All posts by Deborah

Alaska News October 24, 2018

By Leroy Polk: Anchorage police called to argument at Mush Inn; hours later, that argument turned into a stabbing
By Rebecca Palsha: Archdiocese of Anchorage reviewing sexual misconduct allegations over past 50 years
In August, Etienne responded to investigations into Pennsylvania’s Archdiocese, saying that his Archdiocese had changed procedures over the years, and notifies law enforcement first in any case of allegations.
By Jill Burke: Fired APD lieutenant takes the stand in suit against the city
By Manny Creech: Man faces 99 years for attempted murder of APD officer
Lelilio’s sentencing is scheduled for February 21, 2019. He faces a maximum sentence of 99 years in prison for attempted murder and a maximum of five years in prison for each of the assault and felon in possession charges.

He will be held without bail until sentencing.
By Lauren Maxwell: City disposes of unclaimed items from cleaned-up homeless camps
By Heather Hintze: Downtown eateries struggle to balance compassion, right to refuse service to homeless
By Juan Montes, Kalinda Kindle: APD one step closer to moving into former downtown LIO building
Assembly member Amy Demboski spoke against approving the lease negotiations, saying the price tag was too high for a lease.

“This administration is going ahead and saying ‘Go ahead and take 2.3 million dollars out of your operating budget,'” Demboski said. “From a fiscal perspective, if you are really wanting to buy that building, buy the dang building.”
By Richard Mauer: What can Walker do with all his contributions?
The law on refunding money says it can be pro-rated among contributors. Suppose that only turns out to 10 cents on the dollar, Heckendorn hypothesized, would it be as fair to give a billionaire 10 percent of a $1,000 contribution to Walker and his lieutenant governor as it would to return money to a pensioner who forked over $50? Could those contributors even be tracked down, and would they accept a return of their money?

To avoid those complications, Walker may just use the money and already purchased television time to thank supporters, Heckendorn said.
By Scott Gross: No family, no money: Mother seeks compensation for daughter’s tragic death
“When people lose a job there’s millions,” Burke said. “If she lost her arm there’d be a huge payout and yet death in this state, and most states in the union, there is zero dollars given to the person. It’s not that we want money, we want the state to say, this person was valuable.”

Burke and her attorney Kevin Dougherty filed their court papers against Criterion General and Alaska USA Federal Credit Union in early September. They anticipate a hearing sometime in 2019.
By Associated Press: Anchorage-area communities explore new cemetery options
By Anna Rose MacArthur: Toksook Bay Will Be First Community Counted In 2020 U.S. Census
By Leroy Polk: Direct flights from Alaska to China to be reality by 2019, officials announce
By Liz Raines: Survey: Anchorage residents want smaller homes closer to downtown

Alaska News October 23, 2018

By Cassie Schirm: Paris Cafe vandalized after being called out on Facebook
Patterson says this could have been worse. He and his brother open the cafe every day and the cut gas line could have seriously injured them.

“I’m an Iraq war vet and my brother is an Afghan war vet that we can survive deployments and then we go to open the door to our work and a spark ignited and we could have been injured or killed because a miscommunication led to an escalation through Facebook, and then people took it upon themselves to commit an act of violence is stupid,” Patterson.

Patterson says the issue hits home for him.

“My son is Alaska Native and if anyone treated my son like this my mom and my family we would be the first people to stand up and say something. So to be called racist almost on a daily basis you know for a variety of reasons because people don’t like service it hurts.”
By Daniella Rivera: Chevy TrailBlazer wanted in homicide investigation goes up in flames
By Jill Burke: Trial delay for Kotzebue girl’s accused killer in federal court
Because the case is complex, and because there is a great deal of evidentiary material to go through, U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Burgess has vacated the November trial date Wilson would have had, and instead rescheduled it for April 2019.
By Mary Simton: Mayor Berkowitz discusses crime, homelessness and Anchorage future
By Associated Press: Kodiak rancher says bears have claimed 30 of his cows
By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Already cast your absentee ballot for governor? What’s a voter to do?
Cancer survivor creates ‘chemo comfort’ bags
By John Thompson: Head of the Class: Heidi Tsukada

Alaska News October 22, 2018

By Sean Maguire: Prominent Alaskan businessman Barney Gottstein dead at 92
By Mary Simton: Married man accused of sexual relationship with teen charged
By Associated Press: Road rage driver avoids jail time for pointing BB gun
The second driver videotaped the encounter. The video showed Holder standing outside her vehicle holding what appeared to be a black semi-automatic handgun and pointing at the camera.

The second driver’s daughters told troopers they thought they were going to be shot.
By Associated Press: Military convoys plan return trips to Alaska bases
By Kalinda Kindle: With early voting starting Monday, local groups seek to increase voter turnout numbers
By Steve Quinn: Juneau voters to put 3 freshmen into Legislature
Office of Governor Bill Walker One Alaska Update October 22, 2018
By Isabelle Ross: Through digital storytelling, Bristol Bay students uncover the NN Cannery’s history

Alaska News October 21, 2018

By Sean Maguire: Seal hunters found safe near Newtok after using moss to stay dry
By Sean Maguire: Palau national sentenced to 11 years in prison for May carjacking
By Scott Gross: School Board selects new member from field of 32
By Chris Klint: Glenn Highway crash leaves semi trailer in Matanuska River
By Sean Maguire: Division of Elections still ‘processing’ the impact of Walker’s campaign suspension
By Cassie Schirm: Westchester Lagoon footbridge is coming down
By Jeff Bridges: Rage City Rollergirls kick off 11th season

Alaska News October 20, 2018

By Kortnie Horazdovsky: UPDATE: APD investigating man found dead near Eklutna power plant
WATCH: AFN’s full farewell to Gov. Walker as he suspends campaign Alaska Native leaders from across the state thanked Gov. Walker
By Jeff Bridges: Senator Dan Sullivan talks bringing federal officials to Alaska
By Sean Maguire: Veterans Affairs Secretary tours Anchorage homeless veterans event
By Scott Gross: Inside the Gates: Anchorage Stand Down
By Julia Laude: Recognizing National LGBTQ History Month, FNSB School District passes Resolution
By Derek Minemyer: Ham amateur radio operators ready to respond in Alaska
By Austin Baird: Three Alaska Women earn 2018 Shirley Demientieff Award
By Liz Raines: Biologists ask for help spotting Alaska bats
By Lauren Maxwell: ‘Don’t feed the ducks’ is working: Water quality at Cuddy Pond has drastically improved

Alaska News October 19, 2018

By Mary Simton: Anchorage homicide suspect arrested in Michigan
By Daniella Rivera: Experts say there’s ‘no excuse’ for errors made by Pretrial Enforcement while supervising violent suspects
By Daniel Kirby: Kodiak man tells bear to get off his lawn; bear leaves quietly with trash
By Heather Hintze: Canadian throat singers captivate AFN crowd
By Laurel Downing Bill: Story Time with Aunt Phil: Anna DeGraf searches for son
By Julia O’Malley: Alaskana recipe: Sort of Sarah Palin’s moose chili

Alaska News October 18, 2018

By Kortnie Horazdovsky: Former Juvenile Justice administrator charged with possessing child pornography
By Jill Burke and Rich Mauer: KTUU wins document quest, revealing Anchorage police chief mishandled internal affairs inquiry
By Leroy Polk: WATCH LIVE: Alaska Federation of Natives Convention kicks off Thursday
By Rebecca Palsha: ‘Wiinga-llu’: Newly-appointed Lt. Gov. shared #MeToo experience a week before taking office
By KTVA Web Staff: New Lt. Gov. Davidson makes first speech, says she stands ready to serve
By Liz Raines: Walker cancels AFN campaign booth, donates space to nonprofits
By Scott Gross: 3 Alaska schools earn federal performance honor
By Rebecca Palsha: There’s a disaster, and you’re in charge of 45,000 students, what happens next?
By Anna Rose MacArthur: Village Police Officer To Be Honored For Improving The Lives Of Alaska Native Women And Children
By Wanetta Ayers: Judge Corey wasn’t the only one to fail a sexual violence survivor, but accountability matters.
By Patrick Enslow: Kikkan named honorary chair for Women of Achievement & Youth Awards
By Liz Raines: Anchorage breast cancer survivor shares spiritual experience
By Manny Creech: Alaska leads the country in women entrepreneurs, research finds

Alaska News October 17, 2018

By Melissa Frey: Seward flooding prompts emergency declaration, school closures
By Leroy Polk: Alaska woman charged with assaulting an officer after punching one in head
By Rebecca Palsha: After a tearful apology, an Anchorage man will serve 81 years for attempted murder
ANCHORAGE (KTUU) – After a tearful apology to his victims, Christian Beier was sentenced to 141 years with 60 suspended, 81 years to serve after being convicted of attempted murder charges.
By Chris Klint: School report leads to arrest in girl’s sexual abuse
By Heather Hintze: ‘Tell someone:’ Victim in Mat-Su teacher abuse case speaks
By Daniella Rivera, John Thain: Report: Alaska violent crime rates significantly higher than national average
By Cecily Hilleary: Congress: Alaska Natives to Expand Violence Against Women Act
By Winona LaDuke: LaDuke: How should women feel about recent events?
By Steve Quinn: Lt. Gov. Mallott steps down amid ‘inappropriate comments’
By Leroy Polk, Daniel Kirby: UPDATE: Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott resigns after making ‘inappropriate overtures’
By Joe Vigil: Alaska veterans leave for Honor Flight to Washington DC
By Heather Hintze: Alaska teens’ music video melds Tlingit and hip-hop
By Anna Rose MacArthur: Y-K Delta Village Population Growth Outpacing Bethel Population Growth
By Daybreak Staff: Mic Check in the Morning: Calina Lawrence

Alaska News October 16, 2018

By Daniel Kirby: APD: Intoxicated woman crashes truck, drives away with child in backseat
By Sean Maguire: Deceased taxi driver remembered as a loving dad and aspiring author
By Rebecca Palsha: Sentencing for man convicted of attempted murder stretches to second day
By Derek Minemyer: Girdwood Forest Fair refuses to settle lawsuit with man escorted for religious activity
By Chris Klint: 2nd Regal Air pilot turned back from fatal flight’s route, NTSB says
By Heather Hintze: Elders & Youth helps keep Native languages alive
Public Media for Alaska’s Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta: Power Outage Tuesday Night For Bethel, Napakiak, And Oscarville
Rasmuson Foundation: Our Momentum Fellows already are moving forward, here and in life
By KTVA Web Staff: Reel spooky: Map reveals Alaska’s favorite kid-friendly Halloween film
By Kalinda Kindle: Prepared, not scared; ASD teaches ALICE training
By John Thompson: Head of the Class: Sarah San Martin
Communications during a disaster

Alaska News October 15, 2018

By Chris Klint: Anchorage woman found dead in Ninilchik RV
By Chris Klint: APD: Fatal hit-and-run driver said he was too ‘low on gas’ to stop
By Chris Klint: NTSB: Helicopter was in ‘free fall’ before fatal Southeast crash
By Dave Leval: Mountain View residents call for end to gun violence
By Kalinda Kindle: The sky is the limit: Girls in Aviation Day
Governor Bill Walker One Alaska Update: October 15, 2018
Suzanne Downing Must Read Alaska: IT’S AFN WEEK
AFN: Watch Convention Live