KTUU Alaska’s News Source: ‘This is really a moral imperative’: Gov. Mike Dunleavy unveils new public safety plan; Downtown Safety First program to end in the new year; Inside the Gates: Eagle River High School seeks Alaska’s first Purple Star for helping children of military families; Athlete of the Week: Service skier Meredith Schwartz; Anchorage Opera hosts Cars Under the Stars and more ->
KTOO Alaska’s Public Media: Anchorage mayor turned off fluoride in city water for about 5 hours; Seaweed and shellfish farming in Alaska could get a big boost from federal grant and more ->
KYUK Public Media for Alaska’s Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta: Rep. Tiffany Zulkosky urges legislature to recognize Alaska Native tribes in state statute and more ->
Alaska Native News: Congressman Young Introduces Legislation to Raise Awareness of Teen Dating Violence, Honor Young Alaskan Taken Too Soon; This Day In Alaska History December 15th, 1914 and more ->
KINY: Juneau man arrested for drug misconduct and more ->
KFSK: Petersburg gets nearly two feet of new snow sinking a boat and keeping borough workers busy through the week and more ->
By Ron Spomer, Outdoor Life: Four Rifles You Should Consider for Hunting Big Game in Alaska When you finally make that dream trip to Alaska to chase sheep, moose, or grizzlies, which rifle will you carry? We bet it will look something like one of these