KINY: Ketchikan Fire Department investigating Park Avenue structure fire and more ->
By Kristen Jokinen, Joy Ride A Bike Odyssey From Alaska to Argentina
The Eagle Valley is no stranger to bikers and adventures, however not many can say they’ve biked 18,000 miles from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Bahia Lapataia, Argentina; Kristen Jokinen and her partner can. Jokinen wrote a book about their unbelievable trip and will be at the Bookworm to share her story, show a short video, and have time for Q&A.
Biker and author visits The Bookworm of Edwards to share epic journey from Alaska to Argentina
Eat Your Words from Edible Alaska: #57: No Meat Required
Craig Medred: Killing us softly
Michael R Dougherty: Alaska Facts and History: Glacier City, Alaska
Have you ever heard of Glacier City, Alaska? Our story takes you to a historic place just 36 miles south of Anchorage, Alaska.
Simple Living Alaska: 0:15 / 20:05 Canned Mushrooms & Grilled Grouse Kabobs | Summer Harvest