KTUU: Anchorage schools superintendent forecasts rough days ahead, promises improvements to student busing Jharrett Bryantt, in first year on the job, preaches safety on roads as families scramble to get kids to school and more ->
KTOO: To encourage more young fishermen, look to farm programs as models, new study argues and more ->
Alaska Native News: 23-Year-Old Matthew Davis Charged with Manslaughter/DUI Charges following Multiple Collisions on Sunday Morning; This Day in Alaska History August 20th, 1915, This Day In Alasksa History August 21st, 1914, This Day in Alaska History August 22nd, 1794 and more ->
The Arctic Sounder: Arctic microbes get closer look by Ilisagvik students thanks to research grant and more ->
KINY: Son of ex-Alaska lawmaker faces charges in father’s death; Juneau man arrested for allegedly assaulting cops, $350K warrant out of Montana and more ->
KFSK: Petersburg police write tickets to those ignoring garbage law and more ->
KRBD: Ketchikan welcomes new Coast Guard cutter Douglas Denman; Huna Totem shares vision for Prince of Wales Island’s first cruise ship port and more ->
KUCB: An international team of scientists maps out life in the deep Bering Sea and more->
By Nancy Lord, Book review: 2 new poetry collections lay the groundwork for reclaiming our humanity
Eat Your Words from Edible Alaska#35: Migrations—the fall issue is here.
Hey there,
With the frenzy of summer still upon us, you may not have had a chance to notice the days growing a little shorter—sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between a shorter day and a really cloudy and rainy one, right? Other signs of fall are more telltale, and we’re not talking about the fireweed or the you-know-what dust the other morning. We’re talking about things like the start of the school year and the arrival of our Fall issue.
Learn more ->
Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum Winter Lecture / Culture Share
by LAM Webmaster on August 22nd, 2022 in Sheldon Jackson Museum | Comments
For Immediate Release
August 22, 2022
Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum is seeking proposals for their Winter Lecture / Culture Share Series to be held on Zoom between November 2022 and March 2023. Speakers are invited to submit proposals for a 30-45 minute Zoom presentation, choosing one of the following six categories:
1) Talk on your art form or culture or relevant topic.
2) Traditional storytelling – share a traditional story or several stories.
3) Provide an art-making demonstration.
4) Teach a dance/song or several dances and songs.
5) Share an Alaska Native recipe and give a cooking demonstration to show how to make the dish.
6) Give a presentation on a topic connected to Alaska Native cultures or interests you have researched for higher education purposes, publications, professional interest, or for your work for tribes, villages or corporations. Presentations on sovereignty, boarding schools in Alaska, subsistence, language, TEK (traditional ecological knowledge), museum collections you have studied with Alaska Native material and artwork, etc. and more are welcome.
The deadline to apply is September 16.
The Zoom events will be open to the general public, recorded, and then placed on the Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum YouTube Channel. They may also be posted to Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum Facebook page and social media pages.
Speakers will need to have internet and computer access with sufficient bandwidth for Zoom. At the end of each event, the speaker will give a short Q&A with Zoom event attendees. If selected, speakers will need to provide a brief bio and a bio picture to help advertise the event. Speakers will be given a $100 honorarium from the Friends of Sheldon Jackson Museum for their participation. A test run Zoom to ensure sufficient connection quality will be done in advance of the event. If speakers are in Sitka at the time of the event/ reside in Sitka, they may do their presentation at the museum in-person and simultaneously on Zoom.
To apply, call (907) 747-8981 and request an application, or send an email to Jacqueline.Fernandez-Hamberg@Alaska.gov with the subject “Winter Lecture/Culture Share.” You will be sent a short form to fill out and submit.