By Michelle Theriault Boots: 3 people hospitalized in Anchorage shootings
By Assoicated Press: Child abuse cases increase in Southeast Alaska, expert says
By KTVA Web Staff: 2 tied to multiple vehicle thefts arrested, police say
Nolcini was on condition of release to obey all laws.
By Devin Kelly: Increase in thefts and bad behavior leads Loussac Library to seek security camera upgrade
By Victoria Taylor: ‘A solid Alaskan memory,’ Anchorage family builds colorful igloo
By Nathaniel Herz: New forecast of Alaska oil revenue takes chunk out of state’s deficit
By Michelle Theriault Boots: South Anchorage restaurant destroyed by fire
By Zaz Hollander: A bacteria that can kill wild sheep and goats has never turned up in Alaska — until now
By Charles Wohlforth: How Girdwood twins built a life around skiing and beer
By Richard Mauer: Ask Juneau — Why do we have daylight saving time in Alaska?
Moms Everyday Alaska: Family Features-> Strawberry peanut butter pie
All posts by Deborah
Alaska News March 18, 2018
By Annie Zak: Anchorage police investigating death of man found in car as homicide
By Cbris Klint: Real troopers arrest alleged fake trooper in Houston
By KTVA Web Staff: UAA hosts debate on Anchorage ‘bathroom bill’
By Associated Press: Coast Guard to upgrade Kodiak air fleet with new model
By Kalinda Kindle: Miss Amazing Pageant: Opening doors for opportunity
KTUU: ITC confirms Iditarod winner to receive $50,612
By Victoria Taylor: Musher Magnus Kaltenborn claims Red Lantern award, ending Iditarod XLVI
By Loren Holmes: Watch: From start to finish, fly along the 1,000-mile Iditarod trail
By Nathaniel Herz: Alaskans make new push to kill more sea otters, saying they’re decimating Southeast shellfish
By Sean Maguire: Two Fairbanks buildings have roofs collapse in three days
Matt Goff Sitka Nature: Indian River Valley
Matt Goff Sitka Nature: Invisible Ash
Alaska News March 17, 2018
By Leroy Polk: Anchorage man breaks into home of ex he previously assaulted, police say
By Scott Gross: Teen enters plea in fatal Anchorage party-bus shooting
By KTVA Web Staff: Juneau man sought on probation charge
By Rebecca Palsha: Stolen Vote by Mail ballot packages found damaged and wet in the snow
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: City sends replacement ballots to voters who updated voter information just before deadline
By Richard Mauer: New forecast shows state revenues increasing, but still a huge deficit
The forecast is available on the state’s revenue department tax website.
Craig Medred: News fraud
The publisher and owner of Arctic Today – which bills itself as the unrivaled source for “international news and perspective on a changing Arctic” – has been accused of fraud in a complaint filed with the Federal Bankruptcy Court in Anchorage.
By Laurel Andrews: An Iditarod musher was ‘starting to freeze.’ Another helped him instead of finishing the race.
By Annie Zak: Alaska lawmakers, following other states, consider bills to keep net neutrality
By Sean Maguire: Fred Meyer to stop selling firearms
By Leroy Polk: Alaska syphilis cases rise; first months of 2018 as high as entire year of 2017
Alaska News March 16, 2018
By Liz Thomas: Convicted child predator gets 2 years jail time
By Mike Ross: UPDATE: Stolen truck that fled from police found
By Leroy Polk: Prisoners charged in riot, occupation of Fairbanks Correctional Center
By Liz Thomas: Suit: Neurosurgeon snapped pic of patient’s privates
By Erica Martinson: The Interior Department is preparing for a massive overhaul — and Alaska is its model
By Zaz Hollander: Southeast Alaska fishermen illegally caught $35,000 worth of sea cucumbers, troopers say
By Zaz Hollander: What started as a reported kidnapping in Wasilla turned into a very public crash
Bearss Blog: Ghosts of Koyuk are no friend to Kat Keith
David Meismer’s New Book “Jim Daves Alaska Memories” is an Absorbing Tale About a Young Man’s Dreams of Moving to Alaska
C. B. Waide Jr.’s New Book “Alaska: Is It Real?” is the Author’s Riveting Retelling of the Process of Moving to Alaska With His Family
By Lee Jordan: J.F.A. Strong: AK governor, editor, alien, bigamist
Moms Everyday Alaska Dawn Wells: Irish cream soda
Alaska News March 15, 2018
Suzanne Downing: April Hackney, political creative force, dies
By Michelle Theriault Boots: Charges: Anchorage man forced woman to use meth, sexually assaulted her
By Heather Hintze: Mat-Su couple gets 3 years for dog’s death in stolen van
By Alex DeMarban: Panel determines Superior Court judge likely has work-impairing disability
By Scott Gros: State senator posts survey on SB 91
APRN: Alaska News
By Michelle Theriault Boots: Walker bill would put inmates back to work in prisons
By Devin Kelly: Discrimination complaint against downtown Anchorage women’s shelter opens up political front
By Chris Klint: Former Anchorage father, son accused of laundering money for Iran
By Lauren Maxwell: Girl Scouts stiffed in counterfeit-for-cookies buy
By Charles Wohlforth | Opinion: She needed her husband’s permission to enter the beauty pageant. It didn’t go as planned.
By Zack Fields, Christina Grande | Opinion: It’s too late to prevent the opioid epidemic, but progress is being made in addressing Anchorage crime
By Natalie Clunan: This Alaskan Crab Boat Tour Adventure Is Like None Other In The World
By Carey Seward: The Restaurant In Alaska That Serves Grilled Cheese To Die For
Alaska News March 14, 2018
By beth Bragg: Joar Leifseth Ulsom of Norway wins the 2018 Iditarod
By Marc Lester: Woman struck and killed by train in Anchorage
By Liz Thomas: FBI searching for Midtown bank robber
By Mike Ross: UPDATE: stolen truck owner comments on APD not chasing thief
However, Voelker said he supports the decision by officers to not chase the person who was driving his stolen truck.
“I’m kind of glad they didn’t chase him through that parking lot” Voelker said. “It was super busy. I know if I was with my wife and kid and we were in a car and some cops were chasing someone and they hit us, or something happened to my family, it’s not worth it.”
By Cassie Schim: Miss Amazing pageant helps girls shine in Anchorage
By Richard Mauer: Federal agency says gas line can be approved in 2020
By Devin Kelly: Anchorage ballots have been mailed to voters. Here’s an overview of what will show up in your mailbox.
By Jack Carney: Who should be the next mayor of Anchorage? Here’s the pitch from the candidates
By Liz Raines: Musher aims to save a piece of Iditarod history
By Bryan Bearss: Bearss Blog: There’s no place like Nome
By Kortnie Horazdovsky & Blake Essig: ‘What’s the silliest question you’ve been asked?’ Mushers tell us from the trail
Moms Everyday Alaska Family Features: American Irish stew
Alaska News March 13, 2018
By KTVA Web Staff: Troopers in fatal Pilot Station shooting named
By Tegan Hanlon, Kyle Hopkins: This quiet, confident Norwegian has taken charge of Iditarod 2018
By Zaz Hollander: Mat-Su to get $4.5 million to buy out Matanuska River property owners
By Nathaniel Herz: House proposal to put PFD in Alaska Constitution won’t guarantee payments
Matt Goff Stika Nature: Sitka Nature Show #152 – Phil Mooney
By Jordyn Brown: Local author’s Sartell roots run deep
Coleen’s Recipes: BACON JAM
Moms Everyday Alaska Liz Kepplinger: Chocolate oat muffins with peanut butter swirl
Alaska News March 12, 2018
By Michelle TheriaultBoots: APD: Security guards catch fleeing suspect after stabbing at motel
By Leroy Polk: Pizza delivery driver carjacked in Anchorage, man arrested after being found in the vehicle
By Daniella Rivera: Special Olympics Alaska honors late president Jim Balamaci
By Devin Kelly: If you live in Anchorage, this is how Prop. 11 would impact your wallet
By Tegan Hanlon: A heart as big as Alaska’: Unalakleet throws a retirement party for DeeDee Jonrowe
Alaska News March 11, 2018
By Cameron Mackintosh: Man hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after West Anchorage shooting
By Alex DeMarban: United Steelworkers sues BP after it cut union-represented positions on North Slope
By Zach Rover: Avalanche danger for the western Prince William Sound
By Emily Carlson: Tribal Council asks governor to shut down Bethel liquor store
Courtesy of Suzanne Downing’s Must Read Alaska
By Suzanne Downing: Transgender files complaint against shelter for abused women
If indeed AWAIC is helping transgendered persons file complaints against another women’s shelter over the issue of men seeking entry into a place reserved for the safety of traumatized women, then the AWAIC board of directors may have some new policy decisions to make.
Sen. Mia Costello is running a survey on social media regarding crime and Senate Bill 91. We’ve heard that over 400 Alaskans have taken the five-question survey. Take the survey here.
By Annie Zak: Shop Talk: Anchorage piñata maker works to turn hobby into business
By Associated Press: Kenai officials plan expansion for city cemetery
By Liz Raines: Women mushers to girls: ‘You can be anything you want to be’
Bearss Blog: The solitude of the trail
Rasmusson Foundation: Advocate for causes: Mike Navarre joins Rasmuson Foundation Board as first member from the Kenai
Rasmuson Foundation News Bittersweet goodbye: Good luck to our Smart guy
By Kat Sorensen: What does a 1st-time Alaska visitor read to get ready?
By Ben Henning 49Writers, Inc: Literary Roundup | March 9-15, 2018
Congratulations Diane Demoski and LeAnn Marquard!
By Jacob Mann: Twin teachers retire from Burchell
By Tim Rockey: Jenski Automotive officially back from the ashes after ribbon cutting
Alaska Highway News: WATCH: The Swedish Trapper
Such is the journey of documentary filmmaker Viktoria Sahl, who travelled the globe to chronicle the story of Hedin, best known locally for his heroics trying to save 17 American soldiers from drowning in Charlie Lake during the building of the Alaska Highway.
By Patrick Endres – In keeping with a year-in-review tradition, I’ve selected 100 photos that reflect favorite sights and experiences in 2016.
Alaska News March 10, 2018
By Liz Thomas: Jim Balamaci memorial this weekend
By Zaz Hollander: Gunshots, then silence: Daylong standoff with troopers in Pilot Station ends with man dead
By Kortnie Horazdovsky / Victoria Taylor: Thomas re-sentenced to original plea deal of 75 years for murder
By Mike Ross: Sexual assault suspect indicted
By Emily Carlson: Fairview worries Prop 10 would turn them into homeless hub
Nurse Named Providence CEO
By Laurel Andrews: Alaska’s state-run psychiatric hospital to be investigated for allegations of workplace safety, retaliation
By Erica Martinson: Alaskan’s BIA nomination held up in White House limbo over Native corporation share questions
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Alaskan Paralympian wins gold
By Richard Mauer: ASK JUNEAU: Can marijuana tax revenue be used for education?
By Daybreak Staff: Mic Check in the Morning: The Quebe Sisters
By Wesley Early: Alaska News Nightly: Friday, March 9, 2018
By Craig Medred: Iditarod dangers
Back home in Minnesota now with the memory of a near-death experience along the Iditarod Trail unlikely to fade for a long, long time, Scott Hoberg finds himself a man deeply humbled by Alaska’s vast, winter wilderness
And thankful to be alive. Very thankful.