Alaska News August 23, 2022

KTUU: Laid-off paint store employees find new opportunity; Marine biologist perplexed by snow crab disappearance; Legal action threatened over voter-approved body cams Anchorage police didn’t buy; Mat-Su School Board to vote on ‘moment of silence’ board policy at next meeting and more->
KTOO: New dashboard warns Sitkans of landslide risk and more ->
KYUK: Private plane makes emergency landing on Ridgecrest Drive after running out of fuel and more ->
Alaska Native News: Southeast Woman Located on Prince of Wales after Two-Day Search; Arctic Guardians rescue injured ATV rider near Kahiltna Glacier; This Day in Alaska History August 23rd, 1914 and more ->
Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Adult male arrested after stabbing roommate Fairbanks Police Department and more ->
KINY: U.S. Army announces new Cold Weather All-Terrain Vehicle; JCF Individual Artists Award deadline approaching; Knik Arm Services gives up lease in Alaska’s Arctic refuge and more ->
Meatza Wagon: Kennicott, Alaska
By Megan Clark, Religion Unplugged: Orthodox Alaska Part 4: Will Blessed Olga Be The First Female Orthodox Saint Of North America?
Office of Gov. Mike Dunleavy: Governor Dunleavy Signs Purple Heart Trail, Military Spouse Hiring, and Alaska Coordinate System Bills
Craig Medred: Fear’s baggage
By Megan McDonald, Only In Your State Alaska: Climb The Flat Stone Stairs And Ogle Magnificent Old-Growth Giants On This Fairy Tale Trail In Alaska
By Catherine Armstrong, Only In Your State Alaska: The Award-Winning Donut Bakery In Alaska That’s Known For Its Old-Fashioned Ways