Alaska News March 13-14, 2025

KTUU: Jessie Holmes celebrates triumphant Iditarod run


KTUU: Anchorage airport claims responsibility for removed eagle’s nest in Sand Lake neighborhood ANC said it was due to risk of bird hitting plane; Bill would allow baby drop boxes for Alaskans to surrender newborns safely and more ->

KTOO: Juneau Animal Control is searching for an elusive German Shepherd and more ->


KYUK: Biologists focus on disease and nutrition to understand ailing Mulchatna caribou herd; LKSD reveals thousands of students and staff affected by PowerSchool data breach and more ->

Alaska Native News: BLM issues permit for expanded tour operations in the White Mountains National Recreation Area; Dan Strigle is New Kenai DA; Research on pink salmon in the Arctic learns from people, place, fish; This Day in Alaska History-March 13th, 1918; This Day in Alaskan History-March 14th, 1917 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Snowmachine rider pulled out of 60-foot crevasse alive; Snow snake event kicks off the 2025 Dena Games in Fairbanks and more ->

KSTK: Borough assembly transfers grinder pump station responsibility to private property owners and more ->


KUCB: NOAA layoffs could hamstring fisheries management in Alaska, marine biologists and industry experts say and more ->

Delta Wind: Local scouts volunteer time to do some can crushing and more ->

KINY: AP: Iconic pet reindeer in Alaska falls mysteriously ill after someone tampers in his pen; Federal judge upholds Bering Sea trawl fisheries managers’ decisions amid salmon crisis and more ->


KMXT: Two Pillar Mountain wind turbines temporarily not spinning, Kodiak Electric working on repairs; Alutiiq Museum adds jacket made from bear guts to its collections and more ->
Craig Medred: Iditarod downer -> Feel good story torpedoed


Michael R Dougherty: Meet the Surprisingly Innovative Anchorage Pioneer Edgar Tarwater
Michael R Dougherty: Anchorage Hillside Star Memories