discuss at next meeting and more ->

KFSK: Landslide science talk and worksession coming to Petersburg; Five Finger Island Lighthouse improvements could help keep keepers around for a longer season and more ->
By Nick Varney, Peninsula Clarion: Unhinged Alaska: Sorry about that column
KTUU’s Dave Allgood: Alaska Beagle Ranch. Dave Dorsey collects unwanted beagles so they can have a wonderful life!


By Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media: America is larger now, by declaration of State Department

Michael R Dougherty: Anchorage Government Hill Memories Did you know that Government Hill was the first neighborhood in Anchorage? Let’s go visiting in this edition of the Anchorage Memories VIP Club.
KUCB: Peter Pan’s King Cove plant will stay closed this winter as fishing industry turmoil spreads; Akutan on deck for GCI’s fiber-optic broadband internet and more ->
“The Voyage of The Alaska Union”
SAVE THE DATE! On Thursday, January 18, the Cook Inlet Historical Society will feature Mr. Whitekeys talking about his new Alaska gold rush book, “The Voyage of The Alaska Union.” You can hear the whole sordid story of this epic expedition in the comfort of the Anchorage Museum!
Eighty Greenhorns from Chicago set out to strike it rich in Alaska in 1898. It was the largest Gold Rush expedition ever launched, and they had no idea what they were in for.
One of the prospectors, Charles Harris, toted a 40-pound camera with him during the entire odyssey, but his images have remained unseen for 120 years.
In The Voyage of The Alaska Union, Mr. Whitekeys reveals a true tale of Alaska History that has never been told. Lavishly illustrated with 100 of Charles Harris’s photographs, the book relies on century-old diaries, letters, manuscripts, and newspaper accounts that tell the story in the words of the men who were there on the Koyukuk in 1898.
It’s the story of tough men who survived with what they had. It may be 70 below, you may have forgotten to pack your tent on a hundred-mile trek, but if you had doughnuts, everything was just fine.
The Cook Inlet Historical Society Lecture Series is Free, it’s open to the public, and it starts at 7:00pm at the Anchorage Museum. 625 C Street. I’d love to see you there. For the Voyage of the Alaska Union on Real Paper or e-book, click HERE:
Delta Wind: Online Application for Winter Fortymile Caribou Targeted Hunt AC999 Opens and more ->
KMXT: Midday Reports


Alaska News January 07-08, 2024

KTUU: Anchorage police looking for shooting suspect near UAA campus; 16-year-old Emily Robinson out-mushes Iditarod champions to Knik 200 victory and more ->

Alaska Native News: DUI Motorist Crashes into Ditch at Chena Lakes Recreational Area, Fights with Passerby and Troopers Sunday; This Day in Alaska History-January 7th, 1914; This Day in Alaska History-January 8th, 1908 and more ->
KINY: Supreme Court denies Alaska’s bid to revive the copper and gold Pebble Mine proposal blocked by EPA and more ->

Apologies for the ADN paywall!
By David James, ADN: With her publishing company, Helen Hegener brings Alaska history (and more) to readers


CutterLight: A Portrait of Kate

Alaska News Januay 06, 2024

KRBD: Ketchikan school district loses two beloved educators and more ->
Alaska Native News: Investigation Continues on Deaths of Two Travelers Recovered from Eagle Summit Friday; This Day in Alaska History-January 6th, 1917 and more ->

KTUU: Former state Senate candidate sentenced to 25 years for 2020 murder; Assembly members discuss cost of area-wide public bathroom project, to go before voters and more ->

KTOO: Salmon compete with mining companies as melting glaciers reveal new habitat and more ->
KYUK: New Alaska alcohol laws leave some rural customers temporarily high and dry and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Fairbanks Four member’s civil case one step closer to resolution and more ->


By Dave Allgood, KTUU: Finding solace in pizza. The Papa Murphy’s owner battling cancer, the pies, cries & gratitude.


KINY: Alaska lost a challenge to a COVID-era emergency moose hunt. Now, it’s appealing for a second time. And more ->

by Terri Marshall Alaska Business, 2024 Magazine, Nonprofits: 2024 Alaska Business Hall of Fame Laureates

KFSK: Trainings teach community members to help youth in mental health crisis and more ->

KUCB: Weekend winds could gust 100 mph says weather service and more ->

KMXT: Kodiak Island Borough Assembly approves Capital Improvement Project priorities and more ->