Alaska News March 01, 2021

KTUU Alaska’s News Source: Army launches new campaign to draw more soldiers to Alaska; Victims of fatal Friday Seward Highway crash identified; New space in Midtown will serve as a one-stop shop for small business owners in Anchorage and more ->
KTOO Pubic Media: 10,000-year-old bone from Wrangell area hints how domesticated dogs may have traveled to the Americas; Sitka teens some of the first in the nation to receive coronavirus vaccine; Cruise ships don’t appear to be behind Ketchikan’s beach bacteria problem — so what is? And more>
Alaska Native News: Governor Dunleavy Appoints Klinkhart As Director of the Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office; This Day In Alaska History March 1st, 1879 and more ->
Tradition Innovation Exhibition Now Onlineby Daniel Cornwall on March 1st, 2021 in Sheldon Jackson Museum, Museums | Comments

For Immediate Release
Feb. 24th, 2021

The Sheldon Jackson Museum is pleased to announce that the exhibition Tradition Innovation may now be viewed online on the Alaska State Museum website. Images of Yup’ik artist Peter Williams’ works, including garments, hunting and sewing equipment, and environmental-based art, a copy of Williams’ artist statement, and a video recording of his January 16th opening reception artist talk may all be accessed online at:
Tradition Innovation will be on exhibit at the Sheldon Jackson Museum until the last week of April 2021. The proposal for the exhibition was selected by panel from over a dozen applications. The next Solo Show Exhibition Series will take place in 2022. Images of the exhibition will be posted on the Alaska State Museum website in the online exhibitions section for viewing.

For the most up to date information on museum operating hours, please visit:

Media Contact:
Patience Frederiksen