Alaska News February 29, March 01-02, 2024

KTUU: ‘Healing and remembering’: Victim’s family responds to 56-year prison sentence for 2019 murder and more ->


KTOO: The 2024 Iditarod starts Saturday. Here’s what to know..; Legislation to address Alaska’s child care crisis moves to Senate after House approval and more ->

Alaska Native News: Anchorage Woman, Marque, Sentenced to 50 Years for Murder of Her 5-Year-Old Son; Officer Shoots Suspect Armed with Knife in Wasilla Wednesday; Navigability Fight Over Fortymile River Heads to Trial; Galena river energy project receives $9.5 million; This Day In Alaska History February 29th, 1916; This Day in Alaska History-March 1st, 1879; This Day in Alaska History-March 2nd, 1915 and more ->


Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Jury acquits 38-year-old of felony sex crimes and more ->

KINY: Empowering Generations: 2024 SEARHC’s ROAR Women’s Conference Unites Women Across Ages, Cultures and Industries and more ->

KFSK: L’xeis Diane Benson on acting and her work in True Detective and more ->

KUCB: End of geothermal project blamed on funding troubles, extended timelines and more ->
Delta Wind: ACADECA team brings home accolades and more ->


KMXT: Kodiak’s only resident veterinarian will leave, but a new vet arrives in June and more ->


Craig Medred: Pink problems
Craig Medred: Paper heroes

Book Trib: Life at the Edge of the World: 5 Unforgettable Alaskan Memoirs
By far the largest state in the US, yet the most sparsely populated. A land of rich natural resources and unforgiving conditions, at the extremity of North America and extending into the Arctic Circle. As beautiful as it is deadly, Alaska has become a destination for countless thrill-seekers, adventurers and nature lovers to test their mettle, and for others to simply call home. James Powell, USA Today: ‘Invest in your own people’: Lily Tuzroyluke is Alaska’s Women of Year honoree


By Emilie Springer, Homer News: Archaeologist gives author’s talk on recently released book on Aleutians

The Nome Static, March 2024 (Print Layout)