Alaska News April 29-30, 2024

KTUU: Community reacts to weekend violence in Anchorage; Homeless residents prepare to leave Cuddy Park encampment ahead of imminent abatement; Hanna Norman has spring fever! Gardening, greenhouses & just letting it grow! Springtime in Alaska! and more ->


KTOO: ‘Mad scientist’: Haines luthier carves out top-quality guitars with local materials; Tongass Voices: Malin Babcock on a life intertwined with Juneau history; ‘These new works are going to dance’: Juneau event will showcase largest collection of new Ravenstail weaving in decades and more ->

KYUK: Bethel organizes 3rd annual MMIP March for Justice; Drone program takes off in Bethel with first round of federal funding and more ->


Alaska Native News: Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin helicopters retired after 36 years of service in Alaska; Indian Nations Agreement Signed with Washington State to Provide Indian Child Welfare Services; Senate Judiciary Committee Introduces Omnibus Crime Package; This Day In Alaska History April 29th, 1939; This Day in Alaskan History-April 30th, 1913 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Could Fairbanks help bring inventor’s pipe dream into reality? And more ->
KINY: Public input welcomed as Tongass begins revising 25-year-old forest plan; Alaska tribal health consortiums are legally immune in many cases, state Supreme Court says; and more ->


Resurrection Bay Historical Society
The next Thursdays: Our History program will feature a presentation by local historian Doug Capra on the book “The Alaskan” by Robert Lund. A novel about life in small-town Alaska in the 1930s, the author drew upon the time he spent working as a longshoreman in Seward for part of the tale. The program will start at 7 pm May 16 at the Seward Community Library & Museum. The event is open to the public.

KRBD: Man found dead beneath downtown dock; Metlakatla man indicted for assault, manslaughter in 2023 car crash and more ->


KUCB: Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska launches free food distribution program and more ->

Delta Wind: Unofficial word is that dual credit courses at DHS will increase in cost 500% and more ->


KMXT: Midday Reort and more ->
Beth Ann Matthews: Deep Waters
In this intimate story of relationship resilience, marine biologist Beth Mathews’s fulfilling life as a professor and mother in Alaska is upended when her healthy husband is slammed by a rare type of stroke. Jim’s radical approach to recovery clashes with Beth’s instinct to keep him safe at home and sets them on a collision course as he insists on ambitious sailing expeditions with Beth and their young son in Alaska’s magnificent, yet unforgiving, waters.

Saturday, 04 May, is Wildfire Community Preparedness Day. In honor of this day, the Anchorage Fire Department and the Office of Emergency Management encourages everyone to take a moment to focus on preventing wildfire and increasing personal preparedness. Click here to learn more about the Firewise Home Assessment Program, protecting your home, and burn permits:

Fire Department AFD Home Page (

Click here to learn more about increasing your personal preparedness.

Preparedness Emergency Preparedness (

In addition, the Municipality has an emergency alert notification system. Since you are receiving this email, you are already signed up to receive emergency alerts. Congratulations! Please encourage family, friends, co-workers, etc, to sign up. To receive emergency alerts via text, they should text “ANCHORAGE” to 67283 on their cell phones. If they would like to receive emergency alert notifications via text, voice, and/or email, they can register on the OEM website at the following link:

Emergency Management Office of Emergency Management (

Finally, as part of the Midsummer Night’s Science Series, the Campbell Creek Science Center will host an event called, “Fighting Fire in Alaska” on May 9th from 6 – 8 pm. This is a great opportunity to meet people who fight fires in Alaska, check out some of the equipment they use, and learn ways you can prevent wildland fires and make your home safer from wildfires. See attached flyer for more details or click on the following link:

Campbell Creek Science Center Activity Calendar | Bureau of Land Management (

Together, we can increase our preparedness for wildfires. Stay safe everyone!

Office of Emergency Management and the Anchorage Fire Department


Ian at KTOO: Another Press Club in the books and more ->


Audobon Alaska: The Interior Department Has Done Big Things for Alaska!

Craig Medred: Useen Salmon


Alaska Wildland Fire Information: State of Alaska Prepares for Annual Prescribed Burning Operations in Delta Junction, Fairbanks, and Mat-Su Areas

By Megan McDonald, Only In Alaska: You’ll Never Look At Donuts The Same Way After Trying Jason’s Donuts In Alaska
By Megan McDonald, Only In Your State Alaska: You’ll Barely Be Able To Take A Bite Of The Massive Burgers At The Butte Burger Place In Alaska
Ony In Your State Alaska: Why Are Glaciers Blue? What’s Alaska’s Largest Glacier? Glacier Hiking, And More!
Simple Living Alaska: Sawmill Shed Finishing Touches | Repairs, Log Oil & Cutting Spruce Siding
Simple Living Alaska: Spring Days in Alaska | Tanning a Caribou Hide