on-line @ RAINN
Counseling & Assistance in a shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Services include crisis intervention, counseling, advocacy and support, legal advocacy, education/referrals for women and children.
Family Law Self Help Center
For more information about protective orders, call the Family Law Self Help Center at
907- 264-0851 (in Anchorage) or toll-free (866) 279-0851 (outside Anchorage but in Alaska).
Your communications with the staff are not confidential and the staff is available to help both parties.
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (ANDVSA)
ANDVSA Prevention Domestic Violence and Teen Dating
Communities & Programs
Sex Offender/Child Kidnapper Registration Central Registry
Search the Database
Abused Women Aid in Crisis AWAIC
24 hr Crisis Line: 907-272-0100
100 W. 13th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501
907-279-7244 Fax
Alaska dating and domestic violence prevention: Its Not Cool
Domestic Violence Advocate: 24/7 907-551-2034
Sexual Assault Advocate: 24/7 907-551-SARC
Women’s Shelter – Will provide transportation if needed.
Call for counseling: groups/classes/services available
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) 907-264-1408
STAR (Standing Together Against Rape)
Crisis Line: 1-800-478-8999
Information and counseling for sexual assault victims.
Megans Law
Parents for Megan’s Law and the Crime Victims Center (PFML/CVC) provides national Helpline community support and assistance on issues related to Megan’s Law, sex offender management and sexual assault prevention.
We are a New York State Certified Rape Crisis Center and are funded by the U.S. Justice Department to staff the National Megan’s Law Helpline to support the community when sex offender notifications are implemented and to provide appropriate law enforcement referrals when registrants are failing to comply with registration requirements or are in positions of trust which may pose a risk to public safety.
You can contact PFML/CVC trained staff who are available to support you and your community at:
1 (888) 275-7365.
We would also request that you link to our website ( to provide your community with up-to-date information regarding sex offender registration and notification laws and links to sex offender registries nationwide.
1057 West Fireweed Lane – Suite 101
Anchorage, AK 99503
Arctic Women In Crisis (AWIC)
Toll Free Crisis Line: 1-800-478-0267
Services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child and vulnerable adult abuse. Crisis intervention, one-to-one counseling, groups,legal and medical advocacy provided.
Emergency shelter in Barrow, volunteer Safe Homes in seven outlying villages (Atqasuk, Barter Island (Kaktovik), Nuiqsut, Point Hope, Point Lay, Anaktuvuk Pass and Wainwright.) Emergency one way transportation to Barrow.
NSB Health Emergency
Crisis Line 1-800-478-0267
Tribal Victim Assistance Program
Domestic Violence Intervention (DVIP)
Tundra Women’s Coalition
Crisis Line: 1-800- 478-7799
Tundra Women’s Coalition –Emergency shelter and crisis intervention for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in the YK Delta. Services include 24-hour crisis line, peer advocacy and support, community education, referrals, legal advocacy, women, children, and teen support groups, and parent education.
1-800-835-4044Advocates for Victims of Violence, Inc.
Crisis Line: 907-822-5525
Copper River Native Association
Cordova Family Resource Center
24 Hour Crisis Line 907-424-4357
Services provided are: Client Advocacy, 24 hour HelpLine, Safe Homes, Transport to shelters outside of Cordova, Child Advocacy, Educational Workshops, Crisis Intervention, Lending Library, Referrals to other agencies, SART, and Parenting Skills.
Safe and Fear Free Environment, Inc. S.A.F.E
Crisis Line 1-800-478-2316
Services include: support groups for free childcare while the adults are attending aftercare, teen nights, women’s support craft night, sister support group for battered women coping with substance abuse and teen parenting. S.A.F.E. has a licensed clinical counselor. They do advocacy, provide transportation and have a receiving home.
Office Phone: 907-842-2320
Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living (IAC)
24 hour confidential support by phone: 907- 452-2293 or 1(800) 478-7273
Victim Advocate: 353-4202
24/7 Hotline: 388-4203
Aid to Women in Abuse and Rape Crisis (AWARE)
Crisis Line: 586 – 1090
Toll Free Crisis Line: 1-800-478-1090
Call for counseling/groups/classes/services available.
South Penninsula Haven House
Crisis Line: 1-800-478-7712
South Peninsula Haven House provides domestic violence/sexual assault advocacy, shelter, education and outreach to the southern Kenai Peninsula from Ninilchik to Homer and communities across Kachemak Bay. Our service area includes Ninilchik, Anchor Point, Happy Valley, Homer , Kachemak City, Fritz Creek, Miller’s Landing, Diamond Ridge, Fox River, and the Russian Old Believer Villages of Nikolaevsk, Kachemak Selo, and Voznesenka. The SPHH service area also includes the Native Villages of Seldovia, Port Graham and Nanwalek.
Email us: SPHH
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART): 235-0287
Leeshore Center:907-283-9479
24 hour crisis line: 907-283-7257
The Leeshore center is a 32-bed emergency shelter.
The LeeShore Center Mission Statement
To provide a safe haven for women and children who are victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault while promoting a safe, healthy, violence free community: by treating all people with respect, while empowering and supporting women; by creating an educated and aware public; by promoting healthy families; and by striving to eliminate domestic abuse, sexual assault, and associated societal oppression.
Women in Safe Homes – W.I.S.H. Crisis Line
225-WISH (9474) or 1-800-478-9474
Children’s Program, Family Services, Education Department, Legal Advocacy W.I.S.H. Family Services
Ketchikan Indian Community
228-4900 or 1-800-252-5158
I.C.W.A. provider, Youths Groups, Culture Camp. Counseling in Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence
2960 Tongass Ave.
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Ketchikan Indian Community
CCTHITA – Saxman Social Services
225-2518, Fax 247-2504
Social Services/ Indian Child Welfare Act
Saxman City Hall
Rt. 2 Box 2
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Kodiak Women’s Resource & Crisis Center ( KWRCC)
Crisis Line: 486-3625 (KWRCC accepts collect calls from Kodiak Island Villages), Please call: 486-6171
KWRCC provides resources and crisis services to the community, as well as a shelter for women and their children who are victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
The Children’s Place
357-5157; Fax 357 -5159
A child-friendly, neutral facility where professionals from many agencies involved in the evaluation, investigation and treatment of child abuse meet to coordinate and bring their services to the child and their families.
Alaska Family Services – (Domestic Violence)
746-4080 and 376-4000
(Alaska Family Services is the combined services of the former Family Resource Center with the services offered by the former Mat-Su Recovery Center.)
Help with Child Care Assistance, WIC Program, Family Violence Intervention Program, Child Care Food Program, Family Support Services, Services to Young Pregnant Women. Also serves youth, women and men for substance abuse and related problems.
Bering Sea Women’s Group (Nome)
443-5491; Fax: 443-3748
Provides shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence; crisis telephone; community education about domestic violence and sexual assault; village outreach and education; supervision of safe homes in villages.
P.O. Box 1596
Nome, AK 99762
SART (Sexual Assault Response Team)
443-3311 at Norton Sound Regional Hospital.
The team attempts to be the assessment team for any victim regionally of sexual abuse/assault.
Kawerak Children & Family Services
1-800-478-5153 Fax: 443-4457
Local ICWA Tribal Family Coordinator in Brevig Mission, Golovin, Mary’s Igloo & Teller, Shishmaref, Wales, King Island, White Mountain, Elim, Koyuk, Shaktoolik, Stebbins, St. Michael, Unalakleet.
Kawerak Child Advocacy Center
443-4376, Fax 443-4474
Front St. Old Federal Bldg.
P. O. Box 948
Nome, Ak 99762
W.A.V.E. Women’s Aid in Violent Emergencies
907-518 – 0555, 1-800-478-9474
Regional shelter (in Ketchikan) for victims of domestic violence and
sexual assault and their children.
W.I.S.H has a children’s advocate to work with children who are victims of sexual, physical and emotional abuse. They provide both individual counseling and groups for children.
Tlingit-Haida Central Council Social Services
772-3636, 1-800-344-1432
For Tribal Members
Safe Home: 1-800-478-9474
St. Paul Island
The Aleut Community of St. Paul Tribal Government’s Health & Human Services Department incorporates the Rural Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Program (RDV/SA Program). The RDV/SA Program provides community education & outreach, plus advocacy for victims experiencing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault & services for children experiencing domestic violence.
The RDV/SA Program collaborates with appropriate entities in the community through the Strategic Planning Advisory Board (SPAB) and Sexual Assault Response Team (SART). A “safe house” is also included in the program, the Parker House, which is a facility used to provide safety for women & children (if any) who have experienced victimization of domestic violence, sexual assault, or any other related acts of violence.
For questions related to the Tribal Government of St. Paul Rural Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Program, please contact:
Katiana Bourdukofsky,
Tribal Government RDV/SA Program Coordinator
Phone: 907-546-3222
Fax: 907-546-3254
Po Box 86
St. Paul Island, AK 99660
Sophia Zacharof,
Sexual Assault Advocate
Phone: 907-546-3224
Olga Krukoff,
Rural Domestic Violence & Child Victimization Advocate
SeaView Community Services:
1-888-224-5257 or 224-5257
Sitkans Against Family Violence (SAFV)
Crisis Line: 1-800-478-5511, 747-6511
Women’s shelter – Call for counseling/groups/classes/services available
SART: Sexual Assault Response Team: 714-4547
Unalaskans Against Sexual Assault & Family Violence (USAFV)
USAFV 24-Hour Crisis Line: 1- 800-478-7238 or 581-1500
Advocates for Victims of Violence
Crisis Line: 835-2999
Regional shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and their children.
Other Statewide and National Resources:
Careline Hotline 24/7 1-877-266-4357
Violent Crimes Compensation Board
1-800-764-3040 or 1-907- 465-3040
The VCCB can provied money for couseling for victims and their families, transportation to safety, medical costs, lost wages, and other needed services for eligible victims and their families.(The Board does not pay for loss or damage to personal property or pain and suffering)
The Alaska Office of Victims Rights (OVR)
The OVR is an agency of the Alaska Legislature that provides free legal services to victims of crime to help them obtain the rights they are guaranteed under Alaska’s constitution and statutes with regard to their contacts with police, prosecutors, judges, and other criminal justice agencies in this state. The OVR also advances and protects those victims’ rights in court when necessary and authorized by law.
Safety Alert: computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are in danger, use a safer computer, call your local hotline, or the National Domestic Violence Hotline at
Abuse hotline: 1-800-478-444 or 911
If you suspect a child is abused or neglected call.
A child’s safety may depend on you.
State of Alaska, Children’s Justice
Children’s Just Act Task Force
If your children, or you suspect a child is being abused RID Alaska of Child Abuse is a statewide resource to use.
Go to RID Alaska of Child Abuse, hit local services then click on the nearest town to your home to find the resources in your area.
Below are listed the child advocacy centers across our state:
Alaska CARES:
907/561-8301 or 1-877-561-8301
Alaska CARES (Child Abuse Response & Evaluation Services) is a Children’s dvocacy Center, established to make sure that children are not re-traumatized by the systems designed to help them. At our facility, the child remains the primary focus. Professionals from a variety of agencies come together at our facility to ensure a seamless and comprehensive evaluation and response to reports of child physical and sexual abuse. Children are referred to Alaska CARES through the police, the Office of Children’s Services, or medical or mental health practitioners.
YK Delta Children’s Advocacy Center
Business Line: 907/543-3144 or 1-888-543-3144
The YK Delta Children’s Advocacy Center is a child-focused place where child victims, non-offending caregivers, and multidisciplinary professionals meet to conduct interviews, examinations, discussions, and make decisions about investigation, treatment and prosecution of child sexual abuse cases. Children and non-offending family members receive intervention, support, and follow-up services through this program.
S.A.F.E. Southeast Alaska Family Evaluations:
The S.A.F.E. Child Advocacy Center is a child focused, protected place where child victims, non-offending adults and family members, and multidisciplinary professionals meet to conduct interviews, examinations, discussions, and make decisions about investigation, treatment and prosecution of child abuse cases.
The Children’s Place:
907/357-5157 (phone) 907/357-5159 (fax)
A child-friendly, neutral facility where professionals from many agencies involved in the evaluation, investigation and treatment of child abuse meet to coordinate and bring their services to the child and their families.
Kawerak Child Advocacy Center:

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From our website, you can visit other websites by following hyperlinks to these sites. AWN strives to provide links to useful and ethical websites, we have no control over the content and nature of these sites and the links to other websites do not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites.