KTUU: Missing and murdered indigenous women cold case office to open in Anchorage; UPDATE: Mat-Su schools to require masks this year for grades 3-12 and more ->
KTOO Public Media: In Haines, a race to harvest fruit before bears do; A big Mendenhall jökulhlaup could happen anytime, but scientists say it’s hard to know how big and more ->
Fairbanks News Webcenter 11: Fairbanks woman hits Law Enforcement Officer with four-wheeler and more ->
Our Third Thirds: Male Menace
So, for example, you can use Google maps to get directions that are the fastest, that use the least mileage; but can you get one that shows the “safest” route? Men don’t see it, don’t collect it, don’t care to make that information useful to women. It took women to create Safecity, which crowd-sources personal stories of sexual harassment in public spaces to create a map indicating trends at a local level, mostly in India, but around the world.
If you have been sexually harassed or abused in public spaces anywhere in the world, please share your story with us on this crowdmap. You can report anonymously in under 2 minutes.