KTUU Alaska’s News Source: Mike Borgford’s Raven Glassworks Christmas ornament demonstration; Ellie’s Furcast: Winter Horses and more ->
KTOO Alaska’s Public Media: Alaskans we’ve lost to COVID: Elizabeth Ketah, family matriarch; Hazard maps and city code stall affordable housing project in Juneau; The Alaska Legislature’s Capitol complex in Juneau has grown to a fifth city block and more ->
Alaska Native News: Judge Sentences Anchorage Man to 65 Years in Prison; Denali Opens a Portion of the Southern 1980 Park Additions to Snowmobiling for Traditional Activities; This Day In Alaska History December 18th, 1971 and more ->
The Arctic Sounder: Kotzebue student wins scholarship, hopes to become game developer and more ->
KINY: Head-on collision on Parks Highway kills one and severely injures another and more ->
By Matt Goff, Sitka Nature: Sunday Birds and Sunset
By Matt Goff, Sitka Nature: Sculpted Snow and Comet Quest
By Matt Goff, Sitka Nature: Mountain Snow Illuminated
By Matt Goff, Sitka Nature: Short-eared Owl
Tess Williams, Anchorage Daily News, Alaska, Yahoo News: Anchorage man charged with second-degree murder 4 years after shooting
By Rhonda McBride, KTOO: Thursday, December 16th: Beyond the 50th anniversary of ANCSA.
Everyone wants to be the captain till there is captain stuff to do, F/V Southern Wind, St.Paul AK.