Alaska News November 08, 2017

How does Alaska or your state deal with this problem?
By CBS News: Taxpayers subsidize ‘hush money’ for sexual harassment and assault
By Austin Baird: The criminal justice reform bill is advancing. But what would it actually change?
Do you participate in Citizen Scientist programs?
By associated Press: Walking beaches, volunteers amass data on dead seabirds
Hundreds of volunteers comb stretches of beach from Mendocino, California, to Kotzebue, Alaska, each month looking for carcasses that have washed ashore. The citizen scientists are often the first to see when unusual numbers of birds have died.
By Rebecca Palsha: 10-cent gasoline tax passes Anchorage Assembly
“Motor fuel taxes should be imposed at the statewide level so that all users of the highway and road facilities pay the same rate as a user fee,” Aves Thompson with the Alaska Trucking Association said. “Our fear is that if the Anchorage assembly adopts this ordinance additional communities will impose similar local taxes creating a stove pipe taxation system throughout the state increasing the motor fuel tax at different rates for different areas making statewide operations more difficult.”
By Scott Gross: UAA piloting program awarded new call sign
By Patrick Moussignac: Meth makes a comeback, killing some Alaskans
By Lauren Maxwell: Biologists plan to put down 4 brown bears in Eagle River
Tweto Stars in New Reality Show
Watch: early morning aurora
Forgotten battlefield: The invasion of Alaska
By KTVA Web Staff: Aftermath of Dalton Highway avalanche caught on cam
By Carlos Faura: Aurora ‘high’ next few nights