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Alaska Association for Historic Preservation shared a post to the group: Alaska history and you.
WHAT IS THE ALASKA ASSOCIATION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION (AAHP)? AAHP is a private, statewide, 501c3 non-profit corporation dedicated to the preservation of Alaska’s prehistoric and historic resources through education, promotion, and advocacy. To achieve this mission of historic preservation in Alaska, AAHP maintains several internal and external committees, programs, and partnerships overseen by a Board of Directors and managed by Corporation staff. AAHP adheres to the principle that preservation of the built environment provides a vital link and visible reminder of the past, emphasizing the continuity and diversity of Alaska.
BOARD OF DIRECTOR PROFILE: Nominees should be at least eighteen years of age, live in Alaska, and have experience in one or more of these areas: Alaska history, Historic preservation, Public education, Media and public relations experience, Financial or organizational management of nonprofit organizations, and Parliamentary procedures/Legal expertise
Members should have an interest, knowledge, or professional qualifications in the areas of historic preservation, historic rehabilitation, archaeology, anthropology, or Alaska history, and the ability to work well in a group. In addition, the AAHP Board looks for members who are willing to commit time and energy to committee work and who exhibit sensitivity in making constructive critical judgments. To help reflect the diversity of the state, the AAHP Board considers geographic representation, and cultural background when appointing advisors. In addition, the organization seeks balance among the professional groups encompassed by historic preservation, such as practitioners, administrators, and educators.
Members are welcome to nominate themselves to run for any of the positions. Members of the board of directors must be a member in good standing.
Please consult our website for the board packet. Packets can be found on the News/Events page. Nomination forms are due by October 1, 2022.