All posts by Deborah

Alaska News February 13, 2018

By Heather Hintze: Parents of suspect in Grunwald murder testify
By Nathaniel Herz: Can the Permanent Fund save Alaska’s budget, without taxes? The Senate says so – but it depends.
By Kalinda Kindle: Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Opposes Prop 1
Proposition one would require that a person only use a bathroom or locker room, “on the basis of sex at birth, rather than gender identity.”
By Liz Raines: As Anchorage gets older, survey aims to attract millennials
Anchorage is getting older. According to the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation, the average age in the city jumped from 31 to 33 within the last decade.
By Juan Montes: Allen Moore 2018 Yukon Quest champion
Chickaloon hosts its first Native Youth Olympics Invitational
By Daybreak Staff: Tundra Vision lecture series celebrates Alaska’s youth
By Samantha Angaiak: Alaskans working to develop radon database
Jennifer Athey, a geologist for Alaska’s Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, said the goal is to better map out where higher and lower levels of radon exist in the state.

“Right now there is very little information about radon in Alaska, we have some projects that were done in the ’80s and then we’ve been collecting a little information here and there, but really we need much much more information,” Athey said. “One of the problems with Alaska is that people are so concentrated along the rail belts and scattered into remote villages so it’s hard to say especially in those outlying areas as more construction develops what the radon potential is going to be.”
By Megan Mazurek: Teacher of the Week: Brittany Nerland
Aside from the academics, Nerland wants her students to remember one thing.

“I want them to know or remember how I made them feel,” she said. “The lessons are going to come and go… But how I made them feel, that’s what they’re going to remember.”
By Mike Ross: A taste of Mardi Gras in AK : Valentine meal for two… for under $20

Alaska News February 12, 2018

By Julia O’Malley: DA: Teens shot into a home, then into a party bus. Now they’re facing charges in a woman’s death.
By Sean Maguire: Gold Star Peak honors families of the fallen in the Chugach Mountains
By Sean Maguire: Alaska’s 211 service celebrating its 10th anniversary
By Assoicated Press: Juneau considers new rules for anchoring in city waters
Moms Everyday Alaska Family Features: Dark chocolate souffle

Alaska News February 11, 2018

Christoper Espiritu-Simpson and juvenile male arrested in homicide and shots fired investigation
The adult male suspect has been identified as Christopher Espiritu-Simpson (19-years-old). He faces charges including Murder 2 and multiple counts of Misconduct Involving a Weapon. Charges are pending against the juvenile male.

If you have information to help solve a crime and are afraid to give your name, call Crime Stoppers at 561-STOP or go online at You can remain anonymous and still help us catch the criminals.
By Sean Maguire: Wasilla 17-year-old charged as an adult for sexually abusing 11-year-old girl
The 17-year-old is from Wasilla and is being remanded to Mat-Su Pre Trial Facility for five counts of sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree and one count of sexual abuse of a minor in the second degree. He is being held in lieu of a $50,000 cash only bail with a court ordered third party custodian.
These Anchorage drivers are part of an unhappy, but growing club
After a record year for car thefts in 2017, the rate of stolen vehicles reported across the city has remained high into the new year. And some drivers say that even when they get their car back, they don’t always keep it for long. (NOTE: Dawn Dupps is a car theft victim, not a police officer.)
By Annie Zak: How one cargo ship delay sends ripples through Alaska’s food supply chain
ByHeather Hintze: Winter Trails Day celebrates greater Mat-Su parks access
By Charles Wohlforth: They’re making a ‘Flying Boxcar’ into a mobile coffee shop. Because it is too cool not to.
By Devin Kelly: 5 Southcentral Alaska road projects that could change the way we get around
Moms Everyday Alaska: Parents’ cell phone use impacts kids’ learning
by Lisa Demer: Life in Bethel: Richness and despair, sometimes all in a single day

Alaska News February 10, 2018

By Rebecca Palsha: Concerns in Big Lake about “vigilante justice”
By Heather Hintze: Hot Plate Madness: YouTube series teaches homeless youth to cook
Hot Plate Madness
By Tegan Hanlon: Iditarod board president will not step down
By Richard Mauer: Gov. Walker names replacement for Dunleavy
By Liz Thomas: Republican Senators lash out at Walker Senate appointment
By Rhonda McBride: Zuill Bailey: On a mission to spread the love of classical music across Alaska
by Liz Thomas: Body of missing man found in S. Anchorage
By Daybreak Staff: Register for the 4th Annual Last Frontier Pond Hockey Classic
By Daybreak Staff: Workforce Wednesday: Youth Job Fair 2018
The job fair is Saturday, March 3 at the Northway Mall from 1 – 5 p.m.
By Liz Thomas: State Fair announces new concert ticket option, performers
By Victoria Petersen, Alaska Public Media – Anchorage: 49 Voices: Hannah Dorough of Anchorage
This week we’re hearing from Hannah Dorough in Anchorage. Dorough is an English graduate from UAA who is a ski coach for Junior Nordic.

Alaska News February 09, 2018

By Alex DeMarban: Mostly union force of 261 to be laid off in Prudhoe Bay contract change
By Beth Verge: Anchorage man sentenced for homeless camp killing
“That’s six years, six years for a life, Your Honor,” said one family member upon hearing the verdict.
By Heather Hintze: Man convicted of criminally negligent homicide in death of Valley teen

Under Senate Bill 91, the presumptive range for criminally negligent homicide is one to three years; because the victim was under 16 in his case, that range goes from two to four years in jail.

Palmer Assistant District Attorney Shawn Traini said Melton pleaded guilty to the most serious aggravator for the crime, which means the judge could sentence him up to 10 years.
By Leroy Polk: Fairbanks man pleads not guilty to sexually abusing toddler
By Nathaniel Herz: Former Alaska prosecutor misled superiors about trooper’s lewd text, state says
By Joe Vigil: Police arrest woman accused of pepper-spraying man in the face
By John Tracy: Reality Check: Get out of jail free!
By Lauren Maxwell: Large apartment complex planned for Sand Lake area
He also pointed out that two years ago, he got a letter of approval for the project from the Sand Lake Community Council.

By Mike Ross: Mushers demand resignation of Iditarod board president

By Scott Gross: Capturing the impact on both sides of opioid abuse
Tennessee man who famously hacked Sarah Palin’s Yahoo email account in 2008 is dead By Ryan Poe, The Commercial Appeal:
MEMPHIS, Tennessee — David Kernell, who as a college student in 2008 guessed his way into Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s personal email account, died last week in California. He was 30.

Kernell, son of Shelby County, Tennessee, school board member and former Democratic state representative Mike Kernell, died of complications related to progressive multiple sclerosis late Friday or early Saturday, his family confirmed in a statement Thursday.
By Beth Bragg: Team Alaska can fend for itself – and put on a show

AFGHANISTAN (KTUU) – “You can leave the ‘stan, but the ‘stan will never leave you. Enjoy your visit.” Those were the words Col. Brian Beckno, NATO Resolute Support said to me minutes after arriving at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. At the time, while I had a few ideas, I really didn’t know what to expect from my first trip to a war zone. Two weeks later, I know those words he spoke, for better and worse, were 100 percent the truth.
By Daybreak Staff: DJ Spencer Lee to host ‘Spenard Prom’, ‘Jams for the Fams’ events
Spenard Prom Dance Party (21+ event)

Thursday, Feb. 15
Bear Tooth Theatrepub
Doors open at 8:30 p.m.
Party Starts at 9 p.m.
Tickets: $15

Jams for the Fams Neon Love Party

Sunday, Feb. 11
Bear Tooth Theatrepub
Time: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

By Lindsay Rudolph: Sour cream pork chops with vidalia onion gravy

Alaska News February 08, 2018

By Zaz Hollander: Wasilla man convicted of killing Alaska State Troopers dog
By Chris Klint: Naked passenger sends Alaska Airlines flight back to Anchorage
By KTVA Web Staff: Alleged car thief strikes again
By Joe Vigil: Domestic violence suspect speaks out on Facebook
By Devin Kelly: The longstanding problem of who pays for Seward Highway policing may finally have a fix
By Tegan Hanlon: How an Alaska fishing town rebuilt its police department after all its officers quit
By Beth Verge: Following Obama Administration clemency, Alaska man returns home after a decade behind bars
By Cameron Mackintosh: Recruitment, retention still major hurdles for Alaska State Troopers
By Leroy Polk: VIDEO: Chief Justice calls state of judiciary ‘strong and resilie
By Brad Joyal, Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Drivers make the decisions but dogs are the driving force in Yukon Quest
By Kalinda Kindle: Hairdresser for the homeless: a haircut and help
ANCHORAGE (KTUU)- Joshua Coombes is a London barber who travels around the world giving haircuts to people in need, and he brought that generosity to Anchorage to provide haircuts for homeless people.

Coombes said what he does is nothing special, it’s just combining his passion of cutting hair to help others.

“It’s not just a haircut, it is about someone taking the time to spend with you” said Coombes.

Coombes is part of #DoSomethingForNothing , which encourages others to spread acts of kindness to those in need.
Author Garry Graham’s New Book, “The Sons in His Eyes�, is a Devastating True Story of Lost Childhood, Unfathomable Hardship, and New Life for Two Brothers in Alaska

Alaska News February 07, 2018

By Heather Hintze: ‘Give me a reason he needed to die that night.’
By Shannon Ballard: Anchorage cold-case gang rape suspect expected in court
By Joe Vigil: Woman accused of shooting pepper spray into man’s face

By Julia O’Malley: At an Anchorage homeless shelter, an unexpected birth
By Richard Mauer: House bill aims to require insurance to cover birth control
By Annie Zak: This revived Anchorage station wants to ‘bring weird back to radio’
By Devin Kelly: Anchorage pays $20K in compensation after city improperly tows and crushes a man’s bus

The police chief, Justin Doll, agreed in an interview that the law was out-of-date. He’s asked city attorneys to work on making it clearer.

He added that it’s possible at the moment for people to use loopholes to get around the goal of the law.

“Which is not to leave vehicles forever on city streets and neighborhoods,” Doll said.
By John Thain: After days in freezing temps, cat rescued from treetop
By Kalinda Kindle: The Alaska Zoo is worried about ill polar bear
Homer snowboarder wins freeride event in British Columbia.
Homer native Davey Baird won a Freeride World Tour snowboarding event at Kicking Horse Resort in British Columbia over the weekend.
Operation Afghanistan: Finding a suit at the bazaar
Blake Essig finds out how easy it can be to find a suit on short notice in Afghanistan at the bazaar on Tactical Base Gamberi.
By Scott Gross: Inside the Gates: Operation Punch Bowl

Alaska News February 06, 2018

By Heather Hintze: Judge weighs explosive video in Grunwald murder trial
By Rebecca Palsha, Kortnie Horazdovsky: Pence talks missile defense, North Korea with Alaska reporters
By Samantha Angaiak & Sidney Sullivan: UPDATE: JBER officials finish responding to a bomb threat, no explosives located
By Beth Verge: Parents of victim of deadly domestic violence unveil new facet of their mission

“Four months after (her death),” said Butch Moore, Bree
By Richard Mauer: Juneau Senator plans retirement
JUNEAU, Alaska (KTUU) – Alaska Sen. Dennis Egan, one of the Legislature’s most colorful members, and certainly its saltiest, plans to announce his retirement live on radio Tuesday.

He said he will serve out the remainder of his term with the Democratic Party, but he will not stand for re-election in November.
By Samantha Angaiak: State aims to create more welcoming environment at doctor’s offices for LGBTQ community
Congratulations Diane Hawley!
By James Gaddis: Teacher of the Week: Diane Hawley
Will Pickvance Performs in Anchorage
Moms Everyday Alaska Candace Reid: Valentine cake mix cookie treats

Alaska News February 05, 2018

By Zaz Hollander: A Mat-Su mechanic is accused of stealing nearly half a million from scores of victims. That’s just this time.
By Daniella Rivera: Family waiting on moving company to deliver– 6 months & $23K later
KTVA received several text messages from the employee’s number asking that this story not be reported. One message reads, “Running the story will prevent us from being able to get Sandor shipments and others out to them.”

The company has not yet given a specific date for the release of the Sandor family’s shipment.
By Devin Kelly: Judges, attorneys, defendants face learning curve in Alaska’s new bail system
By Teresa Cotsirilos, KYUK: A year after a homicide, Bethel man’s family demands answers
By Liz Raines: Thousands of Alaskan teens experience dating violence: What you should know

For a list of resources on teen dating violence, click here.
Teen dating violence resources

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: 1-866-331-9474
Alaska Careline (crisis, suicide prevention): 1-877-266-4357
Text “LOVE IS” to 22522
By Julia O’Malley: Alaska Ski for Women ‘party wave’ celebrates women, skiing and the return of light
By Anchorage Daily News: Jack Black appears at Anchorage gala. A zillion selfies ensue.

Alaska News February 04, 2018

Ski For Women
By Cameron Mackintosh: Anchorage airport police get first ever narcotics K9
By Victoria Taylor: The Children’s Hospital at Providence offers free monthly vaccination clinic
By Sean Maguire: Computer outages cause delays for nearly 100 Alaska Airlines flights
By KTVA Web Staff: Pence to make Alaska visit Monday on Olympics trip
Military Nurse by Night, Make-A-Wish Volunteer by Day

If you talk to Tammy McMannon for just a few minutes, you’ll hear compassion in her voice. She’s been a nurse in the military for nine years, and she often works night shifts, caring for adult patients in the ICU.

With a job like that, you’d think that Tammy might use her spare time to sleep.

But Tammy’s compassion knows no bounds. She works exclusively with adults doing her job as a nurse, so she’s determined to give back to local children in her spare time. She says, “Volunteering at Make-A-Wish gives me the interaction with children that I don’t have in my career.”
By Annie Zak: Open & Shut: Retail closures in the Valley, plus new Anchorage coffee shop
By Beth Bragg: ‘Unbelievable’ effort puts Alaska boys on podium at World Junior relay race
By Sean Maguire: South Anchorage bakery celebrates birthday with 107-pound cinnamon roll
By Sean Maguire: Injured bear spotted on the outskirts of Kodiak
By Chris Klint: ‘The Price Is Right’ makes things right with Bethel winner
By KTVA Staff: Frontiers Preview: ‘The Post’ renews interest in Pentagon Papers, Mike Gravel