Alaska News February 09, 2021

KTUU Alaska’s News Source: Anchorage man’s body recovered out of Hewitt Lake near Skwetna; The 2021 Anchorage Market is looking for a new home; Healthy Living: Healing from a brain injury through art; Art contest highlights Alaska’s biodiversity and more ->
KTOO Public Media: US Army Alaska launches 1st annual Arctic Warrior winter training exercise; Alexis Ross Miller on AHFC Rental assistance site 2021 02 08 Alaska housing orgs are prepping more than $200 million in rent relief; A journalist live-tweeted a legislator’s false statements about the vaccine. Twitter suspended him.; Sealaska lecture series highlights need for more Native researchers and more ->
Alaska Native News: Pilot Projects Launched to Address Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons; This Day In Alaska History and more ->
Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Juvenile reported missing from North Pole in fall 2020, is still missing; Fairbanks woman previously reported missing has been found safe; UAF Geophysical Institute Lecture Series presents new aurora measurement method and more ->
Anchorage Police Department: It’s ICAC Task Force Safer Internet Day! Warn your kids about the dangers of sexting.
The Canadian Press: ‘No other means:’ Nunavut judge acquits abused woman who killed husband
Alaska Highway News: The start of the Women’s Institute The City has proclaimed February Women’s Institute Month
Alaska Highway News: Q&A: Rebecca Hall makes her directing dreams come true
By Matt Goff, Sitka Nature: Crystal Clear Winter Day (at least to start with)
STORIES FROM NORTHERN CANADA AND ALASKA: Seven Regiments Trashed the New Alaska Highway