Alaska News May 05-11, 2024

KTUU: Wasilla man charged with robbery after following woman home, stealing bingo money, troopers say Victim claims to have had around $750 in bingo winnings stolen in altercation at her home; Federal judge calls cruise ship stabbings off Alaska’s coast ‘violent’ & ‘unprovoked’ Judge, defense express concern over South African suspect’s mental health as prosecutors detail stabbing of 75-year old passenger & 2 ship employees; Proposed academies could change daily class schedule for Anchorage high schoolers and more ->

KTOO: This oil platform stopped pumping 30 years ago. Alaska still won’t make the owner tear it down. And more ->


KYUK: Gov. Dunleavy issues disaster declaration for 2024 spring floods and more ->

Alaska Native News: Paul James Jr. Sentenced to 104.5 Years for Sexual Assault and Other Convictions; Mountain goats live and die on the edge; Ancient DNA reveals genetic resilience of Pacific walruses; This Day in Alaskan History May 5th, 1898; This Day in Alaskan History-May 6th, 1908; This Day in Alaskan History-May 8th, 1916; This Day in Alaskan History-May 9th, 1907; This Day In Alaska History May 10th, 1957; This Day in Alaskan History-May 11th, 1852 and more ->

Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Defendant testifies in attempted murder trial; Alaska launches ‘One Pill Can Kill’ and more->

KINY: Sitka Police investigate death, no foul play suspected and more ->

KSTK: Master weaver, Holly Churchill, taught week-long workshop this spring; Wrangell residents have until May 20 to apply for FEMA disaster assistance; Microplastics in Wrangell’s harbors? High school students affirmed the findings and more ->


KFSK: Petersburg residents march in the rain for Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Awareness Day; Students practice budgeting at Financial Reality Fair and more ->

KRBD: Former Ketchikan volleyball coach convicted of assault, harassment against player; Ketchikan’s primary homeless shelter is stopping overnight service and more ->

KUCB: Alaska Wildlife Troopers dedicates patrol vessel to former Unalaska resident and fallen trooper; Unalaska Chief of Police discusses city’s dog ordinances; Unalaska City Council grants full funding to nonprofit organizations and health clinic and more ->

KMXT: Sun’aq Tribe staff get scuba certified to improve search efforts for invasive crayfish; Ouzinkie’s Spruce Island Farms testing kelp farming as a way to provide revenue and restore the environment and more ->


By John Skidmore, Alaska Beacon: Prosecuting crimes against Alaska Native people is at core of Department of Law work

Laurel Bill Author

I know this post is a bit different from what I usually share, but I am so proud of my fourth-generation Alaskan daughter that I could burst! We have been keeping this secret since she flew to Nashville this winter to compete in the PBS series The Great American Recipe that begins its next season (featuring her and other folks from all over the United States) on June 17. Kim is the FIRST Alaskan ever on the show. Mark your calendar and watch as she whips up recipes using moose, salmon, and other Alaska ingredients! Alaska Girl Eats
Go Kim Sherry!!!!!!



Kindle freebie 5/11/2024

Pearl: You are Cleared to Land Kindle Edition
by Deanna Edens (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

Have you ever heard of The Pearl of Alaska? How about The Hillbilly Eskimo? Do you know the name of the woman who received the Wright Brothers’ Master Pilot Award at the age of ninety-seven? Well, her name is Pearl and this is a story about her and her family and friends. To be more precise many of these stories are hers—authentic memories written by an amazing woman.

Pearl Bragg Laska Chamberlain was the first woman to fly her own plane from the Lower 48 up the Alaska Highway to Alaska. She worked as a flight instructor, bush pilot, cryptographer for the Pentagon, flew in five Powder Puff Derbies, and was also a WASP trainee and famous “99er.” Pearl was a member of the UFO’s (United Flying Octogenarians), and the mayor of Fairbanks actually declared a “Pearl Laska Chamberlain Day.” Pretty impressive, eh?

I am very excited to bring you this fabulous collection of “Braggin’ Rights” stories that begin in the early 1900s on Chestnut Mountain in Summers County, West Virginia. Tales about bootleggin’ and learning to fly in the Appalachians are followed by adventures to exotic places. Narratives about living in the polar region and escapades of an aviatrix are accompanied by heartfelt memories of real-life victories and the sorrows of a lifetime. So settle down into the cockpit, buckle your seatbelt and get ready for an astonishing and amazing flight.

GEO All Day: Why Criminals love this place ????

Simple Living Alaska: Breaking Ground on the New Garden | Starting Over from Scratch