All posts by Deborah

FYI: Pamela Anderson Says Weinstein’s Accusers Should Have Known Better [Update]

By Whitney Kimball: Pamela Anderson Says Weinstein’s Accusers Should Have Known Better [Update]

UPDATE: Anderson has published an explanation on her blog, which appears to be the full text version of what she’d written to TMZ. Here is the letter:

I think this narrative of “victim blaming” and “lack of solidarity” is trying to coerce me (and others) into consensus on something that should be debated and discussed broadly.

I can tell you that from my experience of working on protectin – be it a protection of journalists and human rights defenders and internet security – there is ALWAYS a call and recommendation to see the issues in their complexity. There is understanding of a need to address the issue on structural and legal level, to punish perpetrators but also to build resiliance and ability of “self-protection”. What techniques you should use online, what precautions you should take when covering certain issues as a journalists. There are also a lot of self-protection courses. There is even a well known story of suffragettes learning martial arts and protection when doing activism for right to vote.

I did not say that women deserved being abused or that the pigs like Weinstein were not to be punished. Quite an opposite, I said myself that Weinstein is a sexist pig and a bully.

So this is not victim blaming but looking at the issue from the angle of women being aware of certain problems and how to spot them and fight them. It is totally hypocritical to ignore this. And it is not helping anyone to ignore the realities in the society we live in. The causes of the problem and solutions are complex and women who do not live in the utopian bubble must be aware of what is going on. And that is what I have highlighted.

I do NOT wish apologise for what I said.

And will not get coerced into apology.

This exactly what I am saying is a problem with the contemporary “victimhoood feminism”! The people who subscribe to that notion tolerate and actually expect women to talk about the stories of abuse and experiences with creeps.

But they would NOT tolerate a woman with her own opinion. So pathetic.

Alaska News December 03, 2017

Man dead in late-night Muldoon shooting
By Victoria Taylor: Bethel Police investigating death of woman discovered lying in snow
Alaska GOP moves to block rogue lawmakers from party primary
By Cameron Mackintosh: Two moose calves likely die after eating poisonous ornamental plants

“Some plants have cyanide in them like Japanese Yew and Chokecherry and other things that we plant to make our houses look good but unfortunately it poisons moose pretty quickly,” Dyer said.

Chokecherry trees are a common culprit in moose poisonings. According to horticulturist Steph Daniels, Chokecherry is sold at some Anchorage nurseries, and is a common feature in many lawns across town.
By Sean Maguire: Snow tubing opens for the season at Arctic Valley
Congratulations Sadie Bjornsen, Rosie Brennan, Erik Bjornsen and Scott Patterson!
By Patrick Enslow: Another podium performance for Bjornsen at the World Cup
By Sean Maguire: Mumps outbreak spreads with 71 confirmed cases in Anchorage
Alyeska to open skiing season on December 9

Alaska News December 02, 2017

Anchorage woman sentenced to one year for assaulting toddler
Kevin said Chase suffered multiple skull fractures and will have lasting affects from the trauma.
Dog recovering after fall from overpass onto Glenn Highway
Police, firefighters clear 5-car Tudor Road pile-up
Drug dog finds methamphetamine welded in heavy equipment
By Associated Press & Sean Maguire: UPDATE: Alaska Senators applaud the passage of the Senate tax bill 51-49
By Victoria Taylor: Marijuana Control Board develops working group to address testing
While not established yet, the group is expected to be made of members from multiple platforms including cultivators, scientists and even government employees.
By Peggy McCormack: Proposed Hatcher Pass ski area seeks name
Submissions will be taken until December 17, with a decision for the winning name to be made in late January.

You can send your ideas to You can also visit or or mail to P.O. Box 924, Palmer, AK 99645.
By Mike Ross: Making play things for wild things
By Sidney Sullivan: New high speed internet infrastructure launches services in Arctic Alaska
By 49 Writers: Literary Roundup | November 24-December 7, 2017
By Craig Medred: Own history
By Suzanne Downing: Scandal: Former Alaska Democratic Party staffer alleges sexual assault
By Suzanne Downing: Risky business: Anchorage channels its inner Detroit

By Naomi Klouda, AJC: Rogoff hires additional legal help to fight financial probe
The Alaska Philosophaster: Alaskan Spark
Some things have changed since 1992, when I worked in it with the BLM Alaska Fire Service. But not a lot. Aircraft and safety standards have improved, fire shelters and retardant chemicals have changed.

By Barbara Hunt Pope’s astronomer comes to Palmer
Steller Watch December 1st: ~92
The Sea Lion of the Month for December was nominated by a dedicated Steller Watch Citizen Scientist: ~92! This sea lion is a male that was born on Gillon Point on Agattu Island (this island is assigned the ~ symbol). When we captured him June 24, 2013 to he weighed just over 60 Ibs (27.4 kg) and was over 3.5 ft long (111 cm) and almost 3 ft (83 cm) around his torso (measured just below the front flippers). not the heaviest pup we have seen but quite long!
Last Child in the Woods to First Child in the Garden

Alaska News December 01, 2017

Congratulations Anita Laulainen!
Alaska’s newest license plate design includes northern lights
Restorative justice workers hope to head off juvenile crime
By Ariane Aramburo: 1 arrested after burglary at Enterprise Rent-A-Car in Spenard
By Victoria Taylor: Muni completes first-phase in building new substance abuse treatment facility
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Court Documents: Woman stabbed woman, drove her down highway
By Sean Maguire: APD graduates 18 recruits and closes in on a long-held staffing target
By Rebecca Palsha: Sexual harassment affects more than just celebrities, consultant says
By Samantha Angaiak: UAA School of Nursing weighs in on nursing shortage
Alaskans to rally in support of Net Neutrality
In Alaska, supporters of Net Neutrality are organizing protests outside of Verizon stores, joining a national day of protest on Dec. 7, 2017.
Earthscope US Array Project-Alaska
Story Time with Aunt Phil: Russian Jack
From Alaska to Amazonia: first global maps of traits that drive vegetation growth

Alaska News November 30, 2017

How a Wasilla man, out on bail, was able to attack his victim again
Wasilla man guilty of woman’s kidnapping, attempted murder
By Leroy Polk: Seward man arrested after shooting neighbor in the head with shotgun
By Kalinda Kindle: Alaska Senators say they plan to support individuals choosing to go without health care
“You can pay now or you can pay later, but if you are forced to go to the ER that could potentially bankrupt you,” Horton said.

He says medical care is expensive already.

“If you are uninsured and you break a leg you are going to have to the ER and that is where insurance is going up because ER’s have to over right the cost for people that are uninsured,” Horton said.
By Associated Press: Number of jobs in Prudhoe Bay region drops to decade low
Alaska’s Energy Desk reported Wednesday that the region had a record 13,485 jobs in March 2015, but that number has since dropped to 8,923.
By Cameron Mackintosh: School Board sends $50 million bond package proposal to assembly
By Samantha Angaiak: Performance event aims to inspire wellness through Native humor, art
Randi Zuckerberg calls out Alaska Airlines over ‘lewd’ passenger
Cow moose guarding dead calf near Spenard home
Marsh said that cow moose often remain with dead calves but will move on shortly, so no action was taken regarding the cow by Fish and Game. Under state law, homeowners must remove carcasses of dead wildlife on their property.

“Although the dwelling is unoccupied, it’s still got a landowner and that person will be responsible for removing the carcass,” Marsh said.
Wasilla first-grader wins $25,000 scholarship
Workforce Wednesday: Young Fishermen’s Summit
The Alaska Young Fishermen’s Summit is December 6-8 at the Dena’ina Center in Anchorage.

You can register for the summit, here.

The Alaska Master Gardener Blog November 30, 2017

The Alaska Master Gardener Blog

The Alaska Master Gardener Blog is a way for Alaska Master Gardeners to volunteer by sharing their knowledge and expertise in Alaskan Gardening. They are volunteers for Alaska Cooperative Extension Service. Heidi Rader edits the site and teaches the Alaska Master Gardener Online Course. Some of the posts are Lesson Plans correlated with GLE standards while others are general blogposts.
To find out more about the program, visit the Alaska Master Gardener Program website.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service programs are available to all, without regard to race, color, age, sex, creed, national origin, or disability and in accordance with all applicable federal laws. Provided in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Fred Schlutt, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Alaska Fairbanks. UAF is an AA/EO employer and educational institution. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author (s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Common Pest: Aphids and How to Control Them
Heating it up: Compost Heated Greenhouses
It Just Takes Some Mist: Aeroponic Hydroponic Cloning

To Tea or Not to Tea
Espalier – Living Sculptures
Rhodiola Rosea: Medicinal Plant for Alaska
Mindfulness and Gardening: The Benefits of Stopping, Breathing, and Enjoying your Alaska Garden
Not All Weeds are the Same
Winter doesn’t have to mean boring
The Dirt on Testing Your Garden Soil
To Pull or Not To Pull? Is It Native or Invasive?

Making Peace with Green Tomatoes
Poinsettia Progression: The Origin, Growth, and Care of Euphorbia pulcherrima

Alaska News November 29, 2017

Stolen zebra mount returned to owner
Scott gave the video to police who were able to find and arrest 38-year-old Desiree Fuller at the Travel Inn on Gambell.
Lawmakers to look at sexual, other harassment policies
Taking part will be Reps. Matt Claman (CLAY’-man) and Charisse Millett, both of Anchorage, and Louise Stutes of Kodiak. The state senators taking part are Cathy Giessel of Anchorage, Anna MacKinnon of Eagle River and Peter Micciche (mih-CHIK’-ee)of Soldotna. All are Republicans, except for Claman, who is a Democrat.
APD investigates possible home invasion in south Anchorage
By Samantha Angaiak: Calendar features Anchorage police officers inspired by officer shot on the job
Please note the website link below is one I found on the MOA site. When I click on the link in the story this happens:
STOP – Action Needed: LexisNexis® Coplogic™ Solutions is proactively disabling support of TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 as required. If your Internet Browser/Operating system does not meet the minimum requirements you will not be able to connect to this application. Windows 7 or newer and Internet Explorer 11 or better is required. Internet sites such as may be used to identify the operating system version and web browser version used by your computer. Click here for a more detailed explanation.

By Kalinda Kindle: Community members talk about how to cut down crime
Officer Nave said filling out online crimes reports, even if the police do not come to your door, is critical to tracking, and eventually busting the criminal.

Below is the Anchorage Police Departments non-emergency number:

Below is the Anchorage Police Departments online reporting:
By Leroy Polk: UAF student struck, killed while trying to help snowmachiner on the side of the road
By Kyle Hopkins: ‘I want to give a shout out to all the villages.’ Alaska band Portugal. The Man nominated for Grammy award

Alaska News November 28, 2017

By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Earthquake shakes Southcentral Alaska

By Mike Ross: Ice jam causes flooding in Peters Creek area
By Kalinda Kindle: Girdwood businesses feeling the crunch from late ski season start
By Beth Verge: Breaking down SB 54: What you need to know about Alaska’s newest crime reform bill
By Leroy Polk: Alaska woman found dead, her son arrested for first degree murder
By Heather Hintze: Caught on camera: Burglar steals stuffed zebra head
By Daniella Rivera: Alleged leader of drug ring denied reduced bail

By Scott Gross: Aurora Flooring hit hard by local vandals
By KTVA Web Staff: Anchorage man sentenced 20 years for child porn

By Leroy Polk: Marijuana officials to meet, possibly address smoking at Alaska retail stores
In a public notice, the control board said that the public meetings scheduled for Nov. 28 and 29 would consider these issues, as well as proposed marijuana establishments whose owners have applied for licenses. Also included, are “updates on implementation of marijuana establishment licensing, ongoing and proposed regulations projects, and other matters that may come before it,” the notice said.

The public meeting will be held at the Alaska Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Avenue in Anchorage, getting underway at 9 a.m. on both days.
By Kyle Hopkins: How Alaska non-profits spend your donations from ‘Giving Tuesday’
You can search for recent 990s by using free online watchdog services such as Guidestar or Charity Navigator. Both services require registration but there is no fee for research.

To learn more about a given non-profit:
1. Sign up for the service using your email address.
2. Look for an immediate email asking you to verify your registration.
3. Go the Guidestar or Charity Navigator home page and enter the name of the charity in the search bar.
4. Click “show forms 990” (Guidestar) or “click to view” (Charity Navigator) to see the charity’s most recent tax filings.
5. Go to page 10 of the 990 form and look at Row 25, “Total Functional Expenses.” This row shows you how the non-profit is spending its money. You can divide column B (program expenses) by column A (total expenses) and multiply by 100 to see the percentage that the charity is spending directly on services and programs.

It’s not a fast or efficient process, but it provides a level of detail on local non-profits that is not readily available through the Pick Click Give or state consumer protection division web sites.

By Daybreak Staff: ‘A Very Electric Christmas’ performs this weekend
By Moms Everyday: Garlic tarragon roasted beet sandwiches

Heating it up: Compost Heated Greenhouses
By THE JUNEAU EMPIRE EDITORIAL BOARD: Believe the women: Don’t reward sexual abuse, harassment
Christine Cunningham: I love animals but I kill them too – Hunting Alaskan-style
By JACOB MANN Midshipman returns home to speak to Naval Academy hopefuls
On one of his stops, he met with Laelle Robinson, a junior at Wasilla High School.

“She’s in a good spot right now, but there’s always room to improve,” Farmland said.

Robinson comes from a military family. She also used to be home schooled. Farmland talked with her for a while to go over what it takes to qualify. He also gave her advice on how to become more competitive and how to stand out more in her application process. He noted that she was in extracurricular activities, which is a good notch in her belt. Robinson is currently in Wasilla High School’s Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) program. Although it isn’t required to be in JROTC prior to joining the academy, it does help introduce young people into the military way of life and will certainly be useful when they decide to enroll.
Pride and a Paycheck – Heidi Morris, page 4
Congratulations Catina and Blaine Shaishnikoff, Aleutian Greens owners
Author: Laurel Andrews Fresh greens from a shipping container in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands? Believe it.

By Annie Zak: Shop Talk: In a recession, Skinny Raven rethinks how to measure success
By Annie Zak: Open & Shut: A roundup of comings and goings among Anchorage-area businesses

Alaska News November 27, 2017

By Associated Press: Report: Juneau’s rape kit backlog is ‘one of the worst’
By Liz Raines: Anchorage mayor discusses budget increase
By Victoria Taylor: Welfare check leads to rescue of Fairbanks man stuck under shower for 3 days
By Associated Press: Alaska couple looks to change damaged property tax law

By Cameron Macintosh: Anchorage ski community mourns man killed in Hatcher Pass avalanche
 By KTUU Staff: Festive events light up Southcentral Alaska’s holiday season
By Sean Maguire: Discounted cannabis sold on ‘Green Friday’
Neal says Cannabaska started cultivating its own strains and selling its own products, allowing it to give the special deals that attracted hundreds of Alaskans to his store. Neal says in addition to the $110-ounce deal, it was also offering $200 ounces for those further back in line and other specials throughout the day.

“It’s a way to give back to the community,” Neal said.
By Sean Maguire: Pennsylvania hunting guide fined up to $23,000 for multiple AK offenses

AFD Car Seat and Booster Seat Checkup Event – Friday, Dec. 1st, 2:30 – 4:30 P.M.
The AFD and Safe Kids Alaska will be providing car seat and booster seat inspections this coming Friday, December 1st, at the AFD Training Center from 2:30 to 4:30 P.M.