AK News Alaska News February 25, 2021 February 25, 2021 Deborah KTUU Alaska’s News Source: ‘It did happen’: APD claims stories in controversial posts were real, resists efforts to verify claims; ‘What my whole graduate career has amounted to’: University of Alaska students help research the virus; Artist’s ‘Portraits of Hope’ raising money for MyHouse, Mat-Su homeless youth center; Inside the Gates: F-4 Phantom moved from JBER gate for maintenance work and more -> KTOO Public Media: Mt. Edgecumbe High School honors Tlingit elder and historian Gil Truitt; Alaska lawmaker tests positive for COVID-19 and more -> KYUK Public Media for Alaska’s Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta: How The Y-K Delta Became One Of The Nation’s COVID-19 Vaccination Leaders and more -> Alaska Natve News: Alaska Senate Passes Bill to Combat Opioid Overdose; This Day In Alaska History February 25th, 1997 and more -> Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: State of the University Address: UA system discusses future plans; Gov. Dunleavy tests positive for COVID-19 and more -> STORIES FROM NORTHERN CANADA AND ALASKA: New Equipment Gets Old By Megan McDonald, Only In Yor State Alaska: Fly High Above Winter In Alaska As You Watch This Breathtaking Drone Video